>show robot face pic
>he starts replying less and less
>one day tells me he can't talk right now because he's busy with work
>I haven't heard from him in 4 days
Fembot thread
message him again or fuck off tranny
hahaahahahahahhaahahh, just go for a guy with low standards. femcels dont exist
Had the same shit happen with me and a femanon.
No such thing as a fembot
In all fields
Awhhh... it is not because of your face . Post face pic and lets see how cute u are user
I am sure she would be wayyy to shy for that. I agree though! I will give you complements.
>comfy discord
>e-girl shows up
>server goes into full orbit mode
>decidedly uncomfy cliques form
>leave and find a new server
>happens again
i'm 10000% done with discords
I'm just convinced the majority of you just want an "in the moment" friend.
1st time
>get several robots for a dnd session
>they all go missing the next day no replies
>femanon pissed i won't have a normal conversation because i'm busy
>make time for her
>she's a bitch the entire time coldly responding to any message i send
>girl adds me because she has no friends and i'm in same boat
>accept add because it's late
>asks me to message her tomorrow
>radio silence
but wat if dat e-girl was brooke???
Fucking thots ruin everything.
Wanna reverse it? I will orbit you instead of gaining them!
I'll give you a punch in the throat you fucking turbo simp
I'd rather see your vertical smile, your face isn't what I want to bury my face in for the most part.
no. i wanted a comfy server without all the cool e-kids weighing in on what's cool and what isn't, but that seems fucking impossible these days.
just clean up you troglodyte
ands it's not that "you're a woman so you must look pretty all the time". literally every sex and gender cleans up if they want to impress someone.
I am another femanon. I just like supporting other girls. Every person deserves to feel cute!
Yeah. I know I am wayyyy to old to join any of those. At 27 I feel I would be classified as a MILF or a perv
Maybe if you weren't so pretty people wouldn't be scared of you
the same thing happened to me except it was with a guy who literally does ketamine so it felt like a smack in the face
>talk for robot for months
>were both older KHV
>talked about dates and things we could do when we meet up
>exchange pics finally
>he says he doesnt want to continue talking after a while of fading me
>fine ;n;
>tfw see him whining about how no gril has ever liked him in a fembot feels thread
>call him out in the thread
>wants to try again
>i guess
>couldnt have talked for more that two weeks before he unfriends me again
i will hate you forever G, you fucking whore
You're a tranny with a complex
Hot mommy gf
Why is it so hard for guys to imagine that women use this board? I have been on here for 7 years and have yet to grow a dick
Because you're not a fucking female
i love you femanon i hope youre doing well
I hate getting old! This is only making it worse. Excuse me while I put on a hydrating facemask
I don't doubt that women use this board
You're just not one of them
older women are unironically better than current women we have now.
also plz be my mommy
this was before the heavy trans invasion desu like, close to a decade ago.
No. Love should only go towards OP. She needs all the support she can get :)
It be like that OP. Move along to the next.
>send face pic
>get a pretty good reaction
>spike in interest
>still manage to fuck it up and get ghosted
Every time lmao I'm just that good
Was it Thundy by any chance? Lol.
Awww. Are you just finding a way to ask for proof?
That is belittling to the wonderful younger girls out there! There are good and bad in each generation.
post your face and prove it
everytime you trannies say it you never post any proof thats why we dont believe it
He's probably busy with work. Also he's not a robot if he's working.
Also fuck off roastie
Can kinda relate. Im only about a 5/6 out of 10 and never been ghosted. Its the fact im a crazy bitch that puts people off :(
i would legit love to have a gf who knows how to use the chinz
using your thread to find one
18 m ireland and im actually not hideous looking
It's not bad to get old you can be mommy gf for young robbot
No, because I don't care
You're a male
>Got ghosted and came back to the same guy
>Got ghosted again
Love yourself a little, idiot.
Stupid fucking zoomer simp
Let me guess, if anything you'll be the one in the kitchen?
Yeah. No. I would feel like an extreme pervert.
Whew. I think I am done with you. Girls use this board. You don't need to have extreme mistrust
same thing happened to me with a fembot, talked for weeks. to be fair i took a shit selfie, but damn it still really hurt to get ghosted so quickly after.
>some women have beards
Post your dick, right fucking now.
I'm not even gay
lemme see ya pic origigiiggiig
I think the focus should remain on OP. I don't want to take away from her proving I am an actual woman
you know the rule wheres the tits
>not making yourself vulnerable for love
I was willing to take a chance. hes one of the reasons i advise against dating robots to other posters.
>Yeah. No. I would feel like an extreme pervert.
Why are you too moralfag, just feel free and enjoy you life and sexuality
Yeah, that's about what I thought. Thanks for the low effort, though
I mean wouldn't the age gap just weird people out? I am more worried about societies judgement
It is just truth. Plus I would need to post it on /Soc/.
Imagine basing your legal relationship on what other people think rather than if you're happy or not
This is your brain of woman
Bitch fuck society lemme gets dat coochie
People only really freak out with an older guy. Plus, you're 27. Thats not old by a long stretch. If you're dating someone whos 20, or even a little younger, people aren't even gonna bat an eye. If you were like 35+ people would definitely notice but you're not gonna get straight up hate (Except from jealous girls)
Then do it.
Post it on Zig Forums or /soc/ and link to it you fucking nerd. People before you have used this excuse a million times, and will do so a million more.