HeIo anyone want to talk

heIo anyone want to talk

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Yes me, can I ask you something bery important, fren?

nope quit ban evading midget

i got work at 4pm. will be my first shift as delivery driver at dominos. got a nice playlist set up, looking forward to it

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What's up user orig

yeah you can ask it
i'm neither of those
i like driving but i wouldn't work there
at least u can drive while you work i guess
just wanna see if anyone here wants to talk to someone

Ok, since no one is answering you are my only hope user...can you hack through someone's pc by giving them access to your Steam account? It's really important please, I'm getting quite paranoid

no user that doesn't make any sense
they just have access to your steam account they can't do anything to your pc
i have 2 factor authentication on steam if you don't trust them turn that on

sure, it'd be a pleasure. how's it going?

I'm on the receiving hand of this, so I had to go thought the two factor autentication. Are you sure they can't use any loopholes in the vidya to hack me? Thank you fren btw, you really helped me feel better

i've been worse im just really lonely
my only friend is still gone for another week so i dont have anyone to talk to
maybe somebody else here is lonely
there are no games like that and as long as your emails aren't the same password as your steam you're safe

I used to order from domino, but then I found out they're anti-white and stopped.

Thank you user, you really helped me. Have a nice day, I'll go back to studying!

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lol what?

my store and area is almost all white, so idk. pays decent for now

>my only friend is still gone for another week so i dont have anyone to talk to
I see. is it an irl friend? I feel lonely most of the time too. but I just drown it out with vidya and such. what do you like to do when you're extremely bored?

They pledged support to the anti-whites that call themselves "BLM".

I understand that it's mostly the higher-ups, nothing against you, my good man.


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they don't live near me right now they just went on some vacation with their family and have limited internet.
when im bored sometimes i will drive or exercise, or watch anime or play one of my favorite games. that's what i've been recently at least. sometimes i do unhealthy things.

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so we're pretty much the same except i don't care for exercise.
i have one friend irl who i haven't seen in months. apart from consoomption i'm trying to look for a job to no avail. guess i'm shit outta luck, shit's tough.

i have no irl friends anymore i completely shut myself out from that world
sorry you can't find a job, i couldn't work a irl job ever
idk how to find those either to help you

Hey Anons, imma slip in here
Dunno why but friendships are hard. I have many good friends and a good handful of really close friends. But sometimes I find it hard to keep close to them all. I can feel your pain since there was a time I had no one. Sometimes I do feel that way

if it's hard maybe you have too many friends
it gets too hard to talk to them all on the same level
well pretty much impossible

yeah i get that i was just venting a little bit. there's only so much that goes for communication online but not much action one can take from it. i'll just have to keep looking or rope and perish within 10 years.

i like online more cause people are more real once you get to know them

true but eventually it gets to the point where both people talk about the same old problems then they both separate and look for a new friend to add and repeat the cycle. but it is nice to talk sometimes.

Apologies for not tagging anyone (on my phone) but to everyone here the only way I think I could ever get out of the hole of having no friends is to join a public group like a gym or something or play online for ages to meet people but I doubt video game friends wanna be your irl friend. Suicide is never the answer!

I don't think I've had a single moment of complete relaxation in at least a decade. No matter what, I'm always tense about something.

im just so depressed pls someone reply to me pls someone talk to me

whats up user, i acknowledge your existence
nice digits

hello chups I love you

ive tried everything user, i dont want to go to therapy and drink pills. how to make yourself happy? are you happy?