Tiktok might get banned in US

>tiktok might get banned in US

Normalfags BTFO

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You say this but it was doing its job containing them all. I'm worried some of them will come here looking to be popular.

The pedophiles on this board are obsessed with tiktok though, Zig Forums pedos probably make up about 70% of their viewership

Who cares only underaged that's use it and robots still have Grindr to go on and get TOPPED

>covid restrictions
>tiktok banned
Normalfags really are cucked in 2020

>tiktok becomes banned in US

>periscope, younow are A OK

what the fuck world do we live in. how about you ban websites with actual pedo content like periscope and twitter you absolute pepegas

How do you even hear of these services? I feel so old.

they have been all over the news for harboring pedos and allowing them to chat with children. its sick. but lets take tiktok down because???? teens having fun??? but lets leave up websites that actually effect children.

tiktok is literally a ccp tool. China is the new soviet union.

Based 2020 dabbing on the normalfags.

Because data mining social media is acceptable when US intelligence assets have access to the information (often through their corporate ties). Whenever China starts playing the same game, we cry foul. It's the same reason to be against Huawei.

I hate tiktok. I hate hypocrisy more though. Considering the Orwellian nature of most social media and the technocracy in general, I find the doublethink increasingly palpable.

who in the fuck gives a shit

this place can't get any worse than it already is.

>you absolute pepegas

i fucking died inside, cease breathing, for the love of all that we hold dear

Yeah I bet all of the dancing tiktok normalfags will want to migrate to an anonymous mongolian basketweaving forum to get popular

what an imbecilic word salad that essentially says nothing. "this thing that's bad is being banned but the hypocrisy behind it is worse lol" thanks for effectively saying nothing. your contribution has been noted, you barely sentient retard.

I enjoyed seeing the whores shake their ass. I'll have to frequent wsg more often now, or maybe just using a vpn will let me browse it.

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>you absolute pepegas
Fucking christ

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>you absolute pepegas
I watch a lot of streamers but holy shit if you ever use Twitch lingo outside of Twitch you need to neck yourself

That's a weird of way of saying take your meds

>you absolute pepegas
shuaiby yourself, dumb twitch scum

Wow, cringe bro. That wasn't very pogchamp of you. I'm totally dansgaming right now dude. You're such a failfish. What an absolute fucking lul funny emoticon.

Thank you Mr Trump for once again being the best there ever was

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my thoughts exactly, saw this earlier and didn't even bother replying because i was speechless
where the fuck are they all coming from?

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They've already come by looking to be popular. You didn't see all the "why don't you just become simp?" threads that were prevalent as of late? They've been fishing hard.

Pretty sure a lot of lonely and bored neets spend a lot of time watching youtube and streams. I know I do, makes for good background noise while I do other shit. Until I consider that instead of doing that I could be improving my life or actually playing fucking video games myself, then comes the self-loathing. I just hope you fucks don't throw money at these fuckers like retards.

Tiktok is fun as hell I hope they don't ban it I love making fun of skinnyfags that act like they are hot shit and flirting with cute consfused "lesbians"

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Unironically too easy to bait this board.


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Good one Juicer

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