>calories in calories out. that's the only way to lose weight
Calories in calories out. that's the only way to lose weight
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I fucking hate people thats like:
"I drink carrot juice because it makes muh eyes better and I eat 4 diffrent fruits so I can get healthy I dont care if I hate everything I eat in my life"
Do you believe in the law of thermodynamics?
>I dont care if I hate everything I eat in my life
Imagine hating carrots and fruit. I mean yes, that could actually be a problem if youre still 8 years old lol
if you want to lose weight just stop fucking eating fatass
>I eat 4 diffrent fruits so I can get healthy
fruit is delicious you fucking queer
>metabolism never changes
>all energy is processed the same
no im not saying muh genetics faggot, theres a reason many recommend keto and fasting over CICO
It's hilarious because 'eating carrots for better eyesight' is a stupid wartime fable
stop eating so fucking much you dummy
I mean, it's fundamentally true. Doesn't mean you should eat 2000 calories of junk each day or whatever
I cant stop eating. When I dont eat I turn into amindless berserk animal. You would geniunely need to tie me to the bed to stop me putting food in my mouth.
did you grow up in poverty or something or what made you like this?
>theres a reason many recommend keto and fasting over CICO
Both of these are just dieting methods to perform CICO that don't make you feel as hungry. Burn more energy than you consume is a universal rule.
Yeah, the reason is keto is incredibly restrictive and the few things you can reliably eat on the diet are very satiating. Pretty easy to not overeat when you don't feel hungry and can only eat boring garbage. It works, it just fucking sucks.
No I grew up a woman with constant hormonal leaps most commonly called menstruation and not enough self-hatred
I dont binge tho, I just eat small stuff throughout the whole day. Like I eat domething every 45 minutes.
>Burn more energy than you consume is a universal rule.
of course, but you know exactly what i meant by regular CICO here. "just eat less of everything bro". when you could eat less and feel much better with those dieting methods. my point is blind "CICO" which is what people mean by "eat less bro" is retarded and inefficient even if it ultimately works too. im also almost sure CICO done wrong can hurt and slow down your metabolism, but i guess you can say the same about keto or fasting done wrong
slow down your metabolism which makes losing weight even harder, so its not so good advice
have you ever considered taking up swimming as a physical activity?
Oh, calorie restriction. Yes, it works for some people but not everyone. It depends on the kind of person you are. If you are the kind of person who cannot give up your favorite foods it is the better method, if you are the kind of person who cannot handle hunger panes it is a worse method. You are basically choosing between hunger panes or eliminating certain foods completely on your weight loss journey.
YES. my bet is you're a fat little twat and blame it on people lying to you. It's fucking physics if you spend more calories than you ingest you will burn your fat reserves to compensate for that energy, this is primary school content
Hey guys I found a photo of OP.
I mean I guess you could start severing limbs to lose weight but apart from that, yes. Literally the only way to lose weight is by expending more energy than you take in.
Surprised you made this post without typos OP, given that fat fingers typed it
I was actually a swimming champion in my school, and it didnt help shit, I was still fatter than the majority in my class.
I wouldnt do it now, because I have long thick hair, and drying them is a pain in the ass. And cant wear leak-proof caps cause they rip on my head lol.
Unless you've got a particle collider tucked between your fat rolls, of course it is.
You lose ounces at the gym, pounds in the kitchen. Exercise is good and all, but unless you're training extremely intensely, it doesn't hold a candle to diet in regards to weight loss.
Well yeah, thats why I dont do it obviously.
I do zero exercise apart from long walks. If I only eat around 1000 cals a day I can lose a pound and a bit a week
stop making excuses cunt, jump rope, do bodyweight exercises and or lift.
It literally is though, unless you're a noob and start working out heavy
Why do you deny this simple fact that has been proven time and time again?
why do fats make every possible excuse instead of actually eating a healthy amount of decent food?