Imagine wanting to have sex...

Imagine wanting to have sex. People will ridicule you and act like they are above you if you haven't put your dick in a vagina. Like okay nigga I use an onahole and feel the exact same thing.

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Supremely based. You're unironically not a robot if you still feel a strong urge to have sex.

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It's not about having sex, it's about not being a complete fuckup and finding someone willing to have sex with you. That's why robots that paid for sex feel nothing but a warm onahole.
>he still thinks being a robot is a good thing

>he still thinks being a robot is a good thing
It's a good thing if you want to post about your problems here

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are you implying that people that can't have sex are complete fuck ups? I hope you aren't because if you are that would mean that you're retarded.

>conveniently ignores the other halfof that sentence
Not sure if that's your defeatism or nitpicking speaking. Either way I'm right.
You are wrong but I wish you were right.

You will feel this way for maximum another 30 days

What is the Zig Forums tested and approved onahole?

what is there to say about the other half I don't understand.

I've felt like this for the last few years so I don't think so.

>find someone willing

same goes for that. failing to find someone willing to have sex with you doesnt make you a complete fuck up either. Do you really value other peoples attraction to you that much wtf.

No. However i don't make excuses for myself and try to find wiggle room for my fragile ego instead of doing a reality check and solving personal issues.

what does that have to do with anything. I genuinely don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Are you saying that Im trying to "find wiggle room for my fragile ego" because I'm pointing out that sex isn't important and it's ridiculous that some people that haven't had sex are looked down on?

cope, sex is a natural desire and you will never be able to replicate real connection with a human with some cheap plastic toys

>you will never be able to replicate real connection with a human
ok? and? Not everyone wants that. I use cheap plastic toys because I don't care about connecting with a human.

>cope thread
cope thread indeed

>user doesn't care about sex
are you guys really this retarded.

Essentially yes. Unless you've decided on being alone is better, at which point you're just baiting for responses.

Alright. so its okay to make fun of people that haven't had sex and anyone that doesn't highly value sex is coping because everyone loves and needs sex and should be thinking about finding a partner to fuck all the time. that's basically what you are saying right now. I'm not even exaggerating either. this is pretty much what you just said. I hope you feel ridiculous because you should.

>Like okay nigga I use an onahole and feel the exact same thing
this is a massive cope even you know sex with an actual living human who want's you and an onahole are not even close in comparison

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Give up on the anime....Forever

But what do I get from a relationship? I don't feel like it would really make me feel anything great. I would constantly have to spend time with someone.

No I don't because you're a coping, goalpost moving loser. I hope you at least feel better about yourself because you achieved literally nothing and have been waiting for this since you started the thread.

>are you guys really this retarded.

yes, Zig Forums is one of the dumbest boards on this website and it's not because of "incels" or whatever, it's the normshits, underage and trannies that co-opted this place. trying to have a conversation with /r9niggers/ is like drinking hydrochloric acid.

Well you see user usually when you enter a relationship with someone you tend to enjoy spending time with them and like their company.

I don't want to like to waste my time with someone. I want to live free, even if it means misery occasionally. That would happen within a relationship too, and especially afterwards.

>you're not free in a relationship
don't know who told you that user but I've been in one for 5 years and I've been getting on just fine

There's quite a few "anons" out her who "don't care about sex" out here. Incidentally, they've all decided to gather up in a place where sexless people tend to dwell and complain. That's a hell of a coincidence, isn't it?

I guess, but you still have to accommodate and plan out with someone else. It might be fun and give some perspective and experiences you otherwise might not get, but it's not really my piece of cake.

Yeah but what if you find someone that has the same mindset and eventually you start doing it together?