Gonna eat some CEREAL!!!!
Gonna eat some CEREAL!!!!
but thats not bongy thingy
Im gonna smoke my brain out
Good thing I'm not a bong then???
wow this is a different kind of bong
dang that was good
good morning bandage, im making pancakes
You're not funny. You're disgusting. Your threads are shit. You're a normie. Please piss off back to /lgbt/
Pancakes are good but french toast is even better
how much a whole box? fatty
N-no ... two whole boxes ...
whats your favourite cereal? im addicted to cinnamon toast, i can go through an entire family-sized box in a day if im not careful
I too like Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Although Fruity Pebbles are an equal tie for first place...
When will this namefag get banned for avatarfagging anyway
i dont get why avatarfagging is even a bannable offense
its no worse than namefagging
The majority of my posts do not use an image at all to begin with, I do not break the avatar rule
Yeah you're still an insufferable cunt though.
That's not a bannable offense either so sorry you have to suffer sooooo much because I post on the same board as you
Hey that's not very nice stuff you said
You're a disgusting fat fucking MAN stop this sissy bullshit boy what the fuck would your pop think of you? God damn shameful is what it is. Fuckin embarrassment to your whole family! Put the frilly fag dress down, get a suit and tie and you march your confused ass down to McDs, look that manager in the eye and you give him a firm handshake and ask for that job you've been putting off for months, throw that shitty dildo you're plunging in that fat hairy ass every night away and put some effort into your life while you still can! Fuck!
user this thread might nit be great but its easily better than at least 60% of the board
the thread that died was probably along the lines of
>i want to sniff a girls asshole
or some other total bullshit
My dad left before I was born
My butt has no hair
I already have a job
I don't wear dresses
I'm not into sissy stuff
I am fat though...........................
>I post on the same board as you
Not him, but why? Why do you have to come to a board for lonely men and act like an attention seeking nigger? There are so many places on the internet that are way better for you and yet you insist on coming here. Is it just to upset us?
oh just shut up and hide thr thread you boring tiresome faggot
im exhausted with listening to you prattle on about muh blackpill and how youre a doomer pooper faggot cretin
Zig Forums is not your safe space - its just Zig Forums but with the annoying robot, handful of extra rules and 10% of the speed
>My dad left before I was born
If I knew my wife had a little HOMO gestating in her cooch I would've left too!
>Already have a job
Son how many times do you need to be told playing with your ass in front of a webcam isn't a job?
>Not into sissy stuff
You avatarfag as one of them anime girls and talk about sucking dick who the fuck you tryna fool?
>I am fat though
You're God damn right you are!
Now drop all this fag shit, give yourself a long look in the mirror and ask yourself "will this make me happy? Will mom be proud to walk on in me blowing some fruitcake or getting my shit pushed in??"
Unless she's the one egging this shit on the answer NO!
Because this is the best board for the job. It isn't technically a board for lonely men. The topics are random, the only thing is the r9k script. It is comfy and I make lots of friends by posting. I literally make a single containment thread and stay in it, it's really not the obtrusive. It is maybe 2 threads per day that people peepee their pants over. It benefits me and the only actual drawback is that some simp thread died. I l I like 4channers so I stick around Zig Forums instead of moving to someplace horrible like twitter. For 5.5 years I've enjoyed posting here and have had enormous fun with others who like to post in my threads too.
It's literally "i dont like it bloohoo." All I can say is too bad. I use a trip AND username so you can filter ANY mention of me, ANY thread I make, and ANY post I make IF you happen not to like it to begin with anyway. It takes unironically 10 seconds to stop getting so triggered over 2 threads per day.
you didn't even answer my question you fat disgusting subhuman.
>oh just shut up and hide thr thread you boring tiresome faggot
no. normies are not welcome here. I'll keep telling you to neck yourself until you do.
>im exhausted with listening to you prattle on about muh blackpill and how youre a doomer pooper faggot cretin
Then why are you on Zig Forums? Zig Forums is not your safe space.
>Zig Forums is not your safe space - its just Zig Forums but with the annoying robot, handful of extra rules and 10% of the speed
r9k is much higher quality than b. b does not understand our feels and clearly you don't either.
>I l I
Wtf happened i had a stroke
cookie crisp is bae
*sets my slugs on this cringe posting user*
I read this as "eats my slugs"
I need more sleep