Jatched a bird from am egg

>jatched a bird from am egg
>fed it every other hour every day for a week
>did what seemdd like everything right
>died in my hands today as I fed it
I don't know what I did wrong, but I loved the fucking thing. It was so clingy to me and knew to run into my hand my warmth and food. It slept in in my shirt when I made a little spot for it, It died and I'm so sad over it. I'k drijnking again. I kept telling it wto wake up in my hand/

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What did you feed it? Did you also give water?

did you keep it warm correctly ?

What kind of bird? Did you also give it tiny pebbles so it could help digest the pre-chewed food you gave it? You DID chew the food before you gave it to him, right? Despite you feeding him and hopefully giving him water out of a dropper, he very likely starved to death because of you.

I went out and bought it starter food and ground it up and miced it with water. It was eating a lot and seemed ok/ it weas running around all happy this afternoon and then when I fed it tonight it just died/ like it just sanmk down and stopped moving.

I got a thermomemetere wfrom work that records his and los and it was all good ~90 where it was supposed to be. I have work in 3 or 4 hours

Quail. I hatched it from grocery stores eggs. I ground up the food with pestle and morter and mixed it into apste with water.

I really loved the thing.

Sorry, user. You tried but maybe he wasn't meant to live. He knows you tried.

I kept telling it to wake up.

This is so sad op:(. I hope you feel better. Sounds like it passed peacefully, it's taken the big nap, it's at rest friend. Sometimes they contract diseases and stuff. I have had chickens for many years and a few have fallen to a disease.

Were not even slowi dancing anywmore. Where just in the dark.

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>grocery stores eggs
Motherfucker was probably scrambled

happy yesterfday

It's okay, OP. My aunt once fell asleep while snuggling some baby chickens and she woke up finding out she crushed them

if it was eggs meant for eating they probably do something to them so people can't hatch their own healthy birds and profit from their business

>I went out and bought it starter food and ground it up and miced it with water. It was eating a lot and seemed ok/ it weas running around all happy this afternoon and then when I fed it tonight it just died/ like it just sanmk down and stopped moving.

sounds like you did everything right user, sometimes they do just die on ya. Quail are extremely fragile birds


I wanted it to be happyy. I eanted it to be happy.

Coccidiosis. Really little you could have done user apart from a separate bowl of water.

It was. Don't cry because it's gone. Be happy it was here.

I have ahyust cgabed the towwel/ next tiem i;ll change the paper towels everyday. more,
It was all I jad.

You still have yourself user. You're in charge of several trillion cells in your body. Never feel alone. Everything's going to be okay.

It's name Jotori sda Kptpro ;ike Koroie like small bird/ it's cute and unnt to me

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It's all your fault. Why didn't you try harder? You gave it life only to kill it moments later. It trusted you and you killed it.

This. What the fuck is wrong with you? You monster. You're a monster. You slowly tortured an innocent little baby creature until it finally gave in and died.

too drunj cabt type now. deelteed old maessage

want bird

Nice bait you dumb faggots

And you'd still have it if you weren't a complete retard. How do you manage to kill a bird, anyways? You should've just let it out your window and gave it a chance to survive on its own rather than snuffing its life out yourself.

Life is fragile. I think you did everything right.
You gave that bird the happiest life possible.

im sorry user, but quails are really fragile, sometimes they die even if you do everything right. but you made him happy and feel safe and loved and warm for his entire life, even if its just a week, thats his entire life to him and he has only known happiness and warmth thanks to you, and thats more that we can say for almost every other creature, so thank you op. mourn him for now, but know that you gave him a special and lovely and happy experience for his whole life

>saw cat with bird in its mouth
>see it's still alive
>chase it down in bare feet and get it off it because know if the cat runs off with it it will hide somewhere and torture it to death
>it is already too hurt, too many insides outside
, but still alive
>had this happen before, didn't have time to think it through and mercy killed it with a brick, horrible experience
>know I have to do it again but really don't want to, can see its little eyes looking at me
>take it to the bird bath and kneel down, and it drinks for a little while with its eyes closed
>just hold it while it sips for a little while
>try to as quickly as possible place it on the ground and hit it with the brick on the head
>it goes better but it still moves around with a flattened head, hit it until it stops
>bury it until a tree
>still think about this sometimes

life is hard sometimes

New hatches are insanely fragile and hard to look after. There's a reason the parents keep them in the nest the first few weeks. Just running around is enough to kill them.

forgot to add it was also a little baby bird, maybe only days or weeks after hatching, it's just hard to think that sometimes that is how some thing can experience its life, for it to only had been that, a blissful ocean and then a painful death, I can't stand it sometimes

I know that feel, user. I had a lovebird chick die on me. Its mum was a retard and made a nest with nothing on the edges, so the little guy fell out onto the floor and when I put him back the mum just refused to feed it. I have a brooder and bird chick formula for hand raising them, but I usually take them when they're 2-3 weeks old. It's extremely difficult to raise some birds from day 1 because their immune system isn't properly developed yet. Idk about quails, but I'd imagine they're very fragile as well. Sometimes they just don't make it even if you do everything right. This is why most birds breed so much, sometimes laying over 20 eggs a year (well for quails it's different but their laying pattern is artificial)
Cats should just not be allowed to be outside. Here in aus they're literally genociding the native fauna. I'm usually not a big advocate for government control over things like this, but breeding cats should be very tightly controlled and they shouldn't be allowed to be outside at all. They're literally apex predators in urban, suburban and semi rural areas, and killing is so ingrained in them that they'll do it for fun even if they're not hungry at all.

>killing is so ingrained in them that they'll do it for fun even if they're not hungry at all.
heh, just like many humans