/drunk thread/ 40s and 90s rap edition...

/drunk thread/ 40s and 90s rap edition. Come on in robots have a drink with me post a comfy song and tell me about your day. If you do not have a drink then pour one up and put your feet up. youtu.be/BCTN30-YOCQ

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I'm smoking weed and listening to Bone Thugs, (old fag) also browsing Grindr looking for traps or twinks who only want to get TOPPED

sounds like the life user I love old bone thugs have you ever heard some of their more sinister songs I can not recall any off the top of my head I think it was super early in their career. post some comfy fren

here this is one I was talking about but I guess this is just bizzy. I thought thy and some real satanic shit at one point tho. I love that kid of evil shit in music youtu.be/NNmOyOM98HI

k-on is for creepy pedos

I really need to quit drinking, OP. I hate my fucking life.


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user do you know how few pics of anime girls drinking booze there are. fuck off and post some comfy before you go

Guess I'll grab a beer from the garage

Here you go man I keep a whole folder of this and cigarettes

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Here's you some more 90s nig kino, OP.

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Not OP but here's my cutest ciggie one.

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Best JoJo girl without a doubt

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Cuba libres in an old pickle jar

My liver hurts most days, anybody else know the feel?

user I know the feel but our family did not raise quitters I love big L. He has so may good songs. But user if you have a problem then you should stop fren.

I wanna suck OP's dick

I fucking love gangstar. excellent taste
thank you fren I love it I will cherish her and save her

OP would very much like that lol

not a problem man it's one I like too

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I know I should but it's either drink or have trouble sleeping because of the constant intrusive thoughts. Doc says I have PTSD.


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user you have great taste. I love a tribe quest not many people know about them sorry it took a while to respond. I am taking to a beautiful girl.

for a drinking night i recommend a lil geedorah


if you want something a lil more poppy id try 2nd II none


just drank all my beer, and now i'm not sure what to drink unless i want to bust out the vodka

i have PTSD too. hope things get better for ya

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What caused yours, user?

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well i have repressed pretty much everything, my therapist says its just a lifetime of abuse not any one particular thing. my parents were physically abusive and neglectful and i was also sexually abused by multiple people as a child. what about you. also i found some sapporo so i am doing good

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Nice, I'm drinking Natty Light.

I don't know exactly what caused mine. Definitely because of a lifetime of abuse. I was practically raised by a single Mom, who tried to do right by me, but we lived with her shithead boyfriend because she couldn't support me and my sister. He didn't diddle me as far as I know but treated me like shit.

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i am sorry to hear it, that sucks that you were raised in shitty conditions like that and i can see how it would contribute to your ptsd. and furthermore there doesnt seem to be any real helpful treatment for it, just therapy which is hit or miss. for me it just makes me relive my experiences unnecessarily so i stopped going. are you getting treatment for it?

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I'm sorry to hear about you too. It sounds like you had it worse than me. Not sure if that makes you feel any better about the present or not.

I'm seeing a therapist but I barely talk to her. It'd probably be more helpful if I did. Other than that I drink. I fantasize about getting my shit together but so far I haven't been able to.

How old are you, user? I'm 25.

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no worries, im not as bad off as i used to be. i think it does get better with time.

i hope therapy can help you, it didn't do much for me but i didnt really open up to my therapist either. i heard mdma can help with ptsd, they are doing some studies on that i thought it was interesting. im 26 and i dont have my life together either so dont feel too bad.

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Rap is a shit genre
I don't consider shit talking with kling klongs in the background music

hello r9k, im heaving a GREAT night, he doesnt love me but im okay with it because I dont deserve love yet, soon i will!

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I sure hope so, man. For both our sakes.

And that's neat. I've never really done any drugs besides xanax. Have you tried mdma?

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Post pusy and feet. Unless you're a boy. Then post your tight tummy, twink.

Also love is faggot shit. Every girl I've ever loved was shit to me. It's better to just work on yourself.

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