Why are women so much against everything primal and sexual they love and yearn for deep down...

You seem to be thinking porn=real life. Do you think people into watersports would want to get pissed on in public

By other women

Big Bruh Moment

"Alpha fuck, beta bucks"
Look it up.

The type of man a woman usually marries is almost always less than her ideal. She couldn't secure a relationship with the better men of her cock carousel days because why should a guy with that much in the way of options ever settle down? Eventually she has to settle with a lesser desirable man because she's aged to the point where her peak sexual desirability has passed and she needs to latch on who she can (i.e. "the wall"). Remember that women have a biological prerogative to be taken care of, that's why they're also attractive to money, not just looks. Without any better options she will settle, but she often won't be willing to be treated like the alpha males treated her. I remember reading a story a couple years ago about a guy who found an old college video of his current wife getting gang banged by guys who were doing things to her she wouldn't allow him to do to her. (Could someone reading this find that article?)

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