How is sugar not illegal?

I'm never going to able to lose weight unless sugar is forcefully taken away from me. How are they allowed to sell me literal drug that makes and keeps me fat while destroys my health?

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Just stop eating sugar.

because other people like me who aren't overweight need sugar to put in they damn coffee so it doesn't taste like ass.

Use cream. Coffee tastes better with cream than with s*Gar.
Just kill y*Urself

I am clinicallly obese and love sugar. I try to avoid it sometimes but always end up consuming it again. It's addictive, and is put in so many things by corporations to get fatties like us hooked on their products for life. It's evil, but then again I would not want to see it restricted because that would violate my principles as a free-market libertarian. I believe people should be allowed to do as they please within reason, and the government should not dictate what people can or can't eat/drink. I guess we either should find another outlet that isn't eating/drinking sugary stuff, or just give in and accept an early death from diabetes or other obesity-related illnesses. My female friend said I am going to get diabetes and told me about her dad having it or something. I haven't been to a doctor about much so idk what things they would find if I did go to see one. Probably all sorts lol.

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> I believe people should be allowed to do as they please
>It's addictive, and is put in so many things by corporations to get fatties like us hooked on their products for life
You don't want to consume sugar. You are addicted to it.

I lost weight with keto (because restricted carbs) but then I stopped eating keto and started to put on weight again.

i prefer cream AND sugar, you see.

You need a government license to buy s*Gar otherwise it should be illegal. Only healthy people should be granted a loicense to buy s*Gar

go vegan you fat turd. vegans eat a ton of sugar and are still, far and away, the skinniest dietary group. meat, animal products and processed foods make you fat

unprocessed sugars, like raisins, dates, apples, starberries, and fruit do NOT make you fat

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>its the governments job to protect me from myself
Cowardly weak-willed faggots like you are the reason this country has turned into such a talmudic autocratic shithole

>its the governments job to protect me from myself
Then why are drugs illegal?

OP, do you live alone? If you do, you should get rid of all sugar shit in your house and stop buying sugar shit.
And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.

>How is sugar not illegal?
I'm very skinny and enjoy sugar alot

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>My female friend said I am going to get diabetes and told me about her dad having it or something

eat all the carbs you want from fruit and you wont get diabetes. diabetes is cause by processed foods like soda pop and from meat. meat eaters have the highest rates of diabetes out of all dietary groups

go vegan you fat tuuurd

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Because a subverted populace is an easily controlled populace. ;^)

Thank you user, I will consider lowering my consumption of meat.

Same reason, weak-willed cowardly faggots. All drugs should be legal, as long as no taxpayer money goes to "muh programs" to "help" junkies

>"Meat eater" includes ever fat fuck addicted to McDonalds while the other categories are preselected for health nuts

I wonder how keto and carnivore would look on that chart

The reason why vegans don't get fat while scarfing down sugar and fruit is because they're not consuming enough essential nutrients to build new adipose tissue. It doesnt change the fact that veganism is an inherently deficient diet

Don't, meat is the most nutritious and complete food there is. You might lose weight as a vegan but its basically just starvation.

Stop eating sugar, control how much starch you eat, and eat more meat and fat.

>tfw vegan and overweight

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>I'm too weak to stop eating like shit so it's da joos fault
the absolute state of nu-Zig Forums

Again, meat eaters include a significant amount of people who eat fast food every day while chugging soda and vegan includes a lot of people starving themselves on leafy greens and sprouted seeds. Its a completely spurious correlation.

>tfw just ate mxdonalds for lunch
dont mind me, just flexing my thin privilege

This tbdesu, absolute fat weak willed retards

You are a mere serf. Why should you be allowed to open your mind and experience something on a spiritual level instead of being a mindless consoomer?

>BMI below 18

Just ate a nice burger

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eat a whole foods diet. when you eat processed foods, even if its vegan, it can still lead to weight gain

go to youtube and learn some vegan whole food plant based recipes and make them. personally i just make soup everyday, and snack on raisins and dates if i want sweets, which i do all day err day

no need to be fat on a vegan diet. potato chips, fries, ben and jerry's non dairy, oreos and coca-cola are all vegan, but they are bad for you. elevate your health in the same way you elevated your morals

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I drink sugar all day and am skinny as fuck. You're just a lazy worthless human sorry

Vegans are fucking retarded just stop. Humans need meat to survive

>everyone else should be punished because I have no self control

I dont even masturbate, I have more self control than you and 95% of people on this board

It's the same faggot who said eating meat is immoral while also saying killing babies is okay.

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