
having a nice sweaty wank to some reddit slags edition

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Who was the first /britfeel/ personality?

probably poleaboo

>you'll never eat Tilda rice with Tilde

Yes. It was definitely Poleaboo. BritNormie was the second major one, although there were also a few minor non-trip personalities back then too, like Dad's BMW user and The Kiddo Guy.

well... erh i dont remember. we had a lass lupus chan was the first girl everybody orbited, then when everyone fucked off to another chan, first guy in the op image was "just fucking end it all now" then stuck in east devon guy.
poley didnt come till way later

wish tildes blog wasnt private so I could know who people are talking about when they refer to them, all I have gathered is that it was a tranny that ebin may have almost bummed

>Starship White Noise | Sleep, Study, Focus | Spaceship Lounge Sound 10 Hours

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Literally why do you even care? I'll try and sum him up for you
>got a job in greggs
>massive hands
>met up with Ebin in a hotel and they did some gay sex stuff
That's all you really need to know

>all I have gathered is that it was a tranny that ebin may have almost bummed

You've got the important part. Tilde is an alcoholic tranny who works in Greggs in Pride Hill Shopping Centre in Shrewsbury. She had a kind of relationship with Ebin and went to visit him, twice I think.

When she came to Ebin's house, Ebin shouted at his mum, totally out of nowhere "I'm not gay!"

They spent the night together in the Grand Hotel Scarborough. No one really knows exactly what went down.

In the end, Ebin was quite cruel to Tilde and denied (even to her) there was ever anything romantic between them, which is 100% bullshit.

very comfy lad
listening to this myself
>[ASMR] Your Dandere Maid Helps You Sleep [Binaural/Hair Brushing]


Don't forget the letter he gave his parents about being a gay

ty lads, nice of yous to explain it for me

>Literally why do you even care?
just wanted to know cause they are mentioned every few threads, no deeper meaning

hope you all remembered to brush your teeth this evening lads

Haha I don't remember this. Are you sure that was Ebin? What did it say?

Brushed my teeth and uses mouthwash and then didn't wait 15 minutes and drank 1 litre of orange juice in a record 23 seconds.

there was some schizo trying to claim Tilde wasn't real a day or two ago

Here's a little tip for you lad: most of the time it's the person posting about themselves without a trip to make themselves seem liked and to generate interest. Almost every single tripfag does it
Basically that he was a gay and there wasn't anything anyone could say to stop him being a bum boy. I think britnormie read it out on vocaroo

>brush teeth
>drink oj
>am rewarded with a sharp pain behind the ears
does that not happen to you lad?

might by a guitar hero controller if there's a way to play on PC

For me? It's drinking a litre of grapefruit juice despite being on Sertraline and getting a lot of bad side effects.

This might be my memory playing tricks on me, but I think that letter mentioned something about going to uni, so I'm not sure it was Ebin. I might be wrong though.

Kek nah it wasn't Ebin, but someone associated the letter with him and it always made me laugh

do you find it harder to have a wank on sertraline? I did. Would always coom in the end but it took longer like

Not him but I injured myself masturbating on sertraline, idk why doctors love it so much, it's fucking shite

Yeah I don't bother wanking at all because I can't cum. Literally takes me fucking hours and then I get carpel tunnel.

I think the lad came back and said his parents were just like "yeah we know" kek

Love dramatic gay lads, I do

>Sipping on a huel
>Started doing push ups and chin ups again (greasing the groove)
>Gyms open at the end of the month

Don't call it a comeback

Attached: huel3.jpg (1815x2420, 950.87K)

that looks fucking vile lad, you'll never make gains on huel

Lol, you're a fucking faggot bro.

how tall are you ebin lad

We don't care about that, tell us about your degenerate affair in a hotel with a tranny

How many pushups can you do Riggzy?

that was TSL having a mental breakdown because people were meming him into a tranny

somewhere around 5'11, maybe taller

I could do 20ish before lockdown, now I'm greasing the groove at 3 at a time.. I can only do like 6 or 7

Who te heck is TSL?

had a look at huel, its seemed more like a weight loss kind of thing, at least going by how much they reccomend having per meal.
I hope thats not blood in your cup, looks a bit gross

Apparently she's a tranner

Train station lad, he travels to every train station in the UK to give a review (and get a bumming if a local user wants it!)

Don't spoonfeed pls lads

always brush my teeth, me

everyone should know about train station lad, he's become something of an urban legend

Not yet but I flossed this morning and my gums still hurt