Just found out two of my stacy classmates got hired for software developer roles & internships and some of the largest banks in America, and I'm on the third year of my CS degree and I haven't gotten a position yet despite doing a shit ton of side projects, high GPA, and work outside the curriculum.
fuck simps, useless females, and diversity hires, and most importantly fuck capitalism
Fuck nepotism
None of that is nepotism, dude. Nepotism is hiring friends and relatives simply because you know them rather than for their skills.
Exactly this, op. Your classmates were far more qualified in dick sucking than you were, sorry.
Theres nothing wrong with nepotism the world runs on it.
Nepotism is hiring family. Cronyism is hiring your friends. Either way OP was stupid and wrong, so it's irreverent.
put a machine in charge of everyone
You don't deserve a job. You're just a bitchy little man who's upset that two of his classmates who he cant get sex from are developing appropriately as adults.
Go apply for jobs you dumb little limp dick bitch. If you actually have projects completed (you dont) then you'll get a job.
>OP discovers women get special treatment
welcome to irl retard why do you think blue collar is primarily men and white collar entirely women with a handful of guys.
If you thought it's because we love ruining our bodies for low pay only to get our business started up when white collars are retiring than you are about as fucking stupid as every college faggot.
Use all and every fucking method to get ahead because everyone else is and they aren't doing a tenth of the work you do because they aren't stupid.
>and most importantly fuck capitalism
there is a very consistent pattern that everyone that hates capitalism are losers lmao. i bet you're a manlet, too
That's not nepotism, but I get your point. Women were a mistake.
theoretically a good compiler wouldnt generate mv instructions or even a function call and just inline this as a CMP
only theoretically
a good compiler wouldn't be able to turn a code base full of this garbage into optimal instructions
Not to mention garbage like this is a nightmare for maintainability
t. cockslut who got her job thanks to mastered BJs.
>Implying women don't get special treatment
Go be a w*man/simp somewhere else and fuck off.
People actually have to like you to get hired, it's not as simple as looking good on paper.
Welcome to the real world. Most HR departments are filled with WOMEN who get told or push themselves "women in STEM/workplace" ideology and diversity hires. Unironically work for yourself, create something on your own or come in terms with the fact women will be treated better regardless of their skills or qualifications. Also it doesn't just happen in Software dev or high end companies. It happens everywhere, whether it's office, production or warehouse. Very RARELY it's the person who works the most or the hardest that gets prises and climbs the ladder. It's almost always the opposite, it's the most lazy, two-faced, dodger at work that somehow manages to get ahead. But then people call it being "smart" and "working hard" by avoiding actual work. I fucking hate any kind of work place. But being NEET is suffering when no money.
lmao chill out, slut
OP clearly meant hiring people based on factors that is not competence you faggot retards
Yeah I have been slowly realizing this too. I'm fucking better than most other fags graduating, and they all have jobs while I don't because I'm an aspergers that turns people off just with my body language.
It seems like recruiters aren't concerned about making money at all, but having a workplace full of normies that they can be friends with and small talk all day.
>It seems like recruiters aren't concerned about making money at all, but having a workplace full of normies that they can be friends with and small talk all day.
Some companies nowadays, especially in tech world literally tell students "sometimes it's your personality that will get you hired, you can get experience and skills as you go, but if you have a great personality you will be great addition to our team". And I was like wtf? Is this job recruitment or speed dating meeting? You can laugh all you want at tiktok, but it's a great window how normalfags operate nowadays. There are so many roasties in tech doing tiktoks explaining how work looks like in big tech companies. It's like some kinderkarten where all that matters is how big their cafeteria is, how good is the catering service, how many bean bags are there, are there any consoles and shit like that.
you stupid fucking faggot, Op said NEPOTISM
if he fucking meant something else, he should have said something else
do me a favor and kill yourself troglodyte
>It's like some kinderkarten where all that matters is how big their cafeteria is, how good is the catering service, how many bean bags are there, are there any consoles and shit like that.
This, its like a playground for kids, why lefties like this soi shit so much? I regret ever enrolling in computer science. I did it because I enjoyed tech since I was a kid, but it seems like all a big joke nowadays where actually working and knowing your shit is low priority.
this was my problem too but then i took the pink pill uwu and got both a job and a big promotion :3
i want to learn more cs too bb
add me pls
Are you surprised that the people who are getting dicked the hardest by a system are the ones who have the easiest time pointing out its flaws? I was once in a situation much like OPs and while I'm much better off now that bad taste in your mouth never leaves.
>are you surprised that losers bitch about a system that lets them lose
not at all, in fact i believe the reason why they lose in the first place is precisely because they'd rather blame the system than play the game. It's literally the real-life equivalent of going, "i pressed the jump button!" when we both know full well that they are just shit
mby he didnt know what nepotism exactly meant so he used it wrong.. fuck you dude
>never had to bust ass for anything
>got a job handed to me because of family connections
i dont think theres anything wrong with hiring people you care about. rather than having some literal who apply for the job, it could be anyone even a russian spy some other person prone to sabotaging things.
Family connections, not hired by family.
Oh. Well thats still kinda based cuz atleast they have a sense of who you are and who they're dealing with dont they? atleast from what they've heard from your family. thats way better than hiring literal WHO'S
Depends on the context. For a family business where the position doesn't require much skill? Sure. Otherwise, it's almost always better to hire by reputation (from previous employers) and credentials.