I have no one to talk to so i will make this post

i have no one to talk to so i will make this post

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Hello user, have a reply :)

WTF why does it take me to this thread when I try to make my own?

everytime i reply to these threads this happens

just something i figured out
it's cool

I have no one too. I want to cry a lot right now but my pills suppress it making it worse and I can't even sleep or distract myself from reality and the memories

spooky chups

what pills, user?

original desu


Hello user. Are you chups?

>i have no one to talk to so i will make this post

>i have no one to talk to so i will make this post
steamcommunity.com/id/ fools_idoI/

Have you tried talking to people on Grindr? You don't have to get TOPPED maybe play some vidya.

why'd you post thiss

Chups forgot it in the op

Grindr is just for sex not making friends

>i have no one to talk to so i will make this post

>i have no one to talk to so i will make this post

>i have no one to talk to so i will make this post

Do you want to masturbate on Discord my penis is 7.3x6

Find a tranny on here most are nice and you could even get lewd, talk to Bandage if you see her

i just want to talk to someone why do you whores have to make it sexual

Not sure how I am a whore for suggesting you to talk to a tranny you don't have to lewd user

You seem bored and desperate I got a nice dick man

you know why
stop projecting your desperation coomer freak

>talk to

It is implied you want sexual things this is r9k, if you found a female you would creep on her and jack off so trannies and gays hit you up and you act disgusted get real OP

It's about that time.. get a big glass of water and swallow the Grindrpill.

lol freaks

Says the loser begging for someone to talk to on r9k lmao

Try /soc/ or just join a r9gay discord

Cringey seething coomer

eh more successful than you freak
those are both shit places u know

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