I'm an asian boy addicted to WMAF porn

I'm an asian boy addicted to WMAF porn.
My tiny dick gets so hard watching WMAF and I can't help but stroke it.

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>be me
>also have a small penis
Damn, it never even began for me.

White guy here, only way I'd fuck an Asian woman is if she had a nice ass and nice hips. If she doesn't have that then you can keep them

Those videos of mylittlehugot slobbing on, and worshiping white cock may as well usher a new century of humiliation for the ricecels.

I don't know who that is but WMAF porn makes my tiny dick so hard

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JFL Stormy the cuck will defend this for a whiff of some BWC himself

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What is JFL? Who is stormy?

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I can't stop touching my tiny cock to WMAF

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This is good. It's the natural hierarchy. I am white so I get cucked by Black men, and you're Asian so you get cucked by White men.

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Fuck Stormy, the 2 inch erect penis angry little Asian man. I am the only Zig Forums pass user who has an adult sized peen.

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If it makes you feel better OP i'm a white guy and I have a pretty qt asian girl coming to stay with e in about 4 days for the pure reason of her wanting to have sex with me.

Asian girls only see asian 'men' like me as little boys. I used to be jealous that they preferred white men but I started watching WMAF porn and it made my tiny dick so hard.

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we can have this thread BUT you cant shill joggers in them.

Have you thought about getting an Asian gf and getting TOPPED together by a white man?

so this jogger has to go

I'm not gay, I like WMAF when its the girl teasing me.

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ugh im so upset with this thread. my pp is so hard

It's not gay if she dresses you up like a good Asian girl, that way you can also feel the pleasure of a BWC

gays please go away

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Like there aren't white girls fucked by asians

so if the sex poster isnt talking about joggers they run out of steam is what im seeing

Here's some recent discord conversations we had where I talk about anal fucking her. Keep in mind she was still dating an Asian guy while sending me this, who she has now broken up with because he was too short and ugly.

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Another race bait thread

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bro that message is more interesting than your post. im yawning

thats it? your content is weak, just like your cumloads, wh*te "man"

>am white
>Have a large penis
>Went to have sex with a rail thin Japanese girl
>Literally can't get it inside of her
Fuckin awful

cus u have soft sponge "cock". youre a hardlet

>be azn boi
>dont have big cawk
>rail the HECK out of Becky
>she screams for the moon

Hard as a rock actually, my boners get painful.
Her pussy was fuckin sideways or something. It didn't go in at the angle I'm used to.
I got the head in and she couldn't take a centimeter more.

put some lube on that boi

I'm Japanese and I've only fucked white American cunts. I really want to fuck an Asian bitch though, especially a Japanese one.

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