>lurk crystal.cafe to see what girls want in a guy >so I can be a great boyfriend for my future girlfriend >See "Qt partner thread: greentext traits and how lovely your partner is"
>Tall >handsome >blue eyes >can pull other chicks >tall >big dick >6'2 >hot >tall >ripped physique >6'3 >muscular deep voice >great at sex >cute >handsome doctor >tall >BIG dick >gym body >tall >manly physique >muscular with six pack >tall >tall >tall
I wish I was exaggerating when I say literally every single post had tall and handsome.
Now I just want to kill myself even more knowing I'll never be great to a girl.
Remember, crystal cafe is full of completely degenerate societal rejects and not only do they consider standards like that acceptable, but they are most likely readily attainable for them. We never stood a chance.
Oliver Taylor
5'5 and i never had a chance. i would be with literally anyone who liked me but no woman can look past height. everyone looks down on you literally and figuratively. affects my career too.
Parker Jones
Yeah and if you lurk r9k as a girl then you'd think every man wanted a virgin japanese housewife
Don't base your assumptions on what the other gender wants off some niche forum of degenerates
Dominic Peterson
You stand a chance. Just a chance to be second. Suboptimal. The backup plan.
I honestly sometimes start laughing at how miners, supposedly our female equivalent, can apparently regularly pull 6'3 hung doctors. I'm not sure if they're like Zig Forums lying on the internet or if it really happens. Ikft. I'm 5'7 but that's not much better.
I think if you lurk r9k as a girl you'd think men are either gay or pathetically in need of a girlfriend. Or obsessing over some flavor of the month cutesy e-girl.
I don't think crystal.cafe is full of degenerates. It's full of sad dating age Internet-heavy girl types.
Jeremiah Gomez
Why dont short guys just date short girls? I think short guys are qt
Parker Watson
There are like 2 billion Asian and Latina women under 5ft. Date one.
Cooper Wood
>Yeah and if you lurk r9k as a girl then you'd think every man wanted a virgin japanese housewife B-but I do want a virgin Japanese housewife...
Jordan Moore
short girls are 99% height queens because the height difference reminds them of the height difference between their father (who they hate but are sexually attracted to at the same time) and them as small kids.
Nolan Parker
women want men at least a foot taller than them. and these small women you talk about will just pick a taller man anyway. we're the bottom of the barrel for women spoiled for choice
Carson Turner
It would be nice to have a relationship not based on getting a green card.
Tyler Parker
Women's standards
Landon Adams
Kind of sad because you read all the other threads and they're just pining for a guy who's sweet and loyal and doesn't look at other girls.
Then you actually get to the thread where they tell you what's great about their partners and they're all six feet tall and hung.
Women don't want guys taller than them, they want guys taller than other guys, especially guys their female friends are dating.
Jeremiah Scott
Because they mean tall in general. Not tall relative to them. Obviously a short woman is not ecstatic that 99% of men are tall for her.
Michael Watson
Just like you want an attractive gf, for girls the thing that matters by far the most is looks, men just have the confidence to admit it.
There is the argument that women are barely sentient and don't really know what they want, so they imagine and describe their disney tier ideal man, but in reality they don't really care about looks that much when you are face to face and it's all about confidence and pushing the right emotional buttons inside them. If you want to choose to believe that.
Owen Bailey
Apparently sweet and gentle Chads. But Chads nonetheless.
Ethan Parker
Its all trannies man
At least you can be a great bottom on Grindr
Henry Wilson
Even gay guys want a big cock unless they are getting TOPPED anything 7x6 below is average and 5.5 is small as fuck
Matthew Ward
I don't want an attractive gf. In fact my biggest crush ever was this very plain girl with a squashed nose and incredibly scrawny physique who was a tomboy and kicked me in the nuts once.
I do realize clearly women are willing to date guys who aren't tall. It's just disheartening when you get evidence that if women are being honest, as in not being judged for being shallow because they're on an anonymous forum, they require a guy to be tall, handsome and optionally hung. Like you can date a girl and even marry her, but you'll never be so special to her unless you're these.
Lucas Peterson
being non-promiscuous and trustworthy with a sense of impulse control is something you have direct control over. being tall or short is genetic, something you have no control over. your shitty false equivalence is dead on arrival.
Alexander Bell
Weak bait. That's not at all what those losers at crystal cafe post. OP is so obviously a 6'3" virgin.
Juan Kelly
I'm just too tired to wonder if this is a joke or not. Here are a few replies, and here is the thread.
What answer did you really expect? Everyone wants the best outcome possible.
Eli Robinson
>"I want Chad" Okay. Well are you Stacy/Chadette? Nope.
Crystals pine about the guy she wants. While Chadette is waking up with the guy she wants.
I refuse to call them "miners". Miners are hard working in a dangerous job to be providers. Crystals just sit there like a lump and say "look at me! Overvalue me because of my looks!" They're fucking crystals.
Luis James
>completely degenerate societal rejects and not only do they consider standards like that acceptable, but they are most likely readily attainable for them So...women in general, minus the social rejects part.
Christopher Jones
Aren't most of the 'females' on crystal cafe and lolcow farm just guys pretending to be girls? There's something weirdly masculine about the way they post there, either they're doing an amazing job of mimicking the exact mentality and mannerisms of male Zig Forums users, or they're just males posing as females.
Jaxon Johnson
>Just like you want an attractive gf Actually I want a plain gf. Much less chance of her leaving me, not ugly so you don't need to put a bag over their head when talking with them, will actually be in my league, and is perfect mother material. Hotties are only ever good for pumps and dumps, unless you're Chad enough to keep them around you long-term.
Landon King
most of us used to hang at lolcow and reddit but reddit is ruled by trannies and lolcow also removed most of the fun threads.
Adrian Gutierrez
To clarify this is not what they want. This is what they have and apparently exclusively what they are very happy with/love dearly.
James Thomas
Some day it's going to end like The Man Who Was Thursday and surprise, it was all guys thinking they were infiltrating a girls club.
Blake Johnson
I was expecting at least one or two women replying love who wasn't over six feet and handsome.
Kayden Ortiz
Exactly. When they post 'what they want' they say they just want someone who cares or someone who's nice or loyal. But then they end up with absolutely ripped, 6'4, high earning and outgoing well adjusted men. Funny that.