User, how was your general experience with Highschool PE? Any funny stories?

user, how was your general experience with Highschool PE? Any funny stories?

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went to a mostly black highschool in PA. saw lots of handjobs in PE. thats about it.

only disabled, asthmatic, overweight, and glasses MAYBE could bitch about this. I really don't understand poor kids at all. poor people love physical activities because they're stupid.

Why are poor kids terrified of PE? Can't relate wasn't a poor fag. PE was fun. Some dyke broke my thumb in speedball. I liked playing dogeball. I wasn't the best wasn't the worst at the games but I liked doing them.

PE was a joke in my high school. the teachers didn't give a shit, the only thing they based their grade on was whether you changed into your gym clothes or not. everyone sat around on the bleachers doing nothing for the whole period, it was a complete waste of our time. they would split the gym into 4 sections with different things to do like hockey, volleyball, basketball, and i forget the last one. out of like 80 kids in the period you'd get maybe 30 actually doing something.
once a year you had to do that stupid running test that a 80 year old grandmother with a bad hip could easily pass.
fucking waste of time.

Don't have a clue. I played sports instead.

What were you excused from PE?

>crazy vietnam vet teacher that would have flashbacks in the middle of P.E.
>talked to my high school teacher who apparently had him as a kid, said he would run into the woods randomly and not come back until later

Realized that you asked for high school, that was middle school.High school:
>Black teacher, basically the "recrooter" meme trying to get kids into his wrestling program
>He would always yell "ay man" or some dumb thing like that
>Me and some retarded friend of mine started mimicking him and eventually sounded just like him
>Confused kids with the voice; later got the whole class to start making fun of him
>Gets fired end of year because he was caught texting girl wrestlers
>tfw I contributed to ruining this guy's respect as a teacher

Ditched it and hid in the library until it was over.
Played stupid flash games on the computers while I waited.

POC kids? really nigga

>either have no pe shoes or super shitty ones.
>cant afford the school branded uniform

We had two sets in PE for most of high school. Bottom was for tards and the obese. Top was for tryhards and anyone else who was okay enough to make the numbers in each set even as tryhards were far outnumbered by tards.They rearranged sets once and put me in bottom. I was pissed at first but then I realised I was a god amongst windowlickers. I should've hid my power level as they moved me and few other misplaced kids up the next year.

At my hs you didn't have to do PE if you were in a sport.

I was scared of almost everything that had to do with making teams. You know: soccer, handball, basketball, volleyball (I was kinda regular at this one).
But I was a legend at dodging balls, after one epic match that I won they even started to call me "champion" often and it was like a nickname to me.
That match was epic to be honest, when I dodged the ball it hit the guy who was hiding behind me instead of finding a place and read Chad's moves before he throw, and we were the 2 last ones in the field. The teacher yelled game over or whatever and the guys all gathered around me and grabbed me and started to throw me up in the air.

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This. That user is clearly some mid to rich class normie.

I got in trouble for reading books during PE. I don't really get why it's required to graduate but it is. I almost didn't because if it.

yeah, i didn't mention the holey old underwear and socks you might have to use because no one can buy you new ones.

was actually pretty decent in pe. had low social status, but got respect from some people and chads in pe.

>pretending that you forgot your uniform to get out of it

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I remember skipping class so that I could read the sex ed books

literally always got picked last, even after my growth spurt :/ i wasn't even that bad at sports everyone just labeled me "that unathletic kid" and i never broke out of it.

They didn't require PE except for one year. I only took it that one year in high school. I thoroughly enjoyed PE. I was athletic/coordinated but largely obese/overweight most my life. I enjoyed surprising people who didn't expect me to exhibit any athleticism/speed at the time. It was largely a fuck around period where you got to play random sports - usually a variant of flag football or something similar.

I played sports throughout high school though (jv/varsity football, all rec sports, etc). Despite baseball being my best sport, I didn't make the team largely due to the coach hating me for the actions of my older sister. He hated my older sister for getting him fired from a local pizza place years prior. He also just didn't like me. I played on a metro league baseball team instead, which was composed of the better baseball players around the county to compete in state/multi-state tourneys. Our HS team very much sucked. I should have taken weights in high school. However, it was also taught by the coach I did not respect.

nobody in pe liked me because they always thought I was "trying too hard" when I was just playing normally. naturally, I just stopped playing.

We had an old army sergeant who looked pissed off all the time, was actually a really nice guy who actually cared about his students, I will never forget the time one of the girls started slowing down during track, and he ran up behind her and screamed right in her ear: "COME ON FUCKING RUN!! ARE YOU GONNA GIVE UP HUH?! RUUUUUN!"
and she started crying while running faster, truly a hero

>gym class was basically a free period unless the teacher felt like embarassing the girls with boys vs. girls basketball, b vs. g dodgeball or other boys vs. girls activities
>groped a few stacey tits and butts including one who seemed really into getting sneakily molested
>allowed to do whatever we wanted otherwise
>just listed weights and ran the track and sometimes played basketball with the other guys
>was a socially awkward fuck but was pretty athletic back in the day so was tolerated on team sports

Goddamn remembering that stacey though. Provides exceptional fap fuel fondly remembering her and how she'd come up to the weight room sometimes since nobody else ever used it and pretend to do shit in the weight section(it was upstairs and never used in regular gym class,) doing light squats and asking me about the machines and shit seeing if I'd pull the same sneaky groping I would during teamshit. Never did though, it was way more fun doing that in plain view. It was pretty great honestly.

>be me in hs
>very athletic (played defense in hockey for local team and did boxing)
>be basically only brown kid in entire school
>one chick in class that developed earlier than everyone else and gets all the boy attention and puts in 0 effort is always a bitch to me
>calls me slightly racists things and plays it off as innocent ignorance
>pedo teacher wants to fuck her too so just have to put up with her shit
>one day in pe we do volley ball, class gets split into two teams
>bitch girl isnt really paying attention, just on her phone.
>ball gets to me and I whiff the return
>she says to me [ insert generic racial insult here]
>get fucking mad
>ball barely goes over the net in my direction.
>look at ball and look at bitch girl, she isnt paying attention and is on her phone
>spike ball right at her to spook her
>really smash the shit out of the ball with my entire strength
>ball plants itself squarely in her face; glasses flying off and breaking and she falls to the ground holding her face
>blood pours out of her nose
>everyone stops and stares at me
>anxiety levels to the max
>boyfriend gets in my face screaming at me

I was never afraid at PE. I was always alone, but never afraid. Now in my adulthood I feel fear. The only times I felt fear was during lunch. I would jump the fence, and wait by the traintracks until it was time to back.

It's been a long time since that its hard to believe that kid was me.

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That's cool, I had two periods of PE every year, at the end of classes THEN had to do sports practice on top of that immediately afterward, plus for certain sports had to do a morning session of practice as well.

>too much input cant take it anymore
>completely cold cocked boyfriend and drop him like a ton of bricks out cold
>the spectacle begins
>boyfriends friends / goons all team up on me at once
>unlock 8+ years of hockey locker room fighting and 3 years of formal boxing on these racist dicks and go apeshit on anyone within arms reach
>fighting off like 5 other dudes at once and am seriously hurting them, broken noses, bleeding brows, shapes fingers, ect..
>showing literally 0 mercy, throwing elbows, neck punches, ear palms, stomps, groin kicks.
>loose my footing
>get dog piled and summarily get the shit beaten out of me
>school resource officer finally comes and breaks up the rumble
>blood literally everywhere
>ended up getting suspended two weeks, only reason I wasnt expelled because it was the later half of senior
>when I come back literally no one talks to me except my few friends, get know as "that kid that beat the shit out of popular kids"
>literally no one fucks with me, feel like chad for 3 months
>fast forward 6 years
>see bitch girl and her boyfriend (both super trashy btw) at local bar.
>I am now very significantly bigger than him (continued my training and hockey for a while after)
>her nose is still a bit crooked

Feels good man

>i would have stopped and walked to the office and snitched on his ass for that one.

>old army seargeant pe teacher

Had one of those, cept he would run the track backwards and make fun of us the whole time we did our warmup laps before setting us loose for the rest of the two hours.