Ya im drunk and high ama

ya im drunk and high ama

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What you high on, just weed? Im on codeine now

edibles and vodka

I respect ya for not fucking around and using vodka

How do you feel about cute 2D females?

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If you are high, can you do a headstand?

dont know what u mean by fucking around lol

superior to 3d
but that girl is a hoe
i can try but since im drunk probaably not

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I mean like drinking bears or wine, vodka just hits you straight in the face. thats how i see the difference in alcohols

Do you play DnD, user?

How is Grindr tonight? Any good bottoms or traps?

i feel vodka all over
warm and nice
never played it

When do you think you will become a alcoholic or a prison gay boi

i dont use grinder

God I wish I felt vodka all over

i can choose to be an alcoholic if i was suicidal but usually i go on breaks that last months

How often do you get drunk and high?

remember to drink a lot of water b4 going to sleep if its night at your place too, so you wont face hangover

binging everyday for a week now probably until the 14th
i ran out of water rippy

>ya im drunk and high ama

Measure your shlong and draw it on paper post

uhhh thats too sensual bro youre a fagot

Should I lay in bed and smoke weed and eat chips

also that's not a question ama
do it

How is this sensual just trace your dick on paper

shut up whore faggot my dick is for special eyes only ama

What your own eyes you fucking cuck, post the picture faggot

Want to fap with the robros on discord m8

ur the cuck being a whore don't ama you're cringe

cringe the answer is no

what makes wet dry world underrated

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got a nice lonely vibe and its epic and secret town = epic

What exactly makes a penis feminine?

You have a boiclit you little faggot pussy go get TOPPED

How is it cringe you missed out on bonding and playing Stardew Valley with 3 others

u are gay af

u also coomer clan

Show us how much vodka you have drunk and will you man the fuck up and take 3 shots right the fuck now?