Where are all the real robots? Where have they gone? The ones who don't know what the fuck discord drama is about...

Where are all the real robots? Where have they gone? The ones who don't know what the fuck discord drama is about, the ones who don't drool over e-girls, the ones who aren't normalfags pretending to be something they will never be. The longer I spend on this site, the less I recognize it. I hope some of you are still there.

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right here bud. in the same boat as you whether you believe me or not.

they migrated to v9k ages ago, then probably moved to wizchan after shit hit the fan

I'm still around, I lurk around other boards mostly

My theory is the majority has killed themselves

probably the more likely possibility...

they got a job and gfs. happens to majority. robotdom is almost nonexistent.

I mostly just lurk here and there.
I don't use discord, twitter or any other social media, don't even own a phone.
This is my only means of communication with the world.

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>shitscord server
>without normalfags

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>I mostly just lurk here and there.
>I don't use discord, twitter or any other social media, don't even own a phone.
>This is my only means of communication with the world.
we are the same you and I

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yes, it's been resettled quite thoroughly. if you lurk long enough, they post on occasion.

I've been here since 2012ish. Not a long time, i guess, but long enough to see a change. It seems like every other post is some combination of the following

>ecelebrity drama or worship
>poltier shit
>lgbtq shit
>normals talking about boring gossip going on in their lives (complaining about their gf or friends, etc)

I'm a 33 yearold permavirgin. There's nowhere besides here, wizchan and maybe reddi that's free of bullshit like the above.

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Came here this week for first time since 2014 and yeah place has changed. Normies and sexhavers everywhere.

>I've been here since 2012ish. Not a long time
user...that was 8 years ago

I made it specifically for that reason. Normalfags and half chan Jews are not allowed

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I wouldn't consider myself an oldfag. Thats what i was getting at

Mfw been on Zig Forums since 2008. Jesus christ how did 12 years pass by so fast.

I'm here, and reply sometimes.

I'm here

I don't even know what the fuck discord is

we got invaded by incels and poltards, true robot niggas are tired of this shit.

Som kind of lube I think

26 year old virgin neet shut in here. I rarely post here anymore because I have nothing in common with anyone here
I have zero interest in relationships etc. seems like we are a dying breed

They took the Grindrpill and are getting ass fucked or realized being by yourself without r9k is better

Mental illness clearly keeps me here even though I am almost 37 and have been Zig Forums like 06

hey. robot here visiting after 3 years. just stumbled upon this thread. still miserable as ever. Visiting this board again makes me feel a bleak sense of dread, knowing what was a genuine place for people like me to come to for solace.

Oldfriend that's what you are. That should be a new word, loose of the connotations what oldfag implies

I just wanna say sorry that people like me ruined your board. It's very understandable that you feel like this and sometimes I do feel guilty about it. The truth is, this place genuinely feels like home to me even I'm an outcast by choice. If this board would drastically change now I would also find that fucked up but that's exactly what newfags did to your place. I'm sorry OP and all the other ones, but I also don't know where to go otherwise

ex incel here. I'm in my early 30s. I have an OK job, a small apartment and a car. Once you have those 3 things, banging MILFs is super fucking easy. It's so much easier then having to deal with women in their mid 20s. I cannot even tell you how much easier it is. I used to believe in "True Love" and all that shit but to be honest the conclusion I've come to is this: Life fucking sucks. It's a big ball of gay. A big nothing. It's a shitty ride that you do not get a refund for. All you can do is savor the moments of fleeting joy you get out of it, you build up a good memory bank and when you are about to die you sift through those memories (what is left of them) and then you fucking die.

That is it.

What I'm trying to say is that Milleneals are older now. The new generation of incels does not use Zig Forums. They use tik-tok or Fortnite or whatever the fuck these kids are doing. I don't think most of them even know what this place is. They will be even more alone and crazier than we were. Society is going to shit, life is going to shit. What else is new.

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This. I've been here for 10 years. I do not belong here anymore as I've banged 7 different women (mostly fat girls)

The reality of the internet right now is you have 3 choices
1.Groups of people who suck corporate cock 24/7 and will ban you if you say anything even a little bit non-conformist
2.Hardcore leftists feminists types who will ban you even if you DON'T do anything wrong because they are paranoid asshats.
3.Nazi faggots who won't ban you but will spam you non stop about 'DA JOOZ' and 'MUH RACEMIXING' and are incapable of having even a slightly intelligent conversation

There are no in between. There is nowhere to go for people who do not fit into any of those three groups. There is nowhere to talk about how much life sucks and make jokes about stuff anymore. So I stay here and ruin this place for people who actually need it. Feels like shit.

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Only schizoids can be robots, it's only us who don't care about normie social shit like discord and e-girls

>but Zig Forums is social
it's different, it's anonymous, normies are social so they can have an identity, they desperately want to be "somebody" so they will seek out social avenues where they can have one.

I'm here
neet of 6 years and have autism and bipolar
i have like 2 people i talk to every couple months if i'm lucky

there are, but if you havent found them it's probably for the best