Sex with black women just feels better. I can't explain it but there is more sensation and they fuck better.
White women are utter trash
I've heard personal accounts on this board from people who have done it who said the stench outweighs any positive benefits.
imagine the stinky smell...
>I can't explain it but there is more sensation and they fuck better.
Must be the STDs migrating to your dick from their vagina.
This is bullshit. Only women I have ever been with who smelled were white women who smelled like dead fish.
Nope. It grips your dick better and is just superior sex. White women are just inferior.
I really like how this bottom looks but her face looks shopped
Overwhelming majority of black women don't wash properly and if it's not their stinky pussies it's their over application of moisturizing lotion, their gigantic hands, and worst of all, their fucking hair.
If you like West African descent women you're gay. When all the dudes from Africa leave the content they get with anything but a black girl, and there's no "eurocentric" beauty standard there. The moors were the first black men to gtfo being trapped on a continent with these "women"
White women *have turned to BBC
Dont hate on them just because they arent available for you.
You have never been with a black woman. You are just posting propaganda. I've never been with a black woman who smelled bad but I've been with a white girl whose pussy smelled like dead fish.
Cope Chink faggot.
I just don't find them attractive.
No you're coping with what you have available and your afraid to come out of the closet about your gender identity issues and latent homosexuality but you'll learn more about that later.
This is a major projection considering you're the one who admitted to be a tranny.
You're sick in the head and I strongly encourage you to join the large number of trannies that commit suicide cause no one wants you on this Earth. Your own parents included.
>admitted to being a tranny
That is very complex and delusional, care to elaborate further?
I'm simply calling it as I see it, the way you're so defensive about the small something that you have tells me you're overcompensating, eventually that's gonna become like shock and you'll figure out you dont need to force yourself to love women if you dont want to. It's okay to be an enby and it's ok to be gay.
I had sex with a woman today lmfaoo. Everything you say is just bullshit propaganda. I find black women more attractive and I think the sex is better. Why does that make you so upset?
I just doubt that's really where you're coming from and I want you to know it's okay to be mad that white women don't like white men anymore but we're all here for you, okay?
Are you honestly a fucking retard or what? Please join the ranks of the trannies who committed suicide. I assure you no one will miss you.
>Hurr Durr I insist everyone is a transexual nigger dick loving faggot like me
Being a tranny isn't even natural or real. If it was you wouldn't need to inject yourself with estrogen you dumb faggot freak. Post your picture and contact info if you're really so proud.
Why do you think I'm trans? I never said that. Not even one time.
You're a black woman and it shows. Shoo Shaniqua. You can hypnotize white men here with your lesbian obeah shitposting but black men cancelled your sassy ass years ago
I had sex with a white women today. And it just doesn't feel as good as sex with a black woman. You can bitch and moan all you want but that's a fact. Black men are inferior to white men. That's why they were our slaves. The only reason any woman wants a black man is propaganda. I've beaten up 6 niggers in street fights.
You've likely never beaten up anyone but I'm sure you've gotten beaten up before. Probably by a black guy.
We know you didnt have sex this morning but whatever, it's okay, just keep pretending. It's okay to be gay, that's all I'm saying here.
Post your picture with timestamp or admit everything you say is fucking bullshit. You said you were a tranny in the other thread but maybe you're just a butthurt Asian micropenis. You literally spam about niggers fucking white women just because white men fuck Asian girls and cuck you. You're an insecure and pathetic person and you're going to hell when you die.
Yeah you're definitely a black woman.
Everything you say is fucking bullshit. I've beaten up 6 niggers. All you do is deny shit that actually happened cause you're a jealous inferior Asian subhuman microdick. Post your picture hotshot. Show us your Chink 3 incher.
>user has come down with severe paranoid schizophrenia
Fucking rare and screencapped.
It's a black woman shilling her own. She's buttmad that black men are fucking all the white girl protesters and not her so she's shilling for white cock on Zig Forums
A black woman who loves white men? I guess that's score 1 for white guys if I was lolll
I dont believe you and I think a lot of people here dont either but youre welcome to deny deny deny I known its challenging for a lot of men to begin dealing with things like latent homosexuality
White women are fucking disgusting and gross and the only reason anyone wants them is cause of propaganda
This is what gender dysphoria looks like folks.
All you do is insist people are gay and trannies based on zero evidence. You're just an insecure Chink manlet jealous that white men fuck Asian women. Post your picture and prove me wrong.
Lmao shaniqua you and your dusty pussy have been exposed. Go back to r/blackladies
Why are you fixating so strongly on images? Did someone take pictures of you as a child? It's ok. Just cool down and talk with me.
leave azns out of your gay raceplay jogger
No it's not. You don't have to be attracted to white women you stupid Chink faggot. I'm attracted to black women. And what does finding white women gross have to do with your gender? You are just a pathetic chink ladyboy who won't stop spewing bullshit
Plot twist all black women are basically trannies. Op is a black woman with a hair wig and delts like Michael Obama come to hunt for white cock
fucking joggers. can u just stop being gross
It just looks like you're hiding a deep seated hatred for white women that seems to be revolving around how they're something you can't have. I know that things like that can change the way we see ourselves and the choices we make sometimes. That's all.
Why won't you post a picture of yourself you ugly Chink faggot?
Fuck off Chink. It's you faggots always spamming cuck shit cause you're jealous of white men fucking Asian women.
>coping with the "changs razor meme" method
This is textbook gender dysphoria.
The only people who hate white women this much are black women.youre talking to someone who's 80% likely to be obese FYI
It looks like you're a butthurt Chink cuck who keeps making up new bullshit and moving the goalposts.
buy some brain cells jogger - this is the only way you get attention for your manboons and sheboons
Black women are sexier than gross white women
what the fuck is with joggers, man? take away their internet rights
Yeah confirmed. You're probably some seething journy with free time cause Corona.
ok jogger. good post