Males truly are scary. You never know which ones are animals with human skin. Philosophies, ideals, values, none of that stuff matters in the face of some male (or males) unleashing their pure animalistic and impulsive self and beating you into a vegetative state, the only language these guys are probably fluent in is violence. Society is a a giant zoo with open enclosures. Imagine how humiliating, all your thought and emotion nullified in the face of a ferocious pack of low IQ thugs just crushing you under their boot.
Males truly are scary. You never know which ones are animals with human skin. Philosophies, ideals, values...
I dunno about all that.
All I know is I sure could go for some fucking vodka right now.
Get the best weapon you can legally possess in your local jurisdiction and be confident in your ability to use it. What you say is pretty fair and logical.
Yup, that's why you need to always be prepared and ready to defend yourself. They feed off of pussies so you better toughen up, even if you are a loving butterfly, you can't forget that you live in a world of snakes and sharks.
Are you a rape victim Op. You kind of sound like one
That is such a natural male response, that's easy for you to say, you got pumped full of androgenic hormones like a free sample of Captain America serum during puberty. You're stronger, have better reflexes, and your body is harder to deal crippling damage to. And if that's not currently true you could make it true with three weeks of regular training.
I have two guns, and train as often as I can. If I get attacked by an unarmed man in a bloodrage, I might be able to put enough bullets in him before he closes the gap and stabs me or breaks my neck. If I get in a gunfight with a man, I'm dead, because as if you didn't already have enough cheat codes you're innately better at ballistic combat, too.
It's not fucking fair. Evolution optimized you to pick up a big stick and beat off dire wolves, it optimized me to carry a toddler on my hip for indefinite periods of time while I garden. Sexual dimorphism is bullshit
Dont buy the gun combat advantage, wheres your source?
shut the fuck up, retarded cunt. women weaponize their victimhood to the extent that it destroys men beyond any damage that can be physically measured with dollars. tired of you trannies, femcels and baitposters making these shit arguments.
Uh oh. Did your gun toting survivalist bf beat you again?
do you live in kuwait or some shit?
is this how trannies larp nowadays
"I have two guns."
.45 hollowpoint. He ain't surviving the conflict.
Not op and not fucked to Google it but I've read the average man has a slightly faster reaction time than the average women
>men win gunfights
That is simply not true. In many modern self defense scenarios it's less about the split second to the draw and more about being opportunistic and hitting the first shot. And there have been multiple cases of women prevailing in handgun combat against assailants.
>I might be able to put enough bullets in him before he closes the gap and stabs me or breaks my neck.
I dunno user, this is making me slightly doubt your previous statements...
Scores and records from shooting competitions. The only shooting sport women don't have a horrible fucking disadvantage at is bench shooting.
Hm, what you say is all true. But you only see it from the female perspective, you see only the physical benefits. We may have been given the god serum (testosterone) to make us stronger, more durable, more dexterous and more creative, but it comes out of necessity. We have to endure physical pain, we had to risk our lives to take care of our loved ones, we had to battle beasts and brave through storms so you females could sit comfortably in a cave/at home while you complain about having to raise a child and clean. Even in more modern times, men had to endure strenuous physical labour just to make ends meet. We die in wars, we work hard our entire lives, we get beat up and we live in constant danger. Women are relatively safe and live gentle lives if they are smart and careful. Say you went to the bar with your friends, you don't have to worry about getting into a fistfight which can very well end in death or leave you permanently damaged, as a man I have to worry about that every time I go out. In school, women are treated gently and don't need to worry about anything more than gossip, in school boys are bullied and beaten just because they were born smaller and weaker. I get where you're coming from though and I am genuinely sorry that you feel unsafe, women do have to worry about getting raped and what not just because men are savage beasts at times and they are much larger and stronger. Unfortunately mother nature gave us these traits and we are still animals, after all. If it's any consolation, there are lots of men who go out of their way to protect women and treat them kindly and gently, myself included. I didn't know you were female when I said "toughen up", my apologies.
I mean this is literally all people not just males, lots of vicious people, physically its more men, psychologically it's more women.
The difference is that if a man hurts/kills a woman there is almost always severe consequences for it and everyone will be outraged at it. Meanwhile women can regularly destroy men's lives without any consequence at all and usually they'll blame the man for it too.
I've never seen a study saying men are naturally better gunfighters than women. Men simply tend to spend more time practicing with and firing their weapons. The only thing you can complain about regarding that is men's naturally greater hand eye coordination which gives them the edge in most physical activities. Why do you care so much that men are stronger and better than women at physical tasks?
Women/Nature literally created men as a defense mechanism. Protocols are written and overwritten by women depending on several factors. You optimized yourselves, you can de-optimize yourselves.
Let's not forget that the ones who beat people animalistically are usually of a certain race...
>I didn't know you were female when I said "toughen up", my apologies.
Oh, you didn't say that to me, I'm a different person from OP. I'm wordier, you'll notice.
I'm not going by studies, no one wants to fund a comprehensive study to prove that the sex that spent 100000 years throwing rocks and spears and shit until your developed elbows that are biomechanically better at throwing things also have brains hardwired for greater ballistic accuracy. Again, I'm going by times in clay shooting, snap shooting, and 3 gun. The aggregate difference in male and female response time is...concerning.
>Why do you care so much that men are stronger and better than women at physical tasks?
Why do you do this? Why do you ask questions with answers that are so obvious, in context? I swear, I tell you guys "I had a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup for lunch," you go "Do yu liek grilt cheezor?". Why do you do this to me?
Are you the girl who got pissed at me the other day when I said your problems all tied back to your giving away your virginity?
*thumps chest, erect penis glistening*
*slices you open*
*tribesmen gather around to feast on your shit filled entrails*
*jacks off and cums on your bloodied face*
*wrecks your stupid academic papers and bathes them in your blood*
Iunno. Did I dismiss you as regurgitating patriarchal tripe from the ante-Nicene era and having no coherent political philosophy, just a random grab bag of reactionary grievances against a modern world that doesn't validate you?
men face a similar issue desu
5'6 can realistically almost never beat 6'4. There's a minority of genetic specimens in the world that were build with a lottery ticket to height and strength but thankfully guns were invented as the true equalizer of man-kind
Hold up so I ask you why it bothers you, and you ask me why I ask? Women are generally healthier than men and suffer less health complications throughout their lives, but you don't catch me complaining. Why do our differences bother you so much?
The violence comes from childhood trauma. Traumatized women are dangerous in their own ways, we just unfortunately need to learn how to vet broken people and raise better generations. An infantile response to stressful situations is a dead giveaway
Yeah you did young lady. And I told you that you'd feel too fulfilled to sit around complaining on Zig Forums every night if you hadn't been conditioned to think that maximizing personal autonomy is the purpose of life. I'm sure you think very highly of your brains, but there's a difference between intelligence and wisdom, and I'm very happy to have the latter.
I assume you're right, but I don't think that's quite the same, 5'8" or 5'10" are the average and men 6'3" of taller are really rare. And this is just a personal anecdote, but of the 4 guys I've know with that kind of stature, all of them took pains not to get into brawls because if they just kaiju'd smaller people everyone acted like they were the bad guys, regardless of what the provocation was or who threw the first punch. I'm not sure spontaneously getting face-fisted by anyone pro-wrestler big is really a credible concern for you.
>Hold up so I ask you why it bothers you, and you ask me why I ask?
The context of the thread is how great a danger men are capable of posing and how scary it can be. I'd think my concern about the nigh-unbridgeable physical gulf between us would be self-explanatory.
>Why do you care so much that men are stronger and better than women at physical tasks?
I have my reasons and I don't want to explain them. They're mine to keep and you're not entitled to them.
>And I told you that you'd feel too fulfilled to sit around complaining on Zig Forums every night if you hadn't been conditioned to think that maximizing personal autonomy is the purpose of life...but there's a difference between intelligence and wisdom, and I'm very happy to have the latter.
What an ironic post-script to such a jejune statement. Oh, you think you've got me all figured out. You think I've been indoctrinated by feminism and my goal in life is to be a career woman, to use my gender studies degree to rake in the money as a pro patriarchy smasher. You've got a neat little gratifying worldview that explains everything, so why ever question anything?
Blessed is the mind too small for doubt, no?
And I am not here "every" night. And don't call me "young lady", sirrah.
Hahahaha you got raped you filthy slut, what a fucking dirty whore! Kekekek, I bet you still think about it and get horny you animalistic, primitive creature! AHAHAHAHA YOU WERE POWERLESS AND HE USED YOU LIKE A MERE TOY AND TRAUMATIZED YOU AND TOOK YOUR INNOCENCE AHAHAHHAHAHA
Jesus Christ you are a faggot dude
user. You know most men are well adjusted and aren't complete animals right? Sure we can get barbaric if it's called for, but most men aren't like that. What skewed your opinion on men?
Hate to break it to you but most men are hopeless romantics and would love to have a woman to love, make love to, and raise a family with
Nothing would make me happier than that
I did not get raped. You're way off base. Although your sadistic glee at the prospect is way fucked up. I don't go around mocking men for having suffered circumcision. But you'll just pop off like that? You're disgusting.