Doesn't matter all will die and chase to exist.
You are just another rat in a cage making the 1% and born richer then you people more rich by doing it. No matter what fancy ass degree ya ass have like STEM bla bla or that you make $2000 a month you still are a rat locked in a cage, only difference your cage is bigger then the others but still a cage. This is madness such a shitty planet to exist on where power is given by connections and blood line.
Today is the end of my 4th week at my new job, and I have yet to actually do any work, yet I'm still getting paid
user if your dog is mtf trans it will not want to use its pp!!!!
>2000 a month
All you took from what I said is "2000 a month"
Only shows you are indeed just another rat, since only thing you took from what I said was the money income. That's a slave only sees money. I was not saying that you make 2000.
>All you took from what I said is "2000 a month"
>Only shows you are indeed just another rat, since only thing you took from what I said was the money income. That's a slave only sees money. I was not saying that you make 2000.
I havent attended a single class since this semester started on my uni either offline or online, but im still getting those gobernment gibs from attending there.
Why do they gib money for going to school?!
Omg you are sooo deeep bro
Bandage, no wonder why you use that username.
I don't like normies faggots like you. Never did
Because hard working danish adults pay for me to not attend classes.
>does no work
>still gets paid
>probably spends his time gossiping around
Bandage-sama you truly are a woman now. #MeToo when?