>ask sex from some tinder thot after messaging for a couple of days
>go for a coffee and then to her place
>fuck her for less than a minute before cumming
>cum and start putting my clothes on
>she asks "is that it? you are just going to cum and leave"
>think of Chad yes.jpg and say yes
Ask sex from some tinder thot after messaging for a couple of days
At least you handled that better than most virgins. You could have done better, but that was alright indeed. Well done, son.
I'm not a virgin I have hooked up before but it was with chicks from night clubs. Last time was 4 years ago. I was almost cumming after 30 seconds but I could hold it for another 20 seconds before cuuuuming. She looked so disappointed lmao she thought I was going to give her pleasure or something
>she thought I was going to give her pleasure or something
it was a real gamer moment lmao
Dont you like the cuddling afterwords? i mean even if you have rough sex its comfy to cuddle after cleanup
And then she cried rape next week.
Nigga, if you gave her a good time sexually, she will hit you up for more. You just lost out on regular pussy and have to play the Tinder game again
they fucked once and it sucked for her, it only lasted a minute. if she has an ounce of self respect, she won't call him back.
chicks only accept this type of behaviour if you've got them hooked (have been seeing them for a while and they're in love), or if you have mindblowing sex with them. OP is clearly a faggot.
>you need to please women and give them sexual pleasure
lmao no
cucked and bluepilled
bluepilled and cucked
succ my pp, mister faggittio
If you want to last longer go slow at first, if you feel semi close stop and leave it inside for a bit. go again, rinse and repeat. Eventually it goes numb and you can go for as long as you want. At least for me this is the case
Hello? Yes, I'll put OP on the line right away.
user, I do believe this call is for you.
Based and chadpilled
If you cant make a woman cum effortlessly then you are ugly. Women cum as soon as Chad slides his dick in.
Thats the problem you should be on Grindr you could get TOPPED tonight or even get head if you wanted
do i look like i care? lmao @u cuck simp beta
you is a stinky bitch
no girl is ever gonna want to date you if you can't give her an orgasm, you're gonna remain no gf unless you try to change this
You should care about being ugly, yes
the most based post I've seen on r9k in months
Who gives a shit
Staying around is just asking for problems to happen
Just look for a robro on Grindr who wants to get TOPPED quit playing around
Ridiculously based
I can't even comprehend ever being as based as op
hes not based at all, he is a human failure
>premature ejaculator
>pretends sexual dysfunction is a chad move
>posts here to get validation from seething virgin incels
Yeah, actually this sounds like a larp.
Stay based op
unbased, cringepilled and bluepilled. seethe and dilate
>unbased, cringepilled and bluepilled. seethe and dilate
No you
>be op
>finally find a roast who's whorish enough to sleep with you
>probably on some drug or coked out like 99% of roasts these days
>somehow by luck she allows him to fuck her
>fuck her the way he wants
>"whaa, you cant just leave"
>walks off like a chad
>because he did it so quick no one will believe the false rape she was probably cooking up to quit her pathetic job
>op leaves based, not in jail, and WILL get more roasts do to the fact that female musk is still lingers on his cock.
Tip top based OP
>finally find a roast who's whorish enough to sleep with you
I don't even try because it's so much effort. I had to message this stupid cunt for 3 days and take the fucking 3 word responds and build a conversation from there. The sex lasted less than a minute but it took me so effort to get it's not anywhere near worth it. I'm going to keep wanking off to porn from now on
>I'm going to keep wanking off to porn from now on
Now THAT part I believe!
>3 fucking days
>this is normal
Doged a bullet
maybe someday there will be an app to send mass likes on apps and make bot messages to not waste time like that
fuck all of the failed normalfags in this thread
vagina is over valued inflated bullshit. onaholes will surpass them in the near future
stay absolutely based