Why are American so self-centered? Why don't they just wear the mask or take other precautions to protect others AND themselves?
Why are American so self-centered...
Because of a generation being raised to only care about themselves. Boomers are literally cancer on our society. Anyone who has worked in a service industry knows that boomers are always the worst customers
America has a very individualistic ego-centered zeitgeist.
coz muh freedumb.
tfw not born in the netherlands
The majority of us do. It's just a lot of the republicans who are throwing tantrums and stuff.
this, America is so retarded, even the tiniest "infraction" on their "rights" then you're part of a massive globalist conspiracy to turn everyone into a silent sex slave to feed the deep state bullshit
There's no particular indication that masks are effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19 when considering how they are actually used. WuFlu is an endemic disease which spreads by air, there is no way to prevent infections forever, and it has a lethality rate well below 1%. Meanwhile Americans are filing for unemployment in record numbers as the lockdowns destroy their livelihoods in a very visible and real way that COVID-19 isn't.
What the fuck happened to this board?
When all of this shit started we were celebrating that there was a chance something interesting might happen and a bunch of normies might die.
Then when it became apparent it mostly only affected boomers we celebrated that at least some of those husks would be swept away.
Then when it became apparent it actually wasn't that bad at all, we celebrated our wagie/uni robots getting a vacation from work/school and people getting free money.
Now that things have slowed down even more you fuckers suddenly want to act like you were always taking it seriously or are concerned about others? Fuck off with your mask bullshit. As unlikely as it is, I actually do hope I catch it so I can take some more time off work and maybe send a boomer or two to the hospital.
Not everybody is an edgy retard with the mind of a 15 year old like you
My face overheats wearing them because of the heat of my breath.
>he thinks r9k isn't full of edgelords
Perhaps the normies have truly taken over this place.
Do you know what board you're posting on you fucking fool? Jesus Christ, I reiterate:
>What the fuck happened to this board?
t. dragon neet
holy mental gymnastics
The lethality rate in the U.S. is actually quite higher than 1%, closer to 6% if I remember correctly. Also masks actually do help hamper the virus from spreading as aerosols from infected people, but they don't actually help much in hampering the spread to healthy people if the virus is already present in the air
I promise you nobody cares about your internet tribalism
sooner or later texas, florida, other southern states will have to lock down again. it's inevitable.
morons can complain about wearing masks all they want, but even the dumbest nigger in texas will eventually wear a mask when all their dumb nigger friends get hit with 'rona.
>wanted a wagie vacation
>got fired instead
>have no monies
>tfw stupids wont wear the mask so we can go back to normal like the rest of the world
I promise you nobody cares about your smart ass comments. My question wasn't rhetorical, where were you pussies when all of this was in full swing a few months ago? Counting your toilet paper rolls and hiding under the bed with a gas mask on or something?
wheres this whole americans dont wear masks thing coming from? everyone i see has a mask on their face and every corner store around me wont let you in without a mask
op is a fag as per the usual
If the government wants to infringe on your rights and force you to wear a mask they should atleast fund and supply them for you. I know they would just be taking them from your taxes anyway but the point stands. I cbf looking up where to buy a bunch of masks to save some pruner from the flu.
Wow, so much samefagging.
if there were any actual indications that the virus was dangerous, more people would wear masks
American conservatives are weird. Conservatives anywhere else demand everyone to do it.
except bolsonaro lol
Retail wagie here. I work in a big name retail outlet with stores all across the country. You most likely have at least two or three of our stores in your city right now. We're not allowed to confront customers about wearing masks and when we do management just tells us to let them hurry up and buy what they want and leave. The end result is only like 50% of our customers wear masks, and only 25% actually wear the masks on their face instead of their chins.
Pic related, basically what all my customers look like.
>The lethality rate in the U.S. is actually quite higher than 1%, closer to 6% if I remember correctly.
You remember correctly, but are incorrect regardless. The government gives extra Medicare cash for any death certificate that says "COVID-19" on it. This created a financial incentive for cash-strapped hospitals to diagnose COVID. As a result, we have almost no epidemiological data that can be trusted. On that one cruise ship where they actually tested everyone with something approaching a general pop, the mortality rate was more like .1-.4%. It's nothing. Certainly not worth a recession (recessions have body counts too, FYI).
And I don't know where the fuck you've been that you think masks are at all effective in preventing spread from infected people. Number one, by your suggestion just sick people should wear masks, not everyone. But number two, look around yourself next time you're out. Everyone has the mask down under their nose or they're pulling it aside constantly or otherwise transferring from mask to hand and back again. Nobody is wearing them right. Face masks and other PPE work in isolation rooms when they are used by medical professionals who know what they're doing, they don't work in mass society where people pull their mask away to lick their finger before pulling out a plastic grocery bag.
It's all placebo, there to convince you that the government is taking care of it.
"Wear the mask" is just another brainfart from normalfags in a state of hystrionic, fear-driven group think. It's called "hysterical contagion", look it up.
There are any number of causes of death which society could theoretically halt with the trillions of dollars that are being destroyed right now to maintain 'social distancing', and the consequences of this policy for the poor are destroying more 'human life hours' than are going to be saved, but that's not what matters because these policies aren't coming from a position of enlightened introspection and thoughtful judgement, they're just reactions of governments afraid of fear-mongering mainstream media and masses of people who are so dumb they drove "journal of the plauge year" to the top of ebook charts and "contagion" and "outbreak" to the top download lists because of something that's literally comparable to the flu.
900AD: "Dude, if you don't want WEAR THE CRUCIFIX, your parents will go to Hell!"
2020AD: "Dude, if you don't WEAR THE MASK, you killed my 90 year old grandma!"
Imagine a disease so serious you have to get tested to know if you even have it
there are three factors:
-IFR. Infection Fatality Rate. Lots of people who get infected wouldn't even know unless they get tested. This rate is comfy low, like .1%.
-CFR. Case Fatality. This is scary, 5%. One you get symptoms, you are playing Russian Roulette.
-Long term disability. Higher than 5% obviously. You get it, and get "better" with a shitload of lung damage and maybe brain damage. The lung damage is on par with the sort of tubercular shit that kills victims in three years.
The last one scares me most. I don't want this shit. Wear a damn mask, Republicans.
Hasn't this thread been made already before?
If the masks aren't effective at preventing disease spread, and the disease is nothing to worry about anyway, there is no reason to wear masks. The argument to wear masks is that it's important to stop the spread of COVID-19. If it isn't important and they don't stop the spread anyway, that argument doesn't work.
A large problem is that it's becoming a tribe thing where leftists use mask-wearing to show how compassionate they are. But it's not compassionate to engage in an activity that has no influence on anyone's wellbeing, it's just self-congratulatory masturbation.
I know it's anecdotal and therefore kind of bullshit but I was surprised to hear from my mother who works at a small hospital that exactly 6.5% of the covid patients and staff who contracted covid died.
>But number two, look around yourself next time you're out. Everyone has the mask down under their nose or they're pulling it aside constantly or otherwise transferring from mask to hand and back again. Nobody is wearing them right. Face masks and other PPE work in isolation rooms when they are used by medical professionals who know what they're doing, they don't work in mass society where people pull their mask away to lick their finger before pulling out a plastic grocery bag.
I've observed the same but I don't see that as proof that they're ineffective, I see it as proof that the population is unwilling to alter their lives enough to let it take effect.
>It's all placebo, there to convince you that the government is taking care of it.
If that's true then the government is even more incompetent than I thought, since the government is failing in every possible way to take care of it. I would hate to live under an administration that fails miserably at handling a problem they made up.
It's asymptomatic/mild in like 50% of cases
>goes to protest
>wtf why am i sick
Dems arent smart either.