Where the fuck did all the real NEETs and KHVs go?

Why is this some tranny infested shitstain now? Where are my wizbros?

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a lot of them have left and become normies themselves or offed themselves. this place got infested with reddit retards from >2015 and on

Wizard here, just dropping by today and then I'm leaving.

Some of us suicided, some of us are just living our own little lives, playing games and watching movies, some of us probably gave up and became wage-slaves, some of us went to the incel forums or other imageboards, sites. We left because the shootings and other drama brought undue police and media attention, content aggregators and alt-right youtubers wouldn't stop recycling content from here which made us feel threatened and exposed also also brought undesirables, because of the sexual harassment and porn spamming too, oh and the Zig Forumstards.

Nah man, you dont simply become a normie. Unless you were already a normie to begin with. And I doubt all of them are dead

They left for wiz or to other chans. A lot of the bots from the old days will only occasionally pop in now.

I didn't go anywhere. I just haven't got too much to say anymore.

wiz is completely fucking dead, what a shame. incelsco is the same old redpill blackpill shit over and over again. We are really becoming extinct arent we? Or are we just being silenced? last I heard the number of incels in society was growing.

they banned me for this thread bois, cya later

First time looking at r9k in months. This entire year has been a fucking mess and I've just been too distracted to even think twice about what anons here have to say. Been trying to keep an old friend from ending himself over a false rape accusation, fucker is only just now starting to get his shit together. Surprisingly exhausting helping someone through that.

Can you share the story of him being falsely accused? At least in a little more detail?

Don't know all the details, but sounds like she had been flirting with him for most of last year and decided to finally fuck him early this year. Only to turn around and ghost him, then tell their mutual friends he had done something seriously wrong. Finds out months later she had tried to get him done for rape. A few months of stressing out over that, dreading a call from the cops/courts, he finally gets more information from the police and they basically said they worked out she was full of shit, kept changing her story or something.
But now his friends won't talk to him anymore, the girl he'd known and trusted for years turned out to be a literal backstabbing psycho and he is left alone and pissed off with no way to resolve the situation. His family is sick of listening to him talk about it, so he's been contacting me non-stop to vent about how horrible things have been.

content was too low, so here are some words

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I'm here, I just lurk and go on wizchan.

Im still here I mostly just lurk now.

im making a video about how exponentially more sperggy it has become through the tranny and degenerate posting, it didnt work its just theres more empty space for them to fill in because no one posts anymore, right?

Thanks for explaining. I guess the best he can learn is that those people were never really his true friends if they walked away like that, and as hurtful as that can be - and as much as that reflects the reality that MOST people are fucking useless, he has to see that not all people are like that.

From everything I've read, Cosby didn't rape anyone, he's basically a victim of the mainstream media baiting the public into believing he's guilty based on misrepresentation of certain claims (for example, EVERYONE believes that 'Cosby admitted it!', but all he admitted to was that back in the 70's he took recreational drugs, and at one point gave Costand some prescription headache tablets or something), this led to activists within the legal system including a guy who had a vendetta against Cosbys lawyer going out of their way to destroy him. He's certainly a hypocrite, because he called out black men for 'sleeping around' and so on when he's a huge man-slut who was sleeping with lots of women even when he was married, but I don't believe there's any evidence he drugged and raped anyone. Most of those women's stories aren't even consistent or logical, and some of them are known pathological liars.

Why can't a tranny be a real NEET and KHV?
I also think the evolution is kind of causal. At least for me, one factor for becoming trans was that I was unable to find a girl, so I started wanting to be my own girlfriend.

Wizards are out
Magicians are in

His ex-friends are in the right.
False rape accusations basically never happen because there's literally nothing to be gained from making them and a lot of negative consequences (such as public attention and endless drama both of which women hate).
Even if he was never charged and police said they did not believe her, it's the virtuous thing to do to assume that he is a rapist and demonize him out of respect for his victim.

It seems as incels grow older, they either get their shit together, get depressed and call it quits, or they grow up into wizards and do their own thing. I try to go on wizchan but the board is a ghost town. I don't even complain about my loneliness or lack of love in life anymore and just focus on my hobbies, hence why I spend most of my time on hobby boards more than this shithole I used to post daily on. I'd imagine most other incels/wizards who haven't given up or became normalfags have done the same.

Personally I don't mind trannies, we've had them since day one - but there's a type of obnoxious tranny that dominates r9k at the moment with comfy-posting, lain-posting, and just annoying superficial shit that doesn't reflect true r9k values. The whole discord trannies thing is the problem, not trans males per se. It's like back in 2012 THE single most obnoxious tripfag of all time was swami who was a male posing as a female who ruined literally thousands of threads with his shit attention-whoring. This sort of person is a real problem.

Yeah he gets that now, keeps telling me how grateful he is that at least I'll listen to him and that proves not everyone is a lost cause. It's fucking hard to say the shit he needs to hear when I don't know if I believe half of what I say myself. No convincing him that maybe some day down the line he'll find a girl that can be trusted though, pretty sure he's decided he'll die alone. Can't blame him, but I'm probably just hoping everyone finds someone eventually.

Quit pretending to be a wizard when you frequent a website for self-described incels and then lament at the state of it as if a wizard should care. It's a volcel imageboard, diametrically opposed to your endless pursuit for sex.

Why are non-NEETs excluded?
Being a wagie only increases the pain of my loveless life.

Still here, procrastinating and shit.
>Some of us suicided
No doubt. The call of the void is becoming deafening.

What happens when the accuser admits to making it up for some reason though? Which she did, on record to the police. She isn't going to go around telling everyone the truth and nobody wants to listen to him say "she's a lying bitch". And as this wasn't properly public, there isn't really anything he can do about it except sit and home mad as fuck at the world and dream about getting back at her.
The victim is my friend in this situation. But social politics has deemed it worth the cost to cast him aside 'just in case', because we have to "believe all women". And that's fucked up.

I'd say that the belief that everyone 'gets someone' in this life is wrong. Clearly everyone dies, and few people choose when they die or under what conditions. Millions\billions(?) of people have obviously died without ever even dating, or in a situation without love, or having lost love, or in a bad relationship, etc. In the end most people do "die alone" in some sense, so his focus can't be on that.

I think the best thing for now would be learning to rebuild his capacity to try to trust people, EVEN if they can indeed abandon or hurt him again - if he takes what he learnt from this experience he'll be in a better position to judge people for their own judgements and has a better chance of avoiding people who'd take a woman's side regardless of the truth.

Here's a decent video on trust that could help him a little (it has some visual errors): youtu.be/XrP0OSyYxxo

Personally I believe in a resurrection of the dead, and that everyone will experience something better than any flesh based love, in the not too distant future, but obviously this is something he's not going to have the benefit of believing. All he can do is try to find relationships that work for the present, try to trust, and learn from the experience himself. If he asks himself "Knowing what I know, would I want to treat someone else like my ex-friends treated me, or how that woman treated me?" - if he can say No to that, then it's not a huge step to realising that other people including females in this world could also want the same thing. There are females who've been cheated on and betrayed and abandoned too, from a position of relative 'innocence'.

Oh it was purely wishful thinking on my part, comes with being a lonely shut-in, but I hate seeing someone else who has worked so hard on improving themselves over the last 15 years give up.
I've just been encouraging different ways of looking at his situation and about distracting himself with new goals that don't rely on other people. Things he can do for himself, within his control. Seems to be working so far. Convincing him that not everyone he meets are hateful assholes, but slightly selfish idiots just trying to do the right thing they've been taught to believe is right is the hardest part.

KHV reporting for doodie

>because there's literally nothing to be gained from making them
If you hate someone you have a past with, want him ruined, and live in a leftie area, there's the gain of revenge and no downside...because everybody there believes false rape accusations don't happen. They'll instantly believe you and continue believing you no matter what a court says ("they're all sexist anyway"). Even if they don't believe you, they'll be terrified to speak out due to the chance of being dragged under with the accused. Better yet, you'll get washed in positive attention from all your woke friends and receive tons of social media dopamine hits.

The best part for the malicious woman is that thanks to #MeToo, you don't even have to prove anything. Merely making an accusation will get the man fired, sever most/all of his friendships and intensely strain his family ties. Even if you actually make a police report and he gets the chance to defend himself in court, that's years down the line, well after his social ties are beyond repair and well after the job would consider having him back. Even if he proves you made shit up, the cops don't prosecute false rape accusations. And that's all if you bother making the report, which you don't need to, a public enough accusation will do the job.

In the cases that get proved one way or the other, 2/3rds are proved true and 1/3 are proved false. 1 out of 3 is pretty good odds.

Because as you said it's the same shit over and over again with these communities, they are just places to whine and attention seek. I'm a 35 KHV and I grown tired of this shit with people trying to be the biggest loser doing nothing to better their situation to which I'm guilty of myself. I want of this ride so I refrain from trying to become too engrossed into these communities anymore as there is nothing good here.

Can't help coming back every now and then though, right? It's nice to vent in to the void that yells back occasisionally, but fuck this hole is full of stupid and depressing shit.

>Why is this some tranny infested shitstain now
Lemme guess, you've been here since 2017?