All memes aside, do you fear death?
All memes aside, do you fear death?
I'm not rushing to meet it, but I'm not bothered by the idea of it happening eventually.
not really.
>don't care about falling to death, drowning, getting shot, etc.
>wanna be a military KHV so I don't care if I die
Used to be Christian but eh and death would just solve a lot of problems for me
Yes tons because I want to start my own family and go have a baby then maybe live in an apartment even though I'm very likely to pay rent the rest of my life.
No, I fear time. When I was 10 and I had no friends I said to myself that things could turn ok. When I was 20 and I had no friends and never had a gf things were problematic, but I still had a bit of hope. Now that I am almost 30, no friends and never had a gf it's almost over.
How did you have no friends, did you move around a lot as a kid?
In a way yeah
i mean it is pretty much the ultimate unknown but it's also inevitable so why worry about it?
You don't know how Aspergers work, do you? At 10 I used to play with my classmates at school, but soon I started to realize that people were constructing friendships and invited other kids to sleep at their house, while I was left alone. I also played a lot with kids around my neighborhood, but they always wanted to be over me and used to bully me, so I would have preferred to be alone than with those people.
Most people don't, myself included. What we really fear is getting hurt.
It's impossible to not fear death when you are truly faced with it unless you are incredible insane. For that reason I like to ask people if they have accepted death to which I would answer yes.
I'm more worried about how painful it will be, bc death itself isn't painful, just the way you get there
I'm not gonna kms or anything but i wouldn't be opposed to getting killed
Marco Aurelio: "Un hombre no deberia tener miedo a la muerte, deberia tener miedo a no empezar nunca a vivir".
So old and so wise.
Nah, I've had enough suicidal thoughts to the point that the idea of death doesn't seem scary to me anymore.
I'd probably still feel afraid if I was actually at risk of dying but that's just natural.
Like many I would've said no, that is until I tried hanging. The sudden absolute dread that washes over you as your head gets tingly is something else. I don't think people will say they fear death until they've been faced with it because the concept seems so distant from their everyday life.
that sounds awesome
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Depends on whether you mean the process of dying or actually being dead. The act of dying is a horrible experience if not done instantly, so yeah no shit I'm not looking forward to it. Being dead isn't a big deal, it's literally nothing. If anything I'm disappointed by the fact that I'd have no way of consciously experiencing the relief. Also despite you saying all memes aside, here's a meme anyway.
The thought of my heart stopping beating and theres nothing I can about it is pretty terrifying. I'm also scared of what comes after death. I dont want to go to hell or even heaven.
Not if there was anything worth dying for
I'm not even going to open it pal
The game of life is hard to play
I'm gonna lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay
So this is all I have to say
Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please
I dont care but some genetic instinct level of self preservation kicks in whenever I am about to fuck up
The meme less taken has made all the difference.
i look forward to it and i hope it happens fucking soon
it seems so peaceful, i just want to be free and for the pain to stop
No that's not the way to think.
Who says death is the end? What if your conciousness continues to exist? In constant pain for eternity.
Yes. I fear the moment of death.
For all I know it's like an infinity of your ego rotting away.
For all I know life itself is God's love and when you die you realize nothing exists and you've made a decision to reject God.
For all I know death is a depression that only gets worse in ways you can't even imagine.
A spiral into hell.
It also could be the other way around. Fuck if I know.
>do you fear death?
yes because I'm young and healthy and still have shit I want to accomplish.
But I'm pretty sure I won't fear death when I'm older and sick and tired of life.
Eastern religion might be correct that suffering is an illusory projection of the ego
i don't fear my death, i fear the deaths of my loved ones.
then i had no chance at freedom so fuck it anyway get it over with
In reading Schopenhauer, I came to realize that it is better to have never been born than it is to be born. In life, the default predestined condition of a man is one of constant striving towards an endless series of goals, all of which leading to suffering in poisoning life with desire, and if one is not seeking to attain some illusory higher state, boredom or tedium soon follows. In death can I find everlasting peace. I'm personally a Christian Panentheist so my thoughts on death are such that your individuality is untethered, allowing you to meld your consciousness/spirit with God. Your soul might exist on some weaker level, but it is for the most part a reunion. An atheist though has no reason at all to fear death, as its then a state of deep slumber devoid of any sorrows.
Get what over with? Living is the easy part at least you can escape the pain with drugs or the internet even if it's only temporary. Once you die there is no escape you'll he in pain forever
i cant escape pain im in chronic severe pain 24/7 so if thats all there is then im used to it, but id rather be free
Upon "death" the spirit is liberated from it's vessel and can roam to any of the other many planes. There is no harm in it.