Comfy Feet General

I love girl feet so much, bros. They're the pinnacle of femininity. They encompass everything sexually attractive about a woman. They're just the best.

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Feet are so pretty, lads. I thank God every day that I was born with the ability to appreciate a woman's feet.

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Even dirty feet are cute!

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Actually especially dirty feet. Also 2D is cool but you're not a proper foot connoisseur if you don't enjoy both.

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uh. nah op

better get worshipping, loser

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>hey could you stop looking at me, please?

>what's your problem??

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Did you just delete a post, user? I liked it. :(

at a sports game

the girl behind u has her feet up on the bleacher next to you

she doesn't ask for your approval, she just sits them right beside you whether you want it or not

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realized it was clearly a bathroom not a bedroom lol

>when your coworker takes off her socks at her desk

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>when you're hanging with some friends, and they still don't take off their socks around you

>you watch them slowly reach under their socks, and rub their ankles a little

>socks stay on

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>hey user?

>can I share your textbook today, I left mine at home.

>oh sweet, thanks! lemme pull up closer to you!

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What do girlfeet smell like?


I bought a pair of silicone feet and they kind of work but kind of don't. There's a really limited number of ways you can fuck yourself with them. A pale imitation of the real thing

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>hey user?

>were you listening to me?

>are you feeling okay?

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n-naughty toes!

as someone with a gf who lets me fuck her feet, they smell like a stronger version of her. sweat mixed with LUSH products.

pic related

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>tfw its gonna be a LONG bus ride...

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>reaching into your backpack

>look up and see these in front of you

>.... reach into your backpack again, maybe there was something you were missing

>keep looking up

>start to worry if you've been "looking" in your "backpack" for too long

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>"you're into feet, user?"

>"nah that's not that weird. I knew guys who had weirder things"

>"haha I knew you'd ask that!"

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Prime spots for kisses and making out have been circled in red.

Licking goes everywhere especially in between toes.

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Ohhh, that makes sense. I didn't notice it was a bathroom. And those feet are fucking lewd. Practically asking to be licked.

>"you wanna see... what??"

>"oh, um user... I don't mean to make you feel bad..."

>"but that really isn't my thing, y'know?"

>"hey, could you never mention that again, please? don't feel bad or anything, that's just... not what I'm into. I hope you understand."

she continues to wear fully closed shoes whenever you're around

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Teasing sluts

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oh yeah those have definitely all happened

they're... so heavenly and soft

she's also actually really dexterous with them too. when we first got together it was kinda awkward and clunky, but she... REALLY knows how to flex them.

it doesn't help that since we got together she goes outta her way to shoeplay as much as possible, to try driving me nuts, and to see if anyone else will notice

... if you've ever wondered if girls play with their shoes intentionally to try to mess with footguys, she DEFINITELY does.

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>imagine trying to stay focused in THIS class

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>"alright everyone, get with your assigned partners and talk for a few minutes about what you thought of the reading!"

>"h-hey user? looks like my assigned partner isn't here today. You can I be in your group?"

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>when the girl at the front of the class starts dipping like crazy

>of course its a girl who you don't normally sit next to, so you won't get to see her feet up close

>at least you have the girl next to you though

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Fuck, girls really do love showing off their feet all day. When they aren't directly rubbing them all over everything in their vicinity like they're marking their territory or some shit.

And did you take these pics?

>at some point you just start to wonder

>does every girl know you're into feet?

>there's no way they'd play this much unintentionally, right?

>oh god, are they doing this just to mess with you??

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all the files with "IMG" in the front are my own personal photos

they're all definitely candids except for the one of my gf obviously lol

this one was a fun one to take, not too often you're in a position to take a pic like this easily!

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The cute sound girl

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i'm never wearing sandals to class again

Does your gf know you take pics of other grills feets?

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Post your feet, lass, and no one gets hurt...

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oh yeah totally!

she doesn't mind lol, she's even pointed out girls feet when I'm in public and is like "hmm whatcha think of those shoes, user?"

she thinks people with a foot fetish is the hottest thing, which is why she actively tries to play with her shoes in public, in the hopes someone gets their rocks off to her

she's a footslut and I'm a footfreak lmao we go together perfectly

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the side affect of that is... she has a lotta friends and she's told them ALL about my foot fetish, so its basically a fucking joke whenever they see me to just start playing with their shoes like nuts, or get their feet really close to me, or talk about their feet in detail etc

they know it turns me on, and the first time it started happening I had no idea my gf had been telling people so it was... absolute torture not staring or commenting

pic related, she sent me of her and some friends toying with me

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Your gf has really nice feet. Perfect for kissing.

I had a gf who had really nice feet but her terrible personality made it not worth it. Only had one other gf than her and her feet weren't great.

I will never understand the feet fetish. HOW IS THIS ATTRACTIVE? WHAT IS SEXUAL ABOUT FEET REEEE