A twitch streamer by the name Ohlana has suicided
A twitch streamer by the name Ohlana has suicided
if a whore getting paid millions per year to giggle into a microphone is too difficult then she should definitely kill herself.
Im glad shes dead, Reckful too the weak cunt
gee, its almost like internet culture is fucking poison.
all of you depressed retards, get off the computer and go for a walk once in awhile. see if you can clear your head of the toxic cloud the internet has put there.
It is so sad that cute girls choose to kill themselves rather than being my gfs
Absolute chad/based
a depressed gf would drain the life out of you
people from first world countries be like
>not feeling good today, i think im going to kill myself
Maybe.... But it's not like my life isn't being drained even without a gf
unironically this
Suicide is a priviledge of the developed world.
it's because we are not evolved to exist in this modern way
our minds are flipping shit and imploding because of the cyber lifestyle
Foids would literally sooner fuck dogs and kill themselves than give an incel a chance.
based. I think people should have a right to kill themselves if they so choose, but you're still a weak faggot if you do. Not to mention she was living life on easy mode. "Hey what do you do for money?" "Oh I just let guys look at my face on twitch."
That's harsh but based regardless.
origi based 2x
fuck chongs an jews
I literally don't care though. I'm only replying because I'm a faggot
I bet you feel really happy after getting a positive reaction
rot in hell you stupid meat eating whore. animal abusing cunt. you and reckful
*commits suicide*
rot in hell, and thank you for ridding the world of your animal abusing ways and making it a better place
its funny, because if she ate dogs, you would all wish death on her, but if she ate pigs, you cry like she is an innocent angel. the amount of hypocrisy from meat eaters is unreal
I wish every Twitch streamer would kill one vegan and then kill themselves. And stream both the murder and the suicide.
>I wish every Twitch streamer would kill one vegan and then kill themselves
why do you hate vegans?
vegans are just people who dont pay for animals to be tortured and killed for their pleasure. they dont pay for animals to be bred into existence, suffer their entire life, and be killed at a small fraction of their natural life, all for their pleasure
you want to kill people who dont abuse animals?
I think eating both is perfectly fine, and to make you go apeshit, I'm gonna go eat a bacon sandwich right now
meat is so shit, why do people eat so much of it? for example you can use red lentils for your curry and bolognese instead and it will taste 100 times better
This is either a shitty bait, or you're actually vegan which makes you autistic by default.
Animals eat animals by nature, humans are animals. I legitimally feel sorry that you chose to show everyone in this thread just how fucking retarded you are.
>why do you hate vegans?
>rot in hell, and thank you for ridding the world of your animal abusing ways and making it a better place
I just think that if you died and Twitch streamers died it would make the world a better place. You have your ideas of what would make the world a better place, and so do I.
>you want to kill people who dont abuse animals?
I clearly said that I want Twitch streamers to kill them.
It's almost like people have different tastes for things they like and dislike. Fucking fancy that?
>Animals eat animals by nature, humans are animals
humans have moral agency and animals dont. animals dont understand the concept of right and wrong, they are too stupid too
not to mention, animals kill eachother to survive, they dont have a choice you do
are you saying that since animals kill eachother in nature, its okay for humans to kill eachother, because "animals do it tho, and humans are animals"?
She was an excellent streamer, twitch won't be the same without her.
it's the logical conclusion to life, non-existence is free of suffering for that reason alone it's an objectively better state
I bet you feel really happy after climbing that moral pedestal
Animals kill each other to survive or for sustenance. If you are in danger from a living thing, you kill it. If you need to eat, you eat according to what you like. Moral agency doesn't need to play a role in it.
>brown eyes
into the trash it goes, bitch
>If you are in danger from a living thing, you kill it
sure, but you are not in danger. you are not in a life-or-death survival situation on some island, trying to stay alive
you are some priveleged obese fuck with internet, cars, electricity, iphones, netflix, supermarkets, doordash and pornhub
you have OPTIONS. you dont need to kill for survival, unlike animals
and you dont need to eat meat to be healthy. humans can be perfectly healthy on a vegan diet alone
Bruhhhhh wtf is with all these Twitch fuckers? There have been guys and girls either getting raped or getting accused of rape, and now they're just killing themselves. Is being a Twitch streamer really that stressful? I would imagine it would be easier than becoming a Youtuber.
>live in ez mode
>fail at it
>humans have moral agency and animals dont. animals dont understand the concept of right and wrong, they are too stupid too
This line of argument is all the proof needed to demonstrate that vegans hate capital-L life. Life itself.
This argument directly claims that the fundamental nature of all animal life is evil, and the only reason they refrain from assigning blame to animals for that evil is because they aren't sentient.
This is monstrous and absurd. A tiger wouldn't suddenly be transformed into an evil entity if it gained sentience. A tiger's nature is to eat meat; by any sane "tiger morality", the good is to hunt well and to kill antelope well and to eat them well. This would not change ONE IOTA if tigers suddenly became sentient. Tigers don't owe antelope FUCKING ANYTHING.
And humans don't, either.
but how did she become an hero? pills? gun? hanging?