Will male alienation ever be addressed?

will male alienation ever be addressed?

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No they'd rather address women's minuscule problems. Seriously if you live in the west as a women you're one of the most privileged groups on earth

It's literally talked about so much. All people talk about is 'disaffected white men' who feel 'alienated from society'.

they literally live on ez mode

It's only natural for about 80% of the male gorillas to be left wandering in the forest

It just feels so unbelievable. Throughout history we have been forced into conscription, expected to serve the most dangerous jobs, and have gotten very little sympathy. We're just completely disposable and expected to be willing man up and do whatever is asked. And now we're constantly hounded for existing and told we came into life with inherent privilege. This is simply anecdotal but in my experience every woman is given inherent social value. We are told that women are wonderful and that they represent what is pure in the world. People care exponentially more about a lonely woman than they do a lonely man. People don't care about us. I know nothing will change me being a man and I ought to just suck it up but it's hard.

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Only when one of them shoots up a school. Otherwise nobody cares.

>drop out and live off grid
>be alienated

>remain with le society
>be alienated and enslaved

Maybe its part of being a male, you know what to do.

>Gillette makes an ad generalizing men and telling them to be better
>Major politicans and people within your own family complain about male fragility and tell you to just be better
>wtf men need to talk about their emotions more and stop being so toxic

Men exist to toil. We are disposable. Women are so valuable that even despite their utter lack of mental ability their political causes like feminism are allowed to shameless grab more privilege for women without question.

Not really. There is movie after movie, book after book about it. You constantly see articles about these disaffected men, about the male suicide rate etc. There's a lot of media about it/incels that is highly sympathetic and charitable that portrays them as just men who don't have a purpose, who are alienated. People always try and put forward changes in perception and society to 'address' it. It gets so much more mainstream attention than most other issues. (White) Men literally have a complete monopoly on public discourse about alienation, loneliness, and suicide ad still think it's 'never been addressed'. It's completely ignored for most other groups or women (because a stranger might agree to sleep with you so you don't have any problems and should be lucky).

kek not taking that b8

Not by someone else, no.
It's always instructive to watch for how often the fix for any male or female problem is for men to do more and be better. Whenever you're looking at rhetoric or advertising or listening to speeches or watching videos or listening to podcasts, ask yourself: is this just telling men to do more and be better in order to solve their problems and the problems of others?

This person browses Zig Forums too much. The real world is quite different, and in the occasion that some alienation media bubbles up there, the mainstream response is always spite. It'd be different if the response to such movies/books/etc were to make material changes to the world, but instead we get performative blog posts at best: and mostly it's just naked revulsion.

Which is fine by me. I expect nothing less.

The real world isn't different. I'm not talking about Zig Forums at all. It isn't usually met with spite, people are much more sympathetic to this issue than most other social issues. Even if you feel like there isn't enough material change (which I agree with) it's not like there is for other groups, who aren't even acknowledged most of the time.

>It's completely ignored for most other groups or women (because a stranger might agree to sleep with you so you don't have any problems and should be lucky).
It's not just sex. Look at the male homelessness rates compared to women. Women are more to be accepted by their families in times of need and are given much more sympathy when they are desperate and in need of help. You see this in almost every facet of society. Over 90% of domestic abuse shelters don't accept men because seeing a man "reminds women of trauma". Men are nearly half of domestic abuse victims but no one cares or at least they don't care nearly as much as they care about a woman in the same situation. Brest cancer gets the vast majority of cancer charity (I can't remember the exact figure but it's very high) but men are more like likely to die from cancer.

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No neurotypicals can be alienated.

It can be hard to accept the truth, but this is simply the reality of the world. The "women and children first" policies (that still exist across the world) are literal examples of men being told directly that their life doesn't matter as much as a woman's.

What does that have to do with the topic that was being discussed (isolation), I agree that men are exploited in this way.

We aren't talking about homelessness or cancer etc. I'm talking specifically about the issues of isolation. Most of the people complaining about that are not, have never been and will never be homeless.

And again, this is irrelevant to the topic but women started and run most of these domestic abuse shelters, that needed to exist because of male violence. No one is stopping men starting these shelters. I agree men should have shelters and agree that men should be able to be viewed as victims but it isn't women's fault that they aren't and this also isn't what the OP was about.

It's biological since men chase after women. This type of behavior exists in nature with wild animals.

>It isn't usually met with spite,
We had that Joker movie come out fairly recently and look at what the response to that was. And that was a comic book movie.

You are talking about Zig Forums. You live in this bubble where people are abnormally sympathetic to these issues, and you've started to think that the tumblrite compassionate view is the actual "alt" to the mainstream. Fact is, every corporation in America has diversity seminars and female empowerment is emblazoned on every ad across the world, while mentioning MRA even here is enough to get fedora memes spammed at you. Whether we're looking at substantive policy or just popular sympathy, there is more for the woman than the man. But it is your desire for it to be opposite day, as to be victimized is to be holy. Which I do not agree with. I don't want to keep your victim trophy, I just want to take it away from you.

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>men should be able to be viewed as victims but it isn't women's fault that they aren't
so what you're saying is men just need to...be better? do you truly believe women hold no agency or responsibility regarding this issue and enforcing this stigma around male victims? do you think men are the only ones who enforce gender roles/expectations?

>All people talk about is 'disaffected white men' who feel 'alienated from society'.

you left out the last part : "for the purpose of mocking them"

The reception was negative before the movie even came out because a bunch of Zig Forums weirdos made memes about it and the mainstream media responded by acting as if it was a terror threat, it wasn't criticised for portraying an alienated man and was received very positively on it's release. Can you name a recent move about female alienation?

No that's not what I'm saying? Where are you reading that from what I said? I don't think men are the only ones who enforce it I think both genders do, but ultimately this idea stems from patriarchy which is not a female invention and ultimately serves to exploit both men and women. Again, male domestic violence victims isn't really related to loneliness which is what I was talking about.

Weren't there literally theaters banning single white guys from seeing it?

Men's problems may be in media and talked about but no real action is being take to address them.
It's all just talk.

>but ultimately this idea stems from patriarchy which is not a female invention
"Patriarchy", a system that implies inherent privilege to men, has led to men having a life expectancy and quality of life that is significantly worse than women. How exactly do we live in a patriarchy? And there you go again treating women like children with zero agency? Do you really think that women, who throughout human history has made up half of the population, had nothing to do with the invention of "patriarchy"? This is a very disingenuous and willfully ignorant belief. Sorry if I'm coming off as rude, I just get really upset when people make this claim.

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I think some action has been taken but yeah like I've said I agree that it's not enough, but that's still more than most groups have had who aren't even acknowledged.

Society gives zero shit about lonely men of any color unless they commit some type of crime. At most they'll just spout that you're supposed to support feminism or some other horseshit like that's somehow going to improve anything.

Society gives zero shit about most people. It's a fact that the idea of 'lonely disaffected white men' is given much more time, attention and sympathy than issues isolation in other communities or faced by women.

Women have a whole fucking movement in feminism to back them. Same with LGBT and minority groups. If someone said they wanted to start a movement to help lonely disaffected white men they wouldn't survive a week without the mainstream media tearing their reputation to shreds for supposedly being racist and sexist.

it's the price we have to pay for having logical thought and a sense of humanity

Not while feminism is around. They want men under their foot. You being alienated is a good thing for them. Feminism itself is just one of the many useful tools for the jewish grand scheme in order dissolve the western nations and erase us from existance. History and body.