Do you guys have a comfy job? Comfy as in it's not stressful and you're left to do what you're told, no deadlines, no nagging power tripping asshole bosses, no annoying coworkers, no customer interaction, etc. My name is still listed in our payroll though I haven't worked for more than three months now due to this quarantine and lockdown shit (no remote work available) and since our government is now kinda relaxing the quarantine laws, our company is now starting to make their employees work on site again soon. The thing is, it's an office job and it has brought me nothing but stress and more depression ever since I've started working there and I'm now dreading the thought of setting foot inside that office again especially since that I haven't worked in months and I've gotten kinda used to comfy life and thinking about going to my work there again is stressing me the fuck out. I'm now contemplating on whether to submit a resignation and change to a more comfy job. I found an opening near my home for a warehouse personnel and although the pay is lower than my office job, I'm still seriously considering applying because my sanity is now much more important to me than my wage.
tl;dr would you rather work a comfy but less paying job than to work in an office setting with a better pay? And what other jobs do you think are not as stressful and depressing?
I work in a factory as a factory hand a few days per week to make the bare minimum I need to survive. Most of my co workers are decent people and easy to deal with. I do the best I can to meet deadlines and my boss doesn't shit on me if I fall a little short because he knows I'm trying and he isn't a cunt. I've generally found blue collar workers to be forgiving of mistakes and willing to help and teach you how to do the job. The one major downside is that the job is tough on the body and physically demanding. I have working man strength now but I know the job will destroy my body if I do it long term.
I got this job after leaving a hell tier office job. Office Jobs are full of conniving cunts who think they are game of thrones extras. I'd rather work with honest working class people. The office job gave me depression that magically went away when I left. I never think about work at home now too. I do honest work and then go home. Society is unironically built on the backs of anyone working and type of trade or physical labour and imo they get looked down on.
Julian Young
i have an office job but i can work from home. i'm an engineer lmao. i've been taking care of my kid during this time and working on projects when i feel like it, i actually think my job is fun.
Samuel Mitchell
>Office Jobs are full of conniving cunts who think they are game of thrones extras. Well said, brother. Most of the acquaintances I've made with this job is superficial, I never once hanged out with anyone outside of work. >tough on the body and physically demanding. That could be a downside but imo it's better than to slowly succumb to depression and eventually kys because of a job. >I've generally found blue collar workers to be forgiving of mistakes and willing to help and teach you how to do the job. This is what I've observed from interacting with other from working class people. They seem more fun to hang out with and they don't care about social status and they're not obsessed about becoming the hottest shit in the workplace.
Jordan Walker
>seasonal grounds keeper >work 6- 8 months of the year >12 days on 2 days off >6am starts every day >minimum wage >work in all weather
Its both comfy and soul crushingly depressing at the same time tbqh
>I'd rather work with honest working class people. You don't know these "honest" people. Working class is far more manipulative, backstabbing and lying than office slaves.
Gavin Evans
If you have the passion for your job which I assume is applicable in your case since you're an enginneer, then yes, I say that type of office job can be fun. But if you're job has to do with accounting, customer service, sales, marketing type of office job then it's going to be hell. People won't hesitate to pull you down even if there's nothing in it for them, it's mainly for their amusement. Bosses are souless, power tripping rotten pieces of shit.
Benjamin Cruz
The only comfy job is absence of job.
Lincoln Nelson
That doesn't sound bad >Listen to your favorite music while you trim the grass on the lawn or whatever. >No one around to annoy you or tell you how to do your job Then again, I've never been a grounds keeper so I don't know what you're dealing with every work day
Ethan Russell
>accounting if you have the right mind for it then its fun >customer service gay af, literal loser or child tier >sales, marketing online marketing is easy and can be fun if it's creative marketing or driven by data
>people won't hesitate to pull you down >bosses are souless this type of pessimism sounds like unpreparedness or just staying at a bad company too long. understand that the social/cultural aspects of any job are more important than the technical ones.
Kayden Brown
Yes but most of us can't afford to be jobless or we'd end up in the streets.
Michael Sanchez
I work in metal passivization. Basically I put parts for guns like trigger springs into pools of acid so they never rust. I work alone because it's a family owned business with three employees, and I'm the only guy who works at night. Basically >Come in, nobody is there >Put some stuff in acid >Wait 30-60 minutes for the acid to do its job >While I wait I sit in the air conditioned office and shitpost on Zig Forums, vape, sometimes I'll go out and get chicken tenders or Chinese food, watch videos. >After acid does its job I take the parts out, rinse, and repeat. Every job takes at least 30 minutes to passivate, so I get a 30-60 minute break and only really do about 15 minutes of actual work during a shift. Easiest job in the world. It's literally just sitting around and waiting while being paid to eat chicken and shitpost
Owen Sanchez
It can be comfy but most of the time its not, working 7 days a week is also fucking terrible
Lucky to get 4 days off a month, no time for anything, getting up at 5am every day is making me want to end it all
None of my jobs have been comfy. I don't think I'd like a sitting down office job though as I'd probably go mad. I just wish these physical jobs didnt expect so much from you for so little wages.
Levi Myers
>sounds like unpreparedness maybe you're right. I went straight to working as soon as I finished studying and I had so much good expectations about working in this type of settings that it crushed me when I found out that it's far from what I've expected and that it's nothing like what I've studied for. Guess I just had to find my passion or some gay shit that'll motivate me.
Caleb Lee
How do I deal with the fact I'm in my 30s and make min wage working hard difficult jobs when there are kids out of college making 100000 salary doing easy work. Life isnt fair bros.
Hunter Lee
>working 7 days a week For real? And I thought 1 day off per week was bad.
Adam Hernandez
You've pulled through all this time working on said minimum wage job up until now you're 30 years old. And I think that in it of itself is a great feat on your part and is really admirable so don't sell yourself short, brodie. I've been working for 4 years now and I think that I'll be an heroing before I reach my 30s.
Tyler Rodriguez
Usually get every other weekend off, its still fucking terrible
Doesn't really help that literally everyone i know is some form of NEET/long term unemployed with no fucking idea what a days work is
>told my parents that i dont really care about how much i make when i get out of college as long as i am happy and can pay the bills and have a bit extra each month to spend on my hobbies >told them i would even avoid taking a promotion for double the pay if it meant i was no longer happy doing my job >they look at me like im crazy and try to convince me that my viewpoint is stupid and wrong
My advice to you is don't rush things. Don't get the job if you feel like because you have to have a job.
Ayden Sanchez
ill be graduating in a year with a networking degree but im satisfied if i get relegated to basic IT stuff like swapping out some 70 year old's keyboard i just cant seem to get the motivation to go for my certifications so i may or may not have those when i start applying for jobs. hopefully i can find a place to take me
Ayden Wood
> would you rather work a comfy but less paying job than to work in an office setting with a better pay? it would depend on how much the comfy job would be paying. like for example if i had a $160k job and the comfy job was paying $110k, yeah i'd take it. though at the end of the day, it's hard to find a comfy job that pays well enough for basic living where i live (PNW), so i just have to suck it up and work the more boring, demoralizing job till i can change things
Colton Collins
I work as a trainee lawyer at a large firm in my country
Work fucking SUCKS, the hours are insane. it's only not that bad because of godbless, quarantine shit
Hunter Nguyen
It could be a whole lot worse is what I keep telling myself.
I work long hours which I don't like, but I'm making more money than ever before which I like because it allows me to indulge in my frivolous pursuit of materialism. Most of my spare income goes to buying new gadgets or items that will distract me from the loneliness and purposelessness that consumes my life.
My work is easy, but monotonous and never ending. It also feels pointless, I feel no connection to the results of my work. The hardest part of my life is waking up alone in my apartment each day realizing I haven't died in my sleep.
Dont be mistaken user, a lot of those office jobs will fuck up your body too, just in a different and less obvious way. Also like what said the working class are not all a bunch of good little boys who are just on some hard times or never had much opportunity, there are plenty of scum just as there are with office drones.
>trainee lawyer at a large firm Correct me if I'm wrong but that's better because you're doing something that contributes to society or at least helps some people unlike in most jobs where you're slaving your ass off for the same hours so that the higher ups can fill their pockets with more cash
Asher Barnes
>lawyers >good to society aw youre cute user
John Rodriguez
Hey man, at least get your Sec+
Ryan Ross
No I unironiclly work in a mine it's wet and dirty as shit
Levi Anderson
No, my job makes me absolutely miserable. I'm that roadside service dispatch user who occasionally tells stories about how ignorant and entitled my customer's are and how I have to listen to people die or grieve their loved ones after fatal wrecks sometimes.
Things haven't been going too well lately, even by our already abysmal standards. I may be quitting soon, I'm looking elsewhere locally to see what's in demand. I'm mulling over one listing in particular that would entail working outdoors.
>cons: It's hot as balls. >pros: I could use some sun, spending practically every daylit hour in a windowless building and sleeping through my days off because I'm just so fucking exhausted has been awful for my complexion. Also some open air may be nice as opposed to recirculated office air during this pandemic. Also this opportunity would pay more.
Think I may pull up stakes and move on with my life.
Justin Wilson
>had comfy job >they put me in charge of customer correspondence on Facebook >hate it hate it hate it >talk with manager >"we all do things we dont want to do, user. Think about your future." >the future? Im wasting my life at a job I dont like rife with nepotism were no one does anything to change anything. Im trapped in my office aka working from home, cant do shit because of a lock down. The future, fuck Im living day to day now. The future? >quit >people qct surprised