Why don't you just get yourself a racist, white trash gf from the deep south, user?
Bonus points if you're not white.
Why don't you just get yourself a racist, white trash gf from the deep south, user?
Bonus points if you're not white.
Im really into this idea, please convince me why I shouldnt do it, im white btw
Because they unironically prefer niggers
If you're trailer park Chad, go for it.
Lol these girls fuck blacks the most
Because I live on the other side of the planet.
How do you get a girl like this as a sperg nigga?
I want to bring her into my condo in the city and treat her like a kween.
t. chang pinling
They will probably give you the best sloppy blowjob known to mankind
okay chiang
I wish. You can omit the white trash and deep south if you want too, those are just optional extras.
>t. Never been around these subhumans
You'll be hard pressed to find any open racists in the blackest region of the United States these days. There's so many fucking niggers here that it's the leading reason this place has such a low GPA.
t. chang pianling
even trailer trash has standards
I've always dreamt of finding a girl like this, one who feels out of place in her present situation and yearns for something better, and show her a better life.
I'm from a similar background myself, but in a different country, and I became relatively successful by those standards.
The problem is these women never want anything better, sure they may want more money, but they have no desire to leave behind the crass, classless culture that has permeated every facet of their being.
>these days
it was always where all the niggers were you fucking moron, those were all slave states
niggers migrated to cities in the early 20th century for factory jobs and all those excess jobs began drying up in the 1950s
>self loathing faggot
>>self loathing faggot
I'm still very much working class, but we can be better than this shitty culture that has been forced on us.
She'd have her brother's lynch me, or beat me to death if she saw my Spic ass trying to hit on her.
Because they don't like nonwhites, least of all pakis like me.
You misunderstood my point entirely. Back then, you could scream "fuck niggers" at the top of your lungs and get away scott free. Blacks were kept in check.
These days, they're not. Atlanta and Nashville were fucking burned down again because the niggers are uppity.
So nobody's gonna be openly racist now that the nogs are loose.
>you could scream "fuck niggers" at the top of your lungs and get away scott free
why are you screaming obscenities like a teenager or drunk retard?
>Atlanta and Nashville
shithole cities
there was a girl I knew in elementary school and middleschool who would obsessively try to get boys she liked into fights or beat up
I gotta warn you boys, many of these such women have one life plan. That plan is to get pregnant by the most decent guy they can. The bucks will start rolling in from uncle sam with a food card, free or reduced housing, medical access, all that. Anything she can get from the baby daddy is icing on the cake.
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that, as long as she would try to be a good mother.
I want a family.
Do you have a mental problem that disables you from understanding my posts or are you just pedantic?
So basically I should buy a Camaro
As a non burger, why should I settle for one of the dregs of your society?
There's nothing wrong with wanting to be a mother, but for some of these women, having a kid is just a ticket to government gibs so they won't have to work. But, there aren't many opportunities where they are so it's not entirely their fault.
I don't consider it a problem for a woman to not want to work.
He's right though
Sounds to me like he's just not particularly racist, user. Is that truly an alien concept to you?
I live in a white trash town and white trash doesn't ever look like this. Less curves more sunken in eyes and meth skin.
Do you also have a mental disability? Do you need help?