Why do incels and feminists hate Jordan Peterson?
Why do incels and feminists hate Jordan Peterson?
Cause he's a shitty sophist whose arguments make no sense and who starts with the conclusion and gets his evidence by working backwards from what he considers the holy truth.
I study leftist and right-wing politic philosophy alike, there are hundreds of people better than him on both ends.
he does not clean up his room any more
feminists hate him because he's comically sexist
other people hate him because they're above 105 IQ and realize 70% of what he says is vacuous, perfectly consensual shit, 20% is extremely bad philosophy presented as some revelation, and the remaining 10% is battling don quichote style after a strawman frankenleftist figure he invented.
even the most embarrassing B tier dumbass SJW youtubers manage to convincingly ravage his "arguments".
also the pills episode was fucking hilarious, and so is his vulgar whore daughter
jordan your brain is fried please go to cognitive therapy classes get off the internet it wont help
Name some examples of people then.
>read Jordan Peterson
>dad finds my book
>happy that I'm trying to better myself
>interested in Peterson
>looks him up online
>sees articles about him being linked to extreme right sentiments
>sends message to cop that I'm radicalising
>get my internet history checked and a police home visit
Seriously fuck boomers and fuck all the leftist media who brand everyone with a different opinion as nazi and a paria. And I fucking hope they enjoyed my taste in porn. JAV shit, you know spit play femdom all that good stuff. Awkward as fuck though. Thanks dad. I still have to pretend to be nice just to get a shot at that inheritance. FML.
I've never seen someone hate him who wasn't indoctrinated into the SJW mantra.
Never paid attention to his politics tho, just his lectures on psychology.
>Seriously fuck boomers and fuck all the leftist media who brand everyone with a different opinion as nazi and a paria
Actual nazis would do all that and more to you if they were in charge, though. Please tell me you didn't respond to being called a nazi by actually becoming a nazi?
Zizec is a commie coomer but he's twice as smart as Peterson and way funnier.
because he's an anti white globalist agent who literally LITERALLY worked for the UN and wants to shut down white collectivism
Ideologies are cringe
the ideology doesnt matter, what matters is being on top of the heirarchy
You think kim jong un would want to be a communist if he wasnt the supreme leader?
He believes in individualism which breeds loneliness and misery. He's dangerous.
Slavoj Zizek? Isn't he considered radical left? If Peterson is considered part of the right then it's comparing apples and oranges isn't?
>right wing
you can only be right wing if you're a nationalist
peterson worked for the UN
>literally several articles and people considering him to be associated with either right-wing or alt-right.
and? i guess being for personal freedom means you're some alt right nazi in today's age. see? this is what the marxists are doing. they have been shiftitng the political spectrum soo much that the only way to be in the middle is if you're a radical fucking commie.
he's a declared calssical liberal or whatever if i remember correctly.
okay npc
Sure feels like that's what you'd be labelled as in today's climate.
For admitting they exist?
The only think I ever heard him say that was outright wrong was claiming that if a person believes something, they are Christian, even if that person claims not to believe in god.
Something like that.
But apart from that most of what he says makes sense.
what the fuck are you talking about? peterson is associated with the right because, like the american right, he generally denies the existence of systemic or societal anything. everything comes down to the individual, society and culture don't exist. all of your problems would be solved if you'd just clean your room and stop complaining, because societal issues don't exist, and if they do, you can't fix them so stop trying. that's not the same as believing in personal freedom.
>this is what the marxists are doing. they have been shiftitng the political spectrum soo much that the only way to be in the middle is if you're a radical fucking commie.
you're living in a fantasy world
Where the fuck do you live that liking Juden Peterstein gives you a visit from big daddy government? The UK?
Because he challenges their loony worldviews.
Yeah, someone can report you for radicalising and they will check your internet history for the past year or something and you get a visit. Literally 1984. Once we go cashless society things can get really nasty.
pretty sure "clean your room" is to tell you to get your shit together before you go around trying to tell people how to fix their shit. i don't think its meant to be an instafix as its meant to be a "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" type deal. nor do i think it's meant to say just give up
in a vast machine filled with gears, cogs turn and turn. in many parts of the machine, the gears are assembled incorrectly, and so they grind and crunch and eventually break. some of the broken cogs notice this, so they call out: "the machine is built wrong, and it is causing cogs like us to break! we need some of you to turn differently, so that we can repair the machine, and then the cogs will not break as much."
one cog replies, "look at this broken cog, trying to tell others how to turn properly. you should fix yourself before you tell others how to turn. the machine is built perfectly, and the cogs that are broken were simply made from bad metal."
>taking advice from a benzo addict.
That's a recent development tho considering his claim to fame started in 2016. Life happens, and those things are stupefyingly addictive.
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The Coelho of incels
He offers an alternative to their narratives. For example, he does not simply shill for the right so he can't be written off as a conservative (even though the attempt is made). So he will say that the right is far too constrained and does not allow for enough creativity and will eventually stagnate. But he also says that the left is not organized or strategic enough to properly run a society and therefore both side are needed in some type of balance. This is reasonable like most of his points and it makes leftists nervous as people see the alternative to their orthodoxy. The response is endless strawmen and bad faith arguments which work well on those who have already made up their minds to begin with, but the campaign continues.