Is Cuba really that bad of a country? Is it as oppressive as people say or has it been overblown by anti communist propaganda and the families of wealthy people who fled the country because their African servants got taken away? Apparently everyone on the island was sad when Castro died but I dont know if that was just performative sadness like how they do in North Korea or if they really felt like they lost a leader.
In what way is Cuba worse than any other Latin American country?
Yes it's terrible. The people live in poverty and drive cars decades old because the commies fucked their economy.
Ian Jones
>drive cars decades old Is that meant to be bad?
Mason James
>is using ancient heavily used technology made during a time where the safety standards were godawful bad? Yes.
Adam Nelson
You could always just not crash
Colton Lopez
Was it the commies who fucked their economy or was it the embargos and economic sanctions? I mean, if the most powerful empire on earth goes "eww gross theyre commies don't play with them," like a bunch of teenagers and purposely tries to ruin their economy, is it really Cuba's fault that their economy isn't great?
Xavier Wright
If a kid shits his own pants, is it his fault that the other kids don't want to go near him or is it the other kids' fault?
Ryan Hughes
He didn't really shit his own pants though. That's a rumor that one of the other kids spread because they didn't want anyone playing with Cuba.
Cuba has modern cars btw, China gives them cars.
Daniel Price
>Is Cuba Do you not mean 'was'? Afaik they already had a shitload of investors coming in last year checking out what to buy up. Also some art-hoes wanting to see the quaint little backwater while it is 'authentic'.
I assume they will become muricas next cheap mass-tourism and sexparty hotspot in 1-2 decades
Camden Bailey
>That's a rumor that one of the other kids spread because they didn't want anyone playing with Cuba. Communism is the feces of political ideologies, they most certainly did shit their pants
Jonathan Hall
They were already America's cheap mass tourism and sex party hotspot. This gave rise to organized crime. This was the cause of their revolution in the first place.
Evan Adams
Nothing really new then. Albeit I suspect the extremes that will likely lead to now will make the past look like eco-tourism with conservation efforts.
Adam Kelly
Indeed, it's kinda hard to crash cars that reach 40mph at most
Nicholas Sullivan
What's wrong with old cars though? Or no cars at all? The people just walk everywhere or take public transportation, I guess. Nothing wrong with that.
Benjamin Flores
They have better cars now and drive the old cars mostly for tourists as taxis
Hudson Gutierrez
Sure. Go to Cuba... if you like taking BATHS in CANS like some barbarian.
I'm an euro commie who wants to visit and maybe move there one day. I read a lot about Cuban history/culture/economics so I have a modest guess that it isn't as bad there as Americans (or Cuban-Americans) make it out to be. For example, when it comes to food, you won't always be able to eat exactly what you want that day, but there is always something to eat.
Logan Rodriguez
Their plumbing is terrible my biological father says. He's been there with his parents who were born there. Also there's all sorts of weird things about them. They use split peas as coffee and think real coffee is just dirty water. It's like Cuban coffee isn't even a real thing or the actual coffee just gets shipped out. They're fucked when it comes to eating meat for all of their rules. Street food is really questionable. My biological father told stories of people trying to pass melted condom plastic as cheese for a pizza for sale. Would not want to visit.
Leo Anderson
Why go to Cuba when there's Miami?
Evan Rodriguez
>why go to Mexico when there's Texas? >why go to Japan when there's Hawaii? >why go to Puerto Rico when there's New York?
Aiden Myers
"The best thing about Miami is that it's so close to the United States."
Carson Murphy
I was about to ask that actually. I think wagie-robots, especially those on the browner side who would not be immediately noticed, and are not totally afraid of bodily work could do worse then try their luck there.
Where you barely eak out a living with no social-net does not really matter in the end, does it? And you might just catch the some impending rebuilding boom and a qt cuban gf without the mental baggage girls in the us have. Seems to be more than a chance on life nowadays than in Somehicksville, US
Nathaniel Carter
That just sounds like normal Latin American nonsense. Doesn't really seem unique to Cuba. Mexico is grotesquely capitalistic to the point that it destroyed their country and they have the same problems.
Matthew Williams
what will you do for an internet connection?
Michael Lewis
There was a time when Black Panthers and other black revolutionaries would run off to Cuba because the FBI was hunting them down. It's apparently so welcoming to black radicals that people believe Tupac faked his death and moved there.
I'm Cuban-American and the only reason I was born here was because my grandparents left Cuba in a boat and came to Florida.
Jace Nguyen
>grandparents left Cuba in a boat and why did they do that?
Lincoln Harris
Is internet really that important? Most of the complaints about Cuba is that they don't have the same luxuries as the US, when that's probably a good thing.
Less cars, no internet, you actually have to go outside and interact with your community and get to know the people you're living around. You can't just stay in the house for hours, playing video games. I think that most issues robots go through are consequences of luxury.