6 foot 5 or 195 cm

>6 foot 5 or 195 cm
>200 pounds or 90 kg
>female world champion in kickboxing
Would you talk your misogynistic shit to her face?

Attached: katya.jpg (630x787, 90.47K)

Yes I would. She cant beat me up, no way. I dare her to try.

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i'd pay her to beat me up

Nearly 2 meters tall
Yet only 90kg
She might be tall, but she has like no muscle on her, and you can see it in the picture too, she's skinny as fuck

I am 1.83 and 75 kg, this is a normal body size for a male. I would be absolutely rekt by her and it makes my cock hard.

Whats her name NOW

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Nvm that was the easiest sauce evr just wanted to make sure

m8 at low body fat 90 kg is a fucking lot, even for that height. You're probably just a fatass. She is clearly muscular for being a woman.

Katya Kavaleva

Attached: katya2.jpg (1080x1080, 148.05K)

>6 foot 5 or 195 cm
>200 pounds or 90 kg
So which one is it? Is she some kind of Schrodinger amazon that can exist in two states at once?

Not right now, but maybe 4-6 months from now. I'm that boxing user who got socked in the face by a girl. It happened again today with a different girl I was sparring against yesterday afternoon, got jabbed in the face. She wasn't as cute as the first one.

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I am trying to wrap my head around if you don't know the difference between imperial or metric or if you're just that dumb

Sounds like you're into some kind of fetish to me, user

>Would you talk your misogynistic shit to her face?
n-no ma'am. sorry and thank you for not beating me, ma'am.

Why yes I am indeed into being beaten, dominated and humiliated by tall and strong women and then after she has broken me picked up into her arms and cuddled on her lap while she calls me a good boy as I snuggle into her shoulder, how could you tell?

Attached: gigachad.png (859x960, 229.03K)

no mater who tall or strong she is, 1 pullet to the dome is what it takes for her to be laying in the ground. dead
1 pullet to the dome is all it takes

Attached: 78185520_3631006773579368_7984339186742198272_n.jpg (233x192, 17.73K)

Using a gigachad won't save you from being the human definition of a cuck :(

She is cute though would impregnate

Thats not cuck you fucking retard

Back to the hardware store, Joe.

I know it's hard sweetheart, but the first step is acceptance, you need to accept you're a cuck because you are one and there's nothing you can do about it

she has cute feet. would furiously masturbate my dick with them

you're stupid
cuckoldry is when the girl you like fucks someone else and you accept it
not when a girl beats the shit out of you
dumb ass zoomers using words they don't meaning of and wonder why everyone thinks you're fucking stupid

>1 pullet to the dome
>1 pullet

Attached: 1127786_1.jpg (345x390, 54.79K)

daily reminder that is what peak alpha women look like

Attached: 1575119243075.png (981x248, 39.69K)

Well if you are close enough she probably has a lot less options

two beans to the cabbage

absolutely irrefutable

>being the human definition of a cuck
One man being intimate with one woman.
For fuck's sake user, if you're gonna be an obnoxious kinkshaming asshat, at least do it right, ya dingus.

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i'm not a misogynist in the first place so i would have nothing to worry about.

denying misogyny is misogynistic. stop perpetuating the patriarchy.

Wanting to be dominated by a woman is indeed being a cuck, don't try and defend yourself from it, you ARE a cuck, user, i'm sorry.

i weigh more than you and i'm 5'7 wat