The age old question. Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?

The age old question. Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?

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Well anons, what is it really?

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>Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?

I don't believe you.

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why not both and none at the same time?

what if i dont care and ass is ass no matter the gender

Height > Looks

It's an acceptable mental illness because we find flamboyant gay guys funny as fuck, now they're featured on a bunch of shows where we can laugh at them without consequence.

Why necessarily a mental illness?

Mental illness is generally seen as any abnormal mental characteristic, if you deviate from the norm you have a form of neurodivergence, which means mentally ill to most people. Homosexuality is abnormal, therefore a form of mental illness, we're just not allowed to openly call it that. There will probably come a day when autism is considered a lifestyle choice to cleanse people of the stigma of having an incurable mental deficit, for some reason now it's seen as better to have no choice in the matter, I guess choosing to be degenerate is more sinful than naturally being that way or something, a remnant of our puritanical origins perhaps

Pederasty is normal. However, old gays and duel masculine couples are mental illness. You need a feminine aspect to a couple or it is disgusting.

Well bear-on-bear type of Turkish oil wrestler type of dudes are vomit inducing indeed.

The ones that are full flaming gay are definitely mentally I'll. But I think most men can be Bi if they wanted, especially if you bang a twink or trap.

It's just animal pulsion! We are not god like things... We are more like evovle monkey after all! An all is a all, and a dick doesn't have any eye...

I choose to suck big meaty cocks.

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Irrelevant to the question of whether it's right or not, so who cares?

Because once that question is decided then we can decide whether or not it's right to choose that path/be encouraged to pursue that illness as an identity

But hasn't that question already been answered by the countless gay who are much happier when they are free to take cock in their ass?

What if neither model accurately describes it? It seems like there are some assumptions baked into your approach here.

Same sex attraction isn't a choice.

Simply explaining OP's rationale, I don't care either way as it doesn't apply to me, and even if it did I'd be biased anyway, sure I'd like to be openly fruitier sometimes but people can always reserve the right to make fun of me for it, I don't agree with the "we've officially normalized this abnormal behavior so you're the weird one if you take issue with it" mentality. Personally I think it's odd for a male body to be attracted to other male bodies, but they can do what they want to do, I also think there's a lot of guys out there teetering the line who opt for the lifestyle to give themselves something special to be proud of, but if you can effectively fake that persuasion more power to you

Neither. It's nature's population control.

Happiness doesn't always equal a healthy mindset

I think I've been brainwashed into liking femboys. I've spent too much time on this website.

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Mental illness. Some times naturally occurring or, more commonly, a result of sexual abuse at a vulnerable age

So the long and short of your post is that you want normies to be able to be more brutal and feel less guilt forcing their way of life on others? Should be a popular idea around here. No, seriously, I'm not being sarcastic. As much as Zig Forums hates bullying that make every possible excuse for bullying minorities whenever they can.

neither you dult

>choosing to be degenerate
why would homos be degenerates? because they don't follow the norm?

I said people can do what they want to do, that includes people who want to point out what they deem to be weird qualities in others, I understand where you're coming from, I've was a victim of bullying in highschool for being somewhat of a nerd, but what's your solution? Bar everyone from commenting on things they don't agree with? There's an argument to be made that homosexuality is a degenerative result of excess and unchecked hedonism, and can lead to unhealthy behaviors and attitudes regarding sex, is shame not an applicable tool anymore? Maybe the compulsion to get fucked repeatedly in the asshole has negative implications, idk, I just think it's not a cut and dry issue yet.

Chess players don't follow the norm, sneakerheads don't follow the norm, while having promiscuous sex with random strangers by taking drugs and fucking each other in the asshole might be degenerate behavior. Obviously I'm not talking about gay couples who adopted a brown kid and have a nice suburban property and a lawn and shit, they've managed to contain their lifestyle behind closed doors like a considerate couple

So you're calling hookup culture degenerate? Hate to break it to you but thats not a gay thing.

It's well known that gays take hookup culture to extremes not seen amongst heterosexuals

>Obviously I'm not talking about gay couples who adopted a brown kid and have a nice suburban property and a lawn and shit, they've managed to contain their lifestyle behind closed doors like a considerate couple
Yes, I was thinking about this kind of people. Not all gays are disgusting people who only think about sex and love to disguise and roleplay as dogs in gay prides.