Test your aiming speed Zig Forums


This has you shoot 30 targets and checks how long it takes you to get each one on average i believe.

Here's my best one.

Also post your age and sex since it effects how good your score actually is. A 18 year old kid has an easier time doing better than someone in their 30's or 40's.

30 male.

Attached: aimtrainerr.jpg (1100x538, 39.78K)

Just beat my old score. Going to post this one instead. Im OP, 30 male.

Attached: bestaimyet.png (544x500, 15.61K)

22 f

no bolly

Attached: Untitled.png (319x316, 9.99K)

I'll bully you in an FPS game.

tfw no robot bf to dominate me in fps games

>girls actually playing FPS
You type lies.

20, male.
I'm legitimately mad your score is so much better than mine, what sort of phenom are you?

Attached: Capture.png (356x478, 12.83K)

I never said I'm good at them..

I put 2500-3000 hours into a game called Destiny 2 these past 3 years. Probably helped. I'm not a god tier player, but I'm probably in the top 5-10% or so if you count my current stats the past few months, not the life time average. I sucked for a while but got good with practice. I guess I have fast reflexes too, I wonder how fast I was at your age, I never played FPS much or took a test like this.

What platform do you play on? Console or PC?

I only have a pc
never had a console

That's good, consoles have shitty FPS and latency. I only have a switch for console so i can play when outside if i want, or play mario kart. Have a nice gaming rig I do 90% of my gaming on.

What are the specs of your rig?

I don't think it deserves being called a 'rig'.
What PC games do you play?

This is with macbook trackpad.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-07-08 at 5.20.07 PM.png (550x660, 52.47K)

See you virgins later

Attached: virgins.png (847x446, 19.55K)

Destiny 2 for multiplayer with friends. Witcher 3 for single player, or doom eternal. I have like 90+ games on steam and blizzard combined though. Have played many through out the years. How about you?



Attached: unknown (5).png (249x320, 17.94K)

I am soooooooooo original haha

Attached: virgins2.png (1245x435, 32.66K)

That's gayer than gay sex.

>tfw no femanon with slow reaction times to carry in fps games

Attached: aim.png (280x345, 11.69K)

Good score man. How old are you?

And what games do you play? I got the 322, im 30.

25f, just started playing csgo and failing miserably of course

Attached: sdfdsfdsf.png (507x612, 21.54K)

i'm 18 and i don't really play fps much, got into valorant for a couple of weeks and then stopped. i'd play again if i had someone cool to play with

Feels bad getting older. Im getting slower and dumber with age.

you should exercise your body and mind more

Skill in this doesn't translate to aim in fps. I use a completely different sensitivity and dpi.

Change the DPI to match what you use in games. that's what i did. Adjust for in game sensitivity mulitplyer. not too hard. I didnt get it perfect but whatever.

This is h*ckin IMPOSSIBLE for me due to the nature of my set up I only have a thumb trackball mouse (pic related) and a small drawing tablet of which neither are optimal for this test and so my scores are god damn awful (28 seconds for my weird mouse and 15 seconds for my tiny drawing tablet).

Attached: microsoft-trackball-optical-featured-scalia-blog-default.jpg (540x390, 31.59K)

Will post a better time soon.
22 male

Attached: Capture.png (590x497, 15.43K)

Returned to this after a while and managed to get this score. Spamclicking and having the targets line up with each other made it much quicker.

Forgot to attach file.

Attached: par.png (1746x918, 61.67K)

Tried like 8 times, my results are constant so it's definitely my average. 590~610.

Attached: not a fps player.jpg (1355x652, 67.72K)

40y btw