Why do trannies love this show so much?

Why do trannies love this show so much?

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i think it's about accepting your deformity or something kek

if i remember correctly, one of the characters can change their appearance. theres the fantasy that they can then change their gender. also all of the cahracters are females. if they say they are a steven universe character that means that they have no choice but to be a female

For the same reason they love anime, it's cutesy and allows them to fantasize about being a girl.
God I hate trannies.

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They are a LOUD vocal minority group that voices over everything, they love adventure time as well they want everything gay you to 100% have the same views its pretty simple

I imagine trannies like it for for the same reasons any fan would. For them it has to be mostly the overall positive message about accepting yourself and others for who you/they are. That theme is in almost every part of the show, through individual episodic plots, to the overarching story. All of the characters are written to have some sort of mental illness or common-but-strange personality they can relate to.
The tranny epidemic is mostly happening in the west, and the tumblrish artstyle of the show is what's popular here as well. Also the music is great for a childrens cartoon, all of the VA's are talented artists that have had success with their vocals outside of voice acting, the writing could use some work though(thanks rebecca)
Altogether it's just prime tranny bait. Makes them feel secure with it's message and helps them cope, makes use of the tumblr art they all fucking love, and is made just competently enough to not feel like watching elmo.

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Why do incels love Elliot Rodger so much?

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who even is this mickey mouse looking motherfucker?

Im literally the most prolific jew poster on this board and ive literally learned most of what i know about jews from rebecca sugar

It's Spinel, the main antagonist of the Steven Universe Movie!

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The characters are all ugly so they relate.

You should kill yourself and join the 41% trannie subhuman

Attempt during lifetime rate from bad parents vs successful suicide rate from transition??? .... the pols will twist any piece of information to fit their own baked up half truth

You don't have to be /pol to hate trannies though.

Doesn't matter you should just kill yourself regardless tranny

Why do you care what trannies like are you taking the pinkpill? Go get TOPPED and get it out of your system.

My ex (who is Jewish) was obsessed with this show. At first I was a little confused why this show was so gay and had 0 masculine characters in it, then I looked up that it was banned in Kenya for LGBT shit.
Then my ex emotionally cheated on me with a MtF transexual.

Never again

Sorry user, but that's what you get for being gay in the first place.

>implying being a TOP is gay


>implying fucking another dude in his shit hole isn't gay

What? I'm a dude and my ex is a woman. She emotionally cheated on me with a tranny and Im pretty sure she actually cheated on me with another woman

It was a fucking nightmare

God damn, you got cucked by a tranny. That's even worse than if you were gay. Your life kinda sucks.

Imagine being cucked by a tranny haahhahahahahahahHH

Maybe the color scheme and musical numbers?

But for real, it is probably that gender expression is so fluid within the show but no one makes a big deal about it. The fluidity of gender roles and expression within the show is accepted and normalized in a way that doesn't feel preachy.

I have a bit of a love hate relationship with the show myself, but for quality reasons rather then content.
It is a show that was very interesting but was made incompetently in may ways. That said, it "almost" never felt like it was pushing politics or excluding people because they didn't agree with the personally believes of the creators, and the people involved never attacked their fans when they had criticisms.
Overall I actually liked it, I just wish it was better then it actually ended up being.

Will eventually watch Future when the first season wraps up.

And no, I ain't trans or queer, or even a female.
Just a grown ass man who loves cartoons.

>Will eventually watch Future when the first season wraps up.
Not only did Future already wrap up, but it's also the only season. The show ended.

It's literally banned in other countries

This is the whole point. To anyone steeped in heterosexuality this show is flaming gay. Just accept you've already been converted. Take your pills Alice.

>Take your pills Alice.
These tranny shills are taking their shit to a whole new level

Thanks for the info.
Feels like I am always a season behind when it comes to finding out these things.
It's what happens when you have a huge backlog and work full times I guess.

>It's literally banned in other countries
A lot of things are banned in a lot of countries.
What does that have to do with anything I said?

>To anyone steeped in heterosexuality
Now imagining someone rainbow colored being dunked like a tea bag into a vat labeled heterosexuality until they become gray and the vat liquid glows.

>Just accept you've already been converted.
Nah, I still like my masculine self in all it's manly glory and still only find females sexually attractive.
Turns out, you can watch and enjoy a children's cartoon without it turning the frogs gay.

Nah you're a faggot lol

Everyone point and laugh at this battyboi

Why are you black?

A better question would be, why do manchildren are watching kids shows. All I know is my 3 boys don't like to watch that shit, all they want to watch is stuff like Paw patrol, Beyblade, Sonic or Pokemon.

>why do manchildren are watching kids shows
Ignoring the ESL, why would you ask that on a website made specifically for men who do just that?

I am a grown. I do what I want.
If I want to watch cartoons then I will watch cartoons.
Don't give a shit if that rustles your jimmies.