Should I date a BPD girl?

>only in the most extreme cases and with mildly i really mean slightly punch me on the shoulder

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>i've had successful and enjoyable relationships with bpd girls.
Are you in a relationship with one now? No? Hmmm, really makes you think. It's almost like there's no such thing as a long-lasting relationship with a bpd chick.

He's right though.

Why would she want you to stay the night at your friend's house? Wouldn't it make more sense that she'd want you to come back home to be with her?
How do You tame them?

>only in the most extreme cases and with mildly i really mean slightly punch me on the shoulder
run. run. run. run. run. run. run. run.

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>Why would she want you to stay the night at your friend's house?
Specifically to make me jealous. They're fucked in the head bro. The magical BPD unicorn doesn't exist and if she does she's probably like 40 years old and survived either being a cumrag for 900 guys or psychologically damaged at least half a dozen men.

>He's right though.
No. Only people with no self worth who think they can't do better think like that. Sure it will hurt at first, but all break ups hurt. You just move on.

>How do You tame them?
look at my post here

>Should I date a BPD girl?
>She has shown no red flags
I don't think you're getting this

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