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Greetings ENTJs. Sledgehammers are a display of prime strength, in small heads they contain the utmost limit of force that can be used by human. It's a prime tool. Godly weapon.
W-why...? Why did the previous thread had to die~? QwQ
Is... is it because there wasn't enough INFJ-T...? :(
If personality types were weapons, would ENTJ be the sledgehammer? What would the differences between ENTJ-A and ENTJ-T be...? What weapon described INFJ-T best? I hope it's something cute... :3
Yeah... >w<
Could be Fi or Fe! ^.^;
Are ENFPs a half-exception (loud but still cute)? :3c
NT = UwU UwU
NF = UwU OwO
SJ = OwO UwU
SP = OwO OwO
I don't think Extraverts are any less likely to be in loops, it's always seen as negative for extraverts though, unlike introverts fo whom it's their tragic superpower. You never see an extravert though so who knows.
hewwooo how does Ne manifest in infps
I realize that's dumb to "feel bad" for "baddies". If he's a danger for society, I should not feel pity for him just because everyone shits on him. If he's a troll...then he can face the consequences of his shitposts.
It's funny how at first, I was just typed as an xNTP
>you don't argue from an emotional point of view, you seem to be detached from your emotions in your analyses
>you use the lens of logic, not that of values
>you don't seem to have particularly defined values, you seem to lack Fi
>your thoughts seem to be really internalized and you don't really include many external things like Te users
>you don't seem to really know how to behave around people, you're concerned with other people's judgement even if you try to hide it, you know how effective it is to use emotional arguments to convince, "manipule" people, Fe (even if, as I said, I may not necessarily follow society's morals)
But now...2-3 "Fi" things that were said to me seem to fit.
Fuck it.
by being suidical memelords and quirky funny fuckers who hate themselves but are creative
>kneels to take a piss
>authority on anything
>tfw u r an mbti type
If you can think of a better way I'd love to hear it!
It happens to a lot of people.
>not a single result
Yeah it's a real shocker that extroverts are few and far between here.
Haha I'm off work time to coom. Or maybe... not?
What type was Seth Putnam of Anal Cunt fame?
my "friends" organized things without me again
What would you do if you didn't coom? Talk to frens? Make new frens? Shitpost?
Tell me more user. We can talk if you want. I'm assuming you want to talk because you said something
Just tired of it is all. I feel like I waste my time with them, since if I do talk with them (over discord) im not working on my art, but it doesn't change the fact I seem to require human contact, so I don't like being left out and treated like a mid-tier friend either.
The only solutions I see are let go and lose myself in my work, get better friends (hopefully more industrious ones who don't play video games all day), or strengthen the bonds with my current circle, of which I'm very much an outlier.
And now I feel like a bitch for writing all this. Anything on your mind you need to share?
There must be a way you can balance out the need to express yourself artistically and spending time with friends. Have you tried to just tell your friends you feel like you're mid-tier to them? Just explain your feelings. I had another INFP friend like that and once he did that the group completely changed to better accept him. What makes you an outlier anyway?
piss off friend havers!
infp? Didn't really see much of him in that interview but first impression is he seems pretty Ne and pretty dreamy at a first impression.
I haven't expressed it to the group as a whole, only the owner of their server. It's common knowledge amongst them that I am the odd man out, though.
I ghosted everyone I knew years ago because of a move, and no one talked to me unless I initiated anyway, so it seemed natural. One of these people reconnected with me, which I was excited about, but he's a lot tighter with the server in question than he is with me. They all game together, whereas I don't play games much because they either feel like a time sink or, in the cases where I do get into a game, I want to experience it without dick joke chatter from a discord call.
I just don't fit their general vibe, though we do get along when an actual conversation is able to blossom when no games are being had. It's hard to confront them about it because it's essentially a difference in interests. I can't deny that their lack of ambition disappoints me, and for me to bring up the issue is to essentially admit this. Still, despite me sending out the signal that I don't enjoy their company, I do, when it's more a soul to soul thing, so even if I likely wouldn't enjoy whatever they have planned tonight, it still saddens me that I'm never invited.
My "friends" are exclusive to discord, and I only actually connect with two of them, and a fraction of the time at that. I don't think that qualifies unless you're truly utterly alone, in which case I apologize, but maybe we could be friends assuming you haven't given up on that.
I don't have any frens. I would try to make music or shitpost or get drunk or play a game or some combo of those things. I ended up cooming though.
>Used to feel depressed and broken because lacked social skills, lacked a gf, had no desire to go out and do things
>Test as ISTP several times over 3 different weeks
>Discover I am not broken, I'm a different type of normal
>Accept I dislike people and have no desire to engage with them more than necessary
>Fuck having a gf
>Fuck being extroverted, embrace being introverted
This is good
>I don't think that qualifies
Qualifies as what exactly? I'd suck your dick irl but I've given up on having any e-friends as you rightfully guessed. I don't think I'd get along with you in particular either, "connect" as you say.
Here's my discord tag anyway
i saw a lady bailing hay#6674
I'll add you tommorow at some point when I'm feeling more emotionally constitutional if you send a request.
how do infps go through daily life without scarfing down ssris
INTP dropping by to say that one day i'm going to snap and just lose it because i hate the material world and i also hate being trapped in my own mind
INTP dropping by to say dude just get over it.
how do i use Fe as an inferior Fe user
Se chads > Te chads
You don't, you just give up on trying to fit in
I didnt see anything worth replying to m8