>tfw this was literally you
Tfw this was literally you
>sitting at the empty table in the crowded cafeteria
>not pretending to use the bathroom while crying or self-harming on the toilet for the entire break
Never gonna make it.
Your only shot is to be a bottom on Grindr and get TOPPED
That's always me on the first week whenever I'm in a new environment but usually after you just make some small talk and introduce yourself to people and do some tasks with them they start waving at you to come sit with them.
I don't really get why or what motivates human beings to like each other but sure. Better than sitting alone I guess.
Don't do this user, don't bring the bad stuff up again...
tfw had to eat outside because there was nowhere for me to sit in my overcrowded school. It was banned but the teachers made me the acception as I was the infamous weird loner kid.
>not sneaking into the library and pretending to study
>he actually went to school
Not gonna make it
>hs had a library
>spent lunch period doing hw
>did intermittent fasting before it was cool
>graduated top of my class
>still skipped lunch at uni out of habit
>graduated with honors
>also a khhv
technically still one if excluding prostitutes
I actually had a couple of loser friends in High School. People would throw food at us.
>wanting to eat at the normie table instead of the cool isolated table that sat in a remote area that was all secluded because they forgot to move it back in to the cafeteria
never gonna make it
Yep, that was basically me
This is so fucking depressing. I would like to think I would be the type to sit and talk with him in HS, but I know I wouldn't have been :(
i used to go sit in the library and use one of the computers there during lunch, or i would go find an empty classroom to eat lunch in. fuck eating alone in the cafeteria.
Nah I was really popular in school. It's after school finished that my life fell apart.
Homeschooled or third worlder?
I should have just went to the library back when I was in hs. I might have actually made some friends.
Was bullied so bad I didn't want to go anymore
stop being a faggot.
i always hid in the bathroom or walked around my high school.
classes of 1500 people suck
Damn, sorry about that. Do they just let you quit though? Obviously laws differ per country but I think people are obligated to stay in school until a certain age or level of education under most jurisdictions right?
Yeah the cops made me go in middle school but once you get to high school they stop caring
I remember one of the most soul crushing things that ever happened to me was in 5th grade where I wondered why I was unpopular and figured if I just sat with the cool kids, things would change. So i sat in the cool kids table and instead they just all moved to another table. Probably the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me
That is kinda cringey can you blame them?
Yeah you're right, and I was a dumb kid who was more or less socially retarded because of how sheltered my parents raised me. I'm better off now in every way, but damn does that shit still haunt me every so often.
It's still a dick move from them but they are kids, kids are dicks. One time I was sitting alone at a table in class and the teacher told a student to go sit with me and he was like "that table is sad" then everyone laughed. But that kid is dead now so fuck him
Man 8th grade was brutal
>Changed schools
>didnt know a single person there besides one guy I barley knew from church who would bull me relentlessly
>too afraid to branch out and make new friends
>would sit down with strangers in an effort to make friends
>that seats taken ,who is this dude?,silence
>would end up sitting by myself and contemplate suicide
Things got better tho, I challenged my bully to a fight because I had had enough, he backed down, I made decent friends through football, and at the last month of school for some reason this cute Latina girl liked me for some reason we never kissed but she would walk with me to my classes
Shit was rough but if you already wish you were dead then theres nothing worse to feel so you might as well try a few things
I actually sat in the left table but I felt like the guy in the right one.
It's always been like that.
Impressive. Very. Nice.
>i waz muted 4 two seconds cuz my comment wuz not original
At least you had a table, I spent most days sitting against the wall in an outside pavilion. The place I sat was a covered walkway that was barely used, so at least I could be alone when it rained.
I remember sitting out there and reading A Redtail's Dream and SSSS on my phone while I ate. What small solace I found near the end.
God I remember that being me and a few people took pity on me and they sat at the table to talk to me but they just treated me like I was a charity case. Next day I told myself I would open up to them and they never came or talked to me again.