Going To Lose My Virginity

Going To Lose My Virginity Tonight, and i'm freaking the fuck out.
28yo KHV 5'7 4.5 erect dick size.
This 22yo Is Going To Have Sex With Me to take my virginity away and i feel like i'm going to have a panic attack, What Is Everything I Need To Know About Sex, Please Help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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How did you arrange this, friendbot?

Complete Luck, Was At my brothers wedding so i was forced to go, These Five months I've been training to better my self, so i been practically in the 'hyper bolic time chamner' so i look decent, still dyel using small weights pull up bar and body weight exercise, 180lbs to - 150lbs, Anyway in group with my other brother and the conversation of sex comes up and I freeze the fuck up, My turn finally comes up and i think thanks to Nofap i have the courage to say i;m a virgin. Everyone Gets Quiet and Then This Cute Girl Says, "Ill Take It From You user, I Think You're Cute And I'm Single.

Not That Exciting, But I Thnk She Wants To Be My Gf, i'm going to her house,(Her Grandpa Died And Left Her His House That Is Payed Off,FUCKING LUCKY) To Become More Comfortable around Each Other and talk about what i need to know to have sex, then will get down to bizness.

Nice larp.
I can't imagine a situation so degenerate where some stranger would just mention something so indiscreet, except maybe that you all were very drunk or of low social status

but i'm scared about my dick size and not knowing how to kiss and not knowing how to satisfied a woman, i'm not worried about my stamina which is really good.

low social status is correct, but i really do believe she is a sweet girl.

Holy fuck. I would never admit to it. But that is like a dream scenario.

I've been improving myself as well, I'm basically an absurdly eligible bachelor now. Been going to the gym, mewing every day, dress fashionably with fitting clothing now, got a good job, lots of money, nice house. But the social anxiety and complete lack of experience with women holds me back.

If a woman would take pity on me and agree to take my virginity it would be a dream come true. The first time would probably not be good but we could do it a few times and she could teach me.

I'm Not Going To Pretend like women can't fuck up your Life, So I'm Wearing a Condom She Is going to take birth control.

Good Job user, Yeah This Is A Dream Come True, I got Fucking Lucky, But The Thought Of Looking Like A Fucking Retard is Crushing Me, She Is Sweet And I Don;t Think She Expects Me To Be A Pro, But I Just Want To My Absolute Best maybe I can Perform A Miracle.

She Also Kinda Of looks Like This But White/Latina

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If she knows are a virgin and still wants to have sex with you then this is an ideal scenario. You have carte blanche to perform badly.

I actually almost lost my virginity once and fucked it up from nerves and couldn't get hard.

Thanks Man, you're proably right. It will Happen to you to user, i believe in you. That is one thing i;m not worried about, Nofap Has My DICK COMPLETE DIAMONDS EVERYDAY.


I Don't Want This, So I'm Watching/Reading Stuff On How To Perform In Bed, Also Asking You Dudes For Help, So Help Me Frens.

She Also Texted Me Right Now, And Said We're Going To Do Everything Together and I can stay over. This Has Eased My Heart, but still I must Learn.

Best thing for you is probably to cum fast (you are a virgin so expected) and then if you have done nofap you will be horny enough for round 2.

thanks fren. Noted.

not really related to the topic user but why Do You Capitalize Every Letter Of A Sentence? where do you come from?

Any Recommend Books/videos For Learing How To Have Sex???

Midwest, I've Aways Done That, I'm A Freak. :P

Just watch porn from the 90s (when porn was just a man and a woman having sex).

Don't try to emulate anything you see in porn today.

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i see. good luck plowing that pussy

Thanks Fren, When i Cum I'm Going To Scream user!!!!!!

thanks I'll try To Watch.

Will you come back and tells us what it is like in extreme detail. Like how it feels when it first goes in, what the walls of the vagina are like, what the smells and sounds are like, etc.

Sure I Will. In Graphic Detail

Drink a couple of beers dude calm down

I Don't Drink Or Smoke But Thanks. I Wish You Guys Were My Friends IRL. I have No Irl Friends.

The More I Talk To You Guys The Better I Feel, I really Believe I'm Going To Be Okay.

I wish I was your friend IRL as well. Sadly I'm in a different country but you seem really nice.

Ok user, I went through this same shit about 15 years ago except the meeting circumstances were different. Here's what we know so far:

She's cute, she's a virgin hunter, she saw that you've put in some effort or maybe someone at the wedding, for whatever reason, mentioned you. Now, here's what you're gonna do, fucking breathe. Slow your mind down a bit, take a klonopin or something. I made the mistake of NOT doing that and my nerves got to me and I lost my boner a few times. The only reason she stayed was because she drove an hour to claim it from me and she wasn't leaving without it, so she was extra patient. Let her do the work of the actual fucking, let her ride your dick at her own pace and see your face. It's not a sprint to the finish except at the end, if you think you're gonna cum too quickly, tell her to slow it down, hold her hips and slow her down yourself. Don't be afraid of touching her. I initiated almost no contact between us and again, nearly lost out on the deal because I was a huge pussy. Don't be a pussy. Take it slow, don't rush, kiss her. You'll be bad at it, but take the time to practice with her. Lots of foreplay, lots of kissing. Don't greet her with your dick in your hand, bring her somewhere first, chat a little if you haven't already, try to get a feel of what she likes and dislikes. I talked to my virgin hunter for around 6 months before ever suggesting a meetup. It was worth the knowledge, but you've already got this on your plate but it doesn't hurt to at least seem a little interested, even if she doesn't want to be your gf.

tl;dr- take it slow, kiss a lot, don't be afraid of initiating touch but don't start grabbing at everything right off the bat and make sure you take your time and enjoy yourself, don't feel like you're performing in front of a packed theatre or try to be a porn star, it's just one other person.