How do I kill myself right now with household items with minimal survival chance?
How do I kill myself right now with household items with minimal survival chance?
Break the coke glass and slit your arms. Please dont do it though user. It will really hurt and you will regret it lol
you could try going for your jugular, femoral or carotid with something very sharp, or you could hang yourself making a makeshift "rope" out of a bedsheet
It's never worth it user.
if you have the right chemicals you could gas yourself
Don't do it just live life.
hang yourself from a doorknob, pretty much %100 chance of death. or jump in front of a train, instant death, no pain.
you sure you wanna die?
there's CO2 everywhere in a house, go out with CO2 poisoning.
dive off ur desk head first.
id ratter smoke weed than be dead user
Also you have a poket knife lol
Drink cola and do cold shower the adrenaline and cortisol will explode your heart if not then cut your veins
Realistically I think hydrogen is the ultimate way to go (with one of those exit bags). Helium is slightly easier to get and just a bit cheaper but why would someone care about that? You'd want to end things in the best way possible if it's your final moment on earth. Hydrogen makes up most of the universe and is the origin of everything. Completely inert completely nontoxic and zero damage at all. The same can't be said for helium - it clearly has biological effects.
Barring a hydrogen rigged exit bag, I'd personally choose hypothermia as number 2 if I was going to do something like that and couldn't get a hold of the exit bag / hydrogen. Homeless people die like this accidentally in their sleep every day. Your body just shuts down and you drift away. Would need to live in a country with cold winters (enough for snow to lie) and just go sleep in the snow with some wet clothes after getting slum drunk. Just wouldn't wake up. That's it.
CO2 is just the shit we breathe out
the lethal one is CO produced when burning charcoal with a reduced supply of oxygen, it kills you by making your blood unable to transfer oxygen, but if you don't manage to produce enough you'll just get brain damage
Hydrgoen is not an inert gas, it mixes with oxygen and can burn producing water
Getting drunk and freezing to death is cool though, I heard one of my grandpas died like that
just make sure no one finds you and that you get drunk enough to really not wake up, it can take a bit of time and at some point you can feel very hot and the survival instinct might kick in
Yeah inert was the wrong word to use dunno why I typed that
CO2 poisoning is what kills people who get trapped in enclosed space though technically it's more just a lack of oxygen
thats what i used to believe but it actually sticks to your red blood cells so even if you get enough oxygen it wont attach
>or you could hang yourself making a makeshift "rope" out of a bedsheet
shoelaces also work.
im dooing this post for a test
Become a tranny, chances of survival minimal.
Just overdose on the weed that's in the jar. If you smoke the whole jar you have literally 0 chance to survive.
you can always huff some raid
Overdose on the dank nugs in your dude weed jar
OD on weed
Don't do it, dying really hurts. Source: I am dead.
you need to smoke 25x your bodyweight in weed or 25x your bodyweight of THC to achieve a (potentially) lethal effect, and you'll just go to sleep after the first couple of joints
I have the same jar. You seem like a cool dude.
I'll smoke one for you today.
Absolutely any house? Full sink or bath with water. Cut cord off appliance with knife or scissors. Plug cord into wall, end in water. Put self or part of self in water, flip switch. Night night.
Hang yourself with that hideous gaming mouse.
>mix bleach with every cleaning product in house in bucket
>place head over bucket of chemicals and towel over head
>breath in the fumes and go back to the dream time
you've got weed and a coke, glass bottle too which tastes the nicest, looks like a decent pc as well, smoke a bit, sip that coke, play a game, things aren't too far gone yet friend
at this point we should just create a containment board /suicide/ to stop this shit clogging up the catalog