Why even make a new life when you barely have anything to eat? wtf is wrong with these niggas?

why even make a new life when you barely have anything to eat? wtf is wrong with these niggas?

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they dont want to die out.
africa has the youngest population i think

they should die out, creating more suffering just so you get a bit of pleasure is extremely selfish

>why even make a new life when you barely have anything to eat? wtf is wrong with these niggas?
Isn't that all the more reason to make life?

Usually these people had children BEFORE the famines or displacement hit, OP.

They have nothing pleasurable besides sex. No tv, vidya, no entertainment. Just sex.

how so? a kid needs food, you ain't benefiting anyone by producing more parasites

They also have the lowest life expectancy by a large margin. Some average in the 50s. They all die of AIDS, disease, or infection.

Culture of having low IQ.

no no no, you EAT and SELL the babies

Maybe it's like in america and they get increased rations. Warlords need to get their child soldiers/wives from somewhere

Rats, insects, and other vermin like niggers breed quickly as a survival mechanism because most offspring are expected to die.

That is why the jews started flooding our countries with niggers, expecting them to keep breeding like they do in Apefrica. However their plans were sabotaged by the Moloch Sacrifice Industry. If it wasn't for abortion niggers would have overwhelmed the nation.

>more blacks aborted in NYC than born
They really have no control over their baser instincts and refuse to take responsibility for any of their actions.

>Expect a fully grown ape with 70 iq in their 30 (which is kinda old ) will do something smart such as stop shit out new ape or stop having sex to find a way to make foods
>Mfw a 10 years old chink have an average iq around 80-85

Increased birth rate to counteract the high mortality rate
Also children require less food than adults
And by speeding up their birth/death cycle they can naturally select beneficial adaptations to the low resource environment faster

Breeding is an instinct, though. That is the problem; they are animals. Instinct is all they have. Fuck and fight. And niggers do both exceptionally well.

Ironically, it required decades of endless guilt and Holohoax propaganda by the jews to break whites from what comes most naturally to all animals; and that is living and defending your own species. This comes naturally to all life, and is especially apparent among the North American Pavement Ape. But whites had to be completely broken of nature; their instinct to breed, their instinct to form tribes, their instinct to act for their own survival. The jew parasite has trained whites to deeply desire to destroy themselves.

Theyre already in a bad spot so theyre just pretty much just speeding up natural selection whether they know it or not

>fight exceptionally well
Not really. All the best boxers and mixed martial artists come from Mexico, Central and South America. All they have is numbers on the streets. They pick on the weakest to win a fight and if things go south, the group jumps in.

You mistake a few select outliers and the best of their breed with the biological definition of doing something well. It is not about individual skill. Niggers will all fight. Even their negresses will grab a fucking dog and try to beat you to death with it when you anger them. Their entire subhuman species will fight. They will hunt in groups. They will hunt at all. Your martial arts shows in the safety of a ring means absolutely nothing in this example.

Your refereed matches would still get their shit fucked in in a street fight where every nigger in the block, called to combat by the hoots of fellow apes, gang-fucks you on the street then stomps the corpse.

I'll take a pro boxer or mma guy vs a street nigger in a fair fight anyday. If you're talking no rules, give me the redneck who'll mag dump your ass. Hell, the Mexican or South American will just hack you to death with a fucking machete.

This is why I hope LA removes the police. The cartel and SA gangs will slaughter every nig gang around in a week. Those fuckers don't play around.

>huuur duuur jews
stfu retard, we whites don't breed as much cuz we know it's better to get your life in order first

if you ain't got enough resources to take care of another life then don't fucking create it, humans should know better than this yet they still behave like braindead animals, these mother fuckers don't deserve anything less than extinction

>The cartel and SA gangs will slaughter every nig gang around in a week.
This, there's a reason Mexico seems like a first world country compared to Africa.

wasnt be true 1000 years ago. you guys bred out and killed your niggers, they havent

The are no "fair fights" in nature. This, again, is why you need to sit down before you hurt yourself. Success in biology is doing something more prolifically than others, not examples of individual skill. Niggers fight. Constantly. Your MMA faggots you're lusting over play grabass in a ring. Meanwhile 13% are responsible for over 56% of all violent crime. This doesn't compare. Nature is about winning, not following rules. And while you're crying about how some Mexican cage-wrestler can beat a nigger in a 1-on-1, twenty others are finishing raping your wife.

"But I have a triple black belt in dick-fu!"
Ants still do it better because of raw numbers. And a nest full of ants will wreck your shit just the same, no matter how many individual ants you punch in the ant-dick. That is how they survive. That is why they are incredibly successful, despite individual ants being useless little things.

Because we all know how successful the rednecks have been fighting back against nigger mobs for the last few decades. You're more likely to film it on your cell phone than to fight. But a nigger does not care. Because... they are fighters. They are violent animals who know only instict, while you cry about being afraid of the police.

Honestly "I'm more skilled than literal vermin" is pretty desperate to begin with.

>(((we whites)))
Hello Moshie. Glad you finally showed up.

Madison Grant advocated for the continued recognition and separation of 'races' while Marcus Garvey argued for raising children to believe they were superior to other races to provide a unifying goal and impetus for action. With the apparent success of some jews using these strategies, how do you feel about these contentions?

You clearly aren't from the midwest or central US. If you tell a redneck that there are no laws and a nigger is going to kill him, he'll grab any number of guns he has and mag dump until one of the two are dead.

Also love how you completely ignored my remark about the Mexican Cartels and SA gangs because you know they'd slaughter the nigs and cut their heads off with joy. Same goes with those Islamist extremist in the Middle East. You really think a bunch of blacks are going to kill them? How about the IRA? You think they wouldn't just play it smart and car bomb them all?

hahaha that's what I allways said when I was a kid.
I would say bs like this everytime we discussed this topic in school. thx for the memories

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The best option is fucking or getting TOPPED with sissies 0 chance of babies

Thanks, Swift

They dont make a new life, they make sex and then new life suddenly appears out of vagina. Btw,thats how the majority of this board came to be.

Africans have smartphones and internet user.

I heard they used to stomp babies in Japan for this reason. Babies were kinda side product of fucking.

>And by speeding up their birth/death cycle they can naturally select beneficial adaptations to the low resource environment faster

Adapting to being better at pleading for white welfare?

biological imperative, retard
Humans are not logical animals.
Western life is so great and yet no one is breeding at replacement level, dooming the civilization to die. What is wrong with white people and east asians?

>bro da niggaz r epic fightas
>who cares about skill they'll just gang you up without the safety of rules

Is that why every race on the planet would be able to genocide the entire nigger population within a week?
Do you realize the only reason people isn't killing niggers massively is "laws" and fear of going to jail? Yeah, "rules" protecting your dear niggers. They don't care about jail because of their low iq, and superior races care about spending the rest of their lives in a shoebox. Thus antinatural rules give them the edge. How does that equate to "niggaz r da best in no rules"?

Braindead nigger worshipper.

Brainlet takes

Chad take

In sub-saharan African cultures, the children are meant to take care of the parents/elderly when they're able. More children = higher chance of a successful child who will be able to take care of the parents during the later stages of their life. This is due to there not being any government safety nets for old people such as care homes, they rely purely on family.