My gf of 6 months is an international student and needs to borrow $3,500 USD to keep studying

my gf of 6 months is an international student and needs to borrow $3,500 USD to keep studying.

should i give it to her?

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why hasnt she asked her parents

No are you just so rich that 3,500$ means nothing

No you dumb cuck faggot, wonder how many chads creampied her while you wonderered why she wasn't texting back

no, she aint the one yet

Drop her. If she's the kind of person inapt to read that she will need money after chosing a path in life, you might have more intelligent conversation with your dog.

More like your gf is a scammer lol

Yes. By "give it", you mean one last fuck before you break up, right

No retard. Sooner or later she will dump you. And if she gets married to you she will divorce and take half your assets. I dont get why you simps fall for womens tricks so easily. All they do is manipulate you into thinking that they love you but in reality they love your money . Idc if simping is your fetish though because thats different

Being a woman means being weaker than a man. So they need you to give them money and open their door and pay for them. Thats bullshit. Its funny people take advice or even listen to women. They say their soooo independent but in sooo many cases they cant do shit and their excuse is
muh am woman

>should i give it to her?

Isn't that like.... Simping or something?

>international student
>doesn't have money

Something doesn't add up here user.

"Borrow", huh? Let us know how that works out. e_e

Eh, if she is your long term gf and you have the money to spare, then yeah you probably should. Hell, I have given that much to belle Delphine , lmao

Honestly for 6 months of having a pussy to fuck thats a small price to pay, make her owe you and use that to control her and make her do demeaning shit

Unless she is ugly

Just imagine how it'll feel when she dumps you (she will). Don't do this.

Yes, why not? You care for her and she is in need.

nah, she could just take a loan. student loans are great in most countries, america might be an exception. its just not reasonable for her to expect you to lend her that amount of money, especially
when you dont even know if shes going to stay in your country. this something she should bring up to her family, not you. if she gets mad about your decision, then you know that you've dodged a bullet.

don't do it you utter moron. fuck.

>giving money to a person who is so financially incompetent that they fail to have enough money for the most important thing in their life

Start shopping around for a new gf

Fuck no 6 months is nothing and investing 3.5k into someone is not worth it. Have you even seen this girl or is this an ldr?

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Originally, of course

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That's a lotta money
Don't do it unless you are rich or retarded

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Dont do it, shes just going to leave you and never pay you back.
Your going to lose to much
Your money
Your heart
And the respect of men even your Dad

Six months isn't long term unless you're 16

OP can't argue with those digits

Oh you can give it to her if you know what I mean.
Tell her to work, work, work for that money.
With you.

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do NOT give it user holy fuck

>letting your woman step outside without you accompanying her
It's over for you mate. Her guts have already been rearranged by God knows how many Chads.

absolutely not the only time you give her money if she moves in with you is your irl gf