Is a girl having brown nipples a turnoff for you?
Is a girl having brown nipples a turnoff for you?
Nah, that's a turn-on.
I'm a male, and the female with me has more masculine traits, like darker nipples? No thanks.
Are dark nipples considered a masculine trait?
Honestly the only thing we care about is if they are nice and not so low iq that her brain and tastes piss me off.
Any guy that says otherwise is lying,
No, I'm not a dumb whitecel.
i guess
i have brown nipples and my boyfriend hates them
i think its because he is white
but it
i dont know what he was expecting I am tan?
pink nipples would look weird on me
Brown nipples is a feminine trait, though.
Size matters more than color. If they're big, I'm all for them.
Its more feminine because as breasts grow and develop the nipple gets darker and it also gets darker when they have a baby
Darker better desu
I feel like men are a lot less likely to have super pink/light nipples though.
same here. i think white guys just naturally have a preference for pink nipples :(
Well, the reason there is more melanin present in nipples for pregnant women is because of an increased production of estrogen.
I guess you just associate lighter skin = femininity, darker skin = masculinity, which is the norm in many Asian culture.
I'm not the one who was saying brown is a masculine trait, I was just noting an observation.
My personal theory about is that it could also be due to the "pink is for girls, blue is for boys" thing. If someone is used to women having the "girly color" on their body, they may see girls without it as "masculine"
Wait, so more estrogen = darker nipples? This changes everything. Goodbye, pink nips, the dark side has won me over.
No it's kind of hot actually but brown roast flaps are disgusting with some exceptions.
im a brown girl and i have brown nipples. im aware men only like white women with pink nipples tho. such is life
Bait. You just want people to ask to see your tits so you can get that sweet dopamine rush.
wtf, he sounds like a wanker, your partner should never insult your body like that, especially something you can't change.
I mean I've only ever been in 1 relationship but my bf has literally never said a bad word in 6 years
Brown nipples are super hot.
They're like 40% of why I'm more attracted to Indian/Middle-Eastern women.
depends on the skin colour. if it's pale and rosy then yes i'm disgusted, if it's olive then no.
Haha post pictures of pale girls with dark nipples so I know what you mean haha
This is coming from a white girl, but brown girls are literally some of the most beautiful. Pls don't think like that
they're not at all, don't feed her lies
Greek here, where do you even find women with brown nipples other than negroes or sth? Even the most tan women here have pink nipples.
Depends on what kind of brown she is. Arab/SEA/Hispanic or Native? Fuck yes. Indian or Abbo? Ehhh...
Girl in the OP pic is Hispanic, so that's one source.
I have been in Spain quite a few times, never seen brown nipples. Same in Portugal.
Yes, definitely. So is body hair, breasts, curves, wrinkles, and being over the age of 12.
I am a Turk and I also have pink nipples. I think people of european/indo-european descent are the exception to a rule, Asians and natives/ mixed people of the American continent all have brown nipples.
Hispanics are not people from Spain and Portugal. Hispanics are people from Latin America. They have brown nipples due to having Native American blood.
>Turk with pink nipples
Must have some Greek or Slav in you, I hear it's quite common if you are from West Anatolia, especially near the sea.
Oh, that makes sense, so Asians have brown nipples? I always thought they had pink ones. Maybe anime gave me a wrong image, they seem to be pink as far as I can remember.
>so Asians have brown nipples?
Yes. Most real life Asians have brown nipples. Native Americans originally descend from Asia, so that's likely where modern day Hispanics get the trait from.