how are you doing, oldbots?
25+ general
I'm feeling sick
I wonder if it's corona
Maybe I will die gfless
I am just starting to get VA benefits. NEET here I come. I'm 29
Working from home now. Barely stepping foot outside my apartment for four months has changed me in some ways. Shut in NEETs have to all be a little crazy after doing this for years
I bought a new planter today and bought some more mint, cilantro, and lavender!
How are you doing?
took 2 days sick leave, played pubg at a level far above my usual. Applied for a new job, fiancee goaded me into it since she started a new job a couple of weeks ago too.
How well do you think, I'm 25 and still on /r9k kek
Still old, still miserable.
I'm experimenting this Rust language all the kids are raving about these days.
Is it really where things are headed towards in the future?
Is it gonna be another complicated beast like C++ that only greybeard wizards can wield effectively?
I go for a walk every day, but it always feels so pointless
>turned 30 a few months ago
>still living with parents
>have about 60k saved for a house downpayment though
>waiting until next year post-election results and corona
>college degree though working a job that doesn't use it
>tiring job; no social life, plenty of overtime
>kv with zero "meaningful" friends, and zero relationship/sex experience
Nice being able to save rent free, but I'm ready to get my own place. I wish I could have a family/relationship but I just don't see it happening this late in the game.
My social skills, and life experiences or just too stunted to relate with any women around my same age. I actually had interest express, but I've ignored it out of fear/anxiety of not knowing what to say/do.
Best I've ever been, honestly. I turn 27 in a few weeks.
Some good decisions I've made
>Quit weed and psychedelics last February. Reduced my anxiety dramatically, helped improve my motivation.
>Started doing nofap / noporn in 2016. Increased my ambition, energy levels, mood, beard growth, muscle growth, and overall livelihood.
>Buzzed off my hair because I have a receded hairline from years of being a coomer. No more hair loss anxiety, just buzz it once every two weeks
>Paid off my car
>Buying a house soon.
im 38 years old i used to go on Zig Forums heavily in 2009, wow 11 years ago. i was always too old for this place. i gotta shit but im too lazy to get up to shit it out
Very bad. I think about suicide every day. I am worried I am going to end it soon. I spend basically all day living in fantasy. I can't bear reality much longer.
>I have a receded hairline from years of being a coomer. No more hair loss anxiety
Just shit genetics probably.
I've been fapping every day since I was like 13, and my hairline is great.
I am trying to save for a house as well. I have 40k saved atm.
How is your relationship with your family?
possible but I bet your face is puffy and your cheeks are red
I'm Schizoaffective and on disability. I want to live on my own, but every time I try I end up in the hospital.
>got a 10k raise
>interviewing for another job
>woke up with a really stiff neck - can barely move without causing excruciating pain
>drugged up for pain relief
I'm not fat, so I've never had a puffy face and I'm a ginger so the slightly red cheeks is more of just my general tone that matches the rest of my body.
Nice mate, keep saving up and i would suggest buy as small as you can, so your down payment covers as close to 50% of the total house value as you cag. Get a fixed upper, as long as the heater and AC are less than 3 years old and the frame is good (no cracks on the corners of doors and windows, no floor sinking) then you can fix everything else yourself. Painting, flooring, basic plumbing, 70% of the cost is labor so if you do it yourself and educate yourself with youtube videos, you will get a beautiful modern home for a steal.
Ready to move in homes are for familirs with kids and old people, not for you or I.
Get the house, fix it up, get an SUV or a full size sedan (no sports cars or coupes), keep your BMI under 20, and you will get any 18-24 yo pussy just by saying "hey." Be well read, and you can get any milf or sexually frustrated career woman you want as well.
You are ahead than most. Good job
I was about to say, this dude's got it together.
Where I live, the cheapest houses are around 400k. I am screwed. My plan is to save 100k by the time I am 30
doing the same thing and ive never felt better. i wish i could keep doing this but they said they need me back at the office in september for literally no reason
as a 36 year old just gonna say, giving up but not dying just makes things way worse every day
Either die or put in max effort don't suffer in the middle
Pretty good. I'm an only child and I was super sheltered which honestly is I think one of the reasons I'm kind of what I am. Anyways my parents are pretty loving, they're fine with me at home though they want me to do the usual things like have kids and experience life etc.
I haven't really done much in my 20s. Was a neet for a while, before I went back to school, and got the job but other than that I pretty much just stayed in the house on the computer.
>i would suggest buy as small as you can, so your down payment covers as close to 50%
50% would probably be pushing it. I'm sure I'm over 25% and that would be fine. Really I might just get a condo, that way I won't have to deal with the home maintenance/upkeep etc. I really haven't looked at anything yet desu besides saving, I'm kind of just waiting.
>Get the house, fix it up, get an SUV or a full size sedan (no sports cars or coupes), keep your BMI under 20, and you will get any 18-24 yo pussy just by saying "hey." Be well read, and you can get any milf or sexually frustrated career woman you want as well.
I pretty much have most of everything on that list, a paid for 2011 car with low miles cause I only ever really drove it to school, and my job and I'm 6'0 though on the lanklet side. It's not even hard to have women want to get me. I'm fine physically, it's my mental issues that are the problem.
I'm just socially stunted and pretty boring imo, even if I was well off women would still prefer to be around someone that's funny, interesting, and can hold meaningful conversations etc.
I have a new optimism.
what if you're just straight up genetic trash in every way? trying at anything feels completely pointless. killing myself is simply not an option.
I remember seeing these threads when I was 20 and thinking "ha! I'll never be a robot posting on r9k when I'm 25...
Just wait until you get to participate in a 30+
I was in the same position, and it was the one of maximum suffering. It only feels pointless because starting is the hardest part, and progress is slow so you don't get to see it at first.
It isn't a quick hit reward like drugs or Vidya or coming, but a long a deliberate effort to elevate your baseline existence from awful, to tolerable, to decent, to good.
Pretty badly. I'm trying to adjust my medication and all I've gotten for the effort is suicidal ideation, rapid weight loss, aggression, and irritability. I'm just this thin angry miserable fuck who tells everybody that they're wrong. I've gotten into spats with multiple managers and a director which is practically suicidal but I'm somehow winning them (?) and thus ensuring the productivity of my workplace. I have this feeling like I'm in some ways contributing to society more yet at the same time I'm sabotaging myself and upsetting everybody around me.
Amphetamines are a hell of a drug.
Nah man, I'm genuinely fucked and i've already been through all this. Not going to sit here and baww about it with a laundry list of my failures and I'm already kind of past feeling sad about it, but life is just super boring. I've already quit all drugs and drinking because I can't stand the way they make me feel. I don't play games anymore either because I hate them and I'm bad. I used to play guitar but that just sucks now as well. Not sure what to do other than work and shitpost.