Even if the guys from the Math team are super smart and genius there is something off with their faces and bodies
And even if the Wrestlers are dumb as rocks they look 10 times better Why?
Even if the guys from the Math team are super smart and genius there is something off with their faces and bodies
And even if the Wrestlers are dumb as rocks they look 10 times better Why?
Testosterone and a Zig Forums body i assume?
I can point to as many things that are "off" in the faces of the people in the group above, as I can in the picture below. This is seriously all just in your head, and I don't mean that in a condescending way.
(except for the homie 2nd from the left in the picture above. he needs some lifts, maybe.)
Looking like the wrestlers and having an IQ between 115 and 130 which is not super genius but it is pretty much smart is the best combo
Most rich and powerful people such as Putin Musk or Zukenberg have Iq scores that range from 120 to 140
Unless you plan to be a scientist or work for Nasa you dont need a +160 IQ considering genius people tend to be super autistic
Top guys just need to lift and be confident
most athletes have at least a normal intelligence, the idea of the braindead 80IQ jock subhuman is just nerd/incel cope.
the braindead jock stereotype probably comes from the fact contact sports turn your brain to mush, so I think they start out normal or intelligent and then their brain gets rattled around their skull one too many times and they become stereotypical apes
It's called personality in my honest opinion.
Damn the nerd on the left looks like the Sandyhook shooter lmao
Math nerds have shitty postures, the suits don't fit them well and their body language / facial expressions are pure cringe.
Jocks have near perfect postures and stoic looks (notice the absense of insecure smiling).
Nerds are slaves. Think about it logically. No one would want to be a nerd.
I wrestled in high school and had above a 4.0 and got into some of the best colleges in the us. Most of the people on the team were intelligent. Sorry math nerd but your wrong.
3 and 6 on top will look fine after getting a bit older. 2 will end up ruling north korea or something.
> 2 will end up ruling north korea or something.
i legit fucking keked
IQ is meaningless unless you are an absolute retard or a genius
>le ebin why not both
It's more that when you're handsome and athletic you don't need to be academic to succeed, so jocks become arrogant and self assured in their own ignorance. It's not really about their innate intelligence but rather the choices they make and the culture they live in that encourages it.
Wrestlings one of the hardest sports out there. Plato used to wrestle.
People think I'm just a meat head at first glance than they find out I write bare metal c drivers for embedded processors and have a masters in computer engineering
Look on their faces and change of demeanor is always priceless
Half of those wrestlers are butt ugly.
CTE takes like 20 years or something to actually start having symptoms though so usually they're like middle aged and already retired professionally by then
You're redpilled af user
It is all in the mind.
Jocks just had better childhood
The smartest kid in my highschool was a wrestler though
Im more scared of the math team honestly.
It is the neck
They took the neck pill
true, what is the quote? "Gunpowder makes all men tall."
It's those Eurasian genes poking through that make them *so* attractive
I remember for 2016 US IMO team or for some other math competition in one of the team photos one of the guys was wearing a nekopara t-shirt
the top pic is from half a decade ago, all are in phd tracks in top tier universities, none have transitioned to females surprisingly, not even the short asian one
the third and sixth math guys could be passably cute as adults.
>all of the wrestlers are trying their best to make a hard face despite being 16 or something.
>that cool wrestler on the left who can barely contain his smug smile.
As far as I'm concerned, you only posted one person who isn't a turbo virgin. It's all about attitude.