Have you guys ever bothered to simply ASK women why they prefer the guys they do?
Have you guys ever bothered to simply ASK women why they prefer the guys they do?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Giving a shit about what women want
The jerks they date don't.
of course they don't. they just look at those women and their boyfriends, get jealous, and don't do anything to better themselves. they also only focus on the attractive women with attractive man couples (which may even show a level of homoeroticism), when there are plenty of ugly women and ugly men together, along with attractive men with ugly women and ugly men with attractive women.
user what are you doing? this is Zig Forums you're supposed to post low quality bait, not things that question the incel lifestyle
They tell me it's because he's actually a nice guy.
They don't explain why, if niceness is what they want, they go for the ones that hide it rather than those who openly display it.
I browsed places like crystal.cafe where women talked about their relationships for this reason. So see what women wanted in a guy/made them happy so I could become that. There's a lot of examples of bad relationships and their problems. Like the boyfriend watches porn/Instagram thots and how much that hurts. Or the boyfriend isn't affectionate anymore. And I think this is useful, but it's all negative/things to avoid. What about positive examples? And there's one thread on feels about women with happy, great relationships and what traits the boyfriend has. And I think perfect, this is exactly what I'm looking for.
Here are examples of some of the great boyfriends
>you're his first gf
>loves poetry
>gets into online arguments about how your body type is perfect
>can pull other girls but doesn't
>big DICK
>is a chef, cooks great food for me
>goofy but in a funny way
>actually listens and resolves problems
>handsome, tall, deep voice with a gym body
>great sex
>handsome doctor
>buys a vase of flowers everytime he visits
>6'3 with six-pack
>very intelligent
>blue eyes
>exotic German accent
>holds back because he doesn't want to come on too strong, but when I egged him on he told me how much he loves me and wants to be with me forever and I cried
>great sex
So just to do a brief count, there were 6 greentexts there.
>all 6 are physically attractive/mention attractive traits like blue eyes/great hair
>5 are explicitly handsome, 1 is said to be cute
>5 are either said to be tall or 6'+, the last is a manlet
>5 of them are great at sex/have a big dick, one of those is the manlet who's into pegging
>all mention a variety of other positive traits, like hobbies from urban exploration to intelligent
>1 of them is funny
In summary I think I'm going to stop going there now.
Its not about dating. It's not even about marriage. If it were I would buy some skinny Slavic mail order bride. It's about developing deep, understanding and loving relationships. Which being a couple does not mean you have. In fact most people dating to not have it. Which is why they end up not dating.
you guys are so fucking stupid it pains me
you realise these women are going to die alone though, right?
>Have you guys ever bothered to simply ASK women why they prefer the guys they do?
Because they're genetically superior and I couldn't be like them even if I wanted to?
No, because they ALL have that. That was no an ideal boyfriend thread. It was a current boyfriend thread. Because apparently female loners keep pulling hung 6 feet tall doctors.
>No, because they ALL have that. That was no an ideal boyfriend thread. It was a current boyfriend thread. Because apparently female loners keep pulling hung 6 feet tall doctors.
This is the most brutal blackpill to swallow.
Pointless. I know the things I lack. Some of them I can't change, some of them I don't want to.
>asking women
>not penetrating them on the spot
It's fake user. You think all of these online women seriously have 6.5 foot tall gigachad doctor boyfriends with huge dicks who have never had sex before?
I think just a minority of women have these, seeing as how out of all the threads and posters on cc just 6 replied. But they do make up all of the miners' with happy relationships.
this plus consider the type of female who browses crystal cafe. why would these giga chads waste time on a fucking femcel when they can have any woman they want?
because you're unlikely to get an honest answer. because some people would rather lie than come off as shallow, or are ashamed of their preferences, or just don't know what ticks their subconscious mating instincts.
Honestly I do. The tier for women to be undateable is very, very low. Femcels, like those on cc (most of cc aren't femcels have a fuck ton of relationship problems), are entirely because they have some serious mental issue and they can't bond/get a bf. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them managed to land Chads.
I doubt its fake. Its more like the people dating incel losers wouldnt bother replying.
Why are you posting this again when you know those posts were made by males trolling?
Statistics show 5'7" guys do better with women than 6'+ guys but keep on coping.
checked, please show them statistics
Two possibilities exist. One that it was a long con started a month ago to troll cc. Some guys came up with a bunch of cutesy stuff and wrote that their fake six foot tall BFs did the cutesy stuff to them. Meanwhile no miner posted in the thread.
The second is that women just really like tall, handsome guys. Really.
Which one should I believe?
Why are many incels tall?
Makes sense when it comes to a looks based system.
>Well, fellas, worry no more, because a new study has revealed 5ft 8in is the ideal height for a man.
>But the ideal penis size is 8 inches+
>all the girls in that thread claiming the greentexts are moid posts the instant it was pointed out to them there were robots watching
>after one month about gushing how lucky each other were and how they wished they had that, suddenly they all *knew* it was fake all along
Honestly the 360 they did to try and maintain the illusion that girls are these deep demure creatures is really funny. But women pretty clearly say one thing and do another.
>most swiped height
Would it happen to be that it's just most men there are that height?
yes. this is basically xkcd.com