I have heard that finding a trad qt gf is easy if you start going to and being active in a local church. I am kind of christian but am not going to any church. Which kind of church should i join to maximize my chances of finding a qt trad girl to eventually marry? Has anyone done this?
I have heard that finding a trad qt gf is easy if you start going to and being active in a local church...
Most Christian girls I know are major sluts. The only ones you will get will be the rejected horse girls
nah this is a psyop. i'm active in church communities and the whole tradcath girls are actually whores thing is a total meme. if you want to meet whores you can find them here or in night clubs and bars.
When will this meme die? Women are sluts no matter what their packaging is. Someone pull up that greentext of the guy who grew up with a girl his whole life and they promised their virginities to each other, then the girl gets pumped and dumped by some rando in summer camp.
Stay away from megachurches, or anything that describes themselves as "non-denominational", "open and affirming", or "progressive". They are full of burned out former whores looking to lock down their beta bux. Join a smaller, traditional, bible-believing church, and seek to make friends with older men there. Once you gain their respect, make it known you are looking for a wife, and see if any have daughters or other relatives who they could set you up with. This is how courting was done for time immemorial, and is a great way to screen out dishonest or ill-behaved women
M8 nearly every trad girl at church is already married by 18 and have already picked their husband out by 12
You're too late
>t. Church goer
Already to go senpai
>These are supposed to be the "loyal" girls
That's just cruel
>find church girl
>either ugly as sin or crazy as fuck
>most likely not smart either
Have fun with your deranged retarded gf.
Thanks, user, for some reason I remembered it as a greentext. This shit still hits hard despite being years since I last read it. Fucking hell.
you also have to be a chad, just because they go to church doesn't mean that they don't want a chad, just not maybe an ex-con thug (unless he became 'born again' in prison)
fuck this now im just angry
thats brutal but that guy should have seen that coming or cumming i should say ahah
because that's not the only time that's happened.
there's one that's a greentext about someone's childhood friend, someone so close that due to her shitty home situation she would go to the naon's house and live with them as if she was a member of the family. she knew how he felt about her, led him on because she didn't want to risk that safety net, then got with another guy. i'm paraphrasing but that's more or less the gist.
Christkikes go back to 8kun top /christian/
damn that sort of shit is just brutal to hear about
I keep thinking I should go to Church just because society is crumbling and I fucking repent, but then I assume they're just going to put me in the "panicking guy just looking for a gf" corner, especially since I am just this old piece of aged-out shit now.
I went to my local church and I didn't see a single person under the age of 50 there
young people rarely these days are into beliefs at all
god. what a fucking whore. and she had the audacity to be the one crying in that situation. shes fucks up and she is still the one crying and trying to get comforted
sage. I am curious how the white knights in the comments replied to him with shit like 'why do you care what she does with her virginity' other garbage like that blaming him. the lesson here is that you have to fuck as soon as you can and that waiting after marriage is a meme.
This. The Church I go to is 99% boomers. The only people there that aren't boomers, are families with children just born or born a few years ago. There is no middle ground and certainly no qt girls in the 20's much less teenage.
>OP I'm sorry your girlfriend cheated, but I also want to say be careful about the way you view some things. "Then I asked why him and not me, why was I punished all of those nights and this guy in less than a weeks time was able to get to where I was not able to go for all of these years." I understand its frustrating that your girlfriend slept with someone else, but I don't think its healthy to view your girlfriend not having sex with you in the past as a 'punishment'. I know it may just be anger speaking - but its also good to get out of this line of thinking while you are still young.
First one that got gold I saw after digging it up.
First response to that was
>Kinda worried I had to scroll down so far to see a comment like this. It may just be phrasing, but OP makes it sound like taking his girlfriend's virginity was like some "ultimate prize that she deprived him of" instead of an intimate moment together. I'm not saying her cheating was right, but she's in charge of her own body and who she has sex with. Also she's 17-ish now right? Not having sex "for years" might have also been because she was 14. I know a lot of people have sex at a young age, but man that's just...so young in my opinion.
God I hate redditfags so fucking much.
fucking redditfags huh
There's no reason to get into a relationship
It will only end in misery and heartache
Even if she's loyal
Here's the second one
Kinda gets worse
Are there any more updates?
That poor guy. I hope his life got better and he met a new good honest virgin gf.
I've got one more
Think there might have been another one
reading the story i feel an honest sense of empathy for what happend to that guy damn brutal shit even tho it never has happend to me i feel like it has from reading it
this is a powerful series of messages. i've never been betrayed like this just got scammed for $ so I can't imagine what it's like to be cheated on. awful.
All cis women are sluts. If you want a loving relationship you need to find a male girlfriend
This is completely false. I can tell you've never been to a real church. Actual Christian girls are pure.
Pure hungry for big black cock
His parents are great. This is exactly how parents who love their child would react when they find out somebody hurt them this badly. Im very glad to hear he atleast has he family with him.