Never trust anyone. Never open up about your feelings. Never give away anything true about yourself. Just be alone.
Never trust anyone. Never open up about your feelings. Never give away anything true about yourself. Just be alone
tha's the plan :p
Pretty good suggestions honestly.
>Trust me, guyz, I totally chose to be alone. I can't think of anything more pathetic than just ending up this way, rite? Hahahahaha.
never trust men no matter how cute or attractive they are. in the end they are all the same. empty, shallow, emotionless drones with no respect or empathy towards others.
Just had my first date yesterday. Already have feelings for her. About anything that could go wrong, did, but she agreed to a second date, probably out of pity. We didn't hug, kiss or touch in any way. We text once or twice a day. Both of us have busy schedules. I have yet to get a text from her first. This is going to be a shitshow with me wanting to kill myself more than I already do, but I can't stop myself. I have no idea what to do for a second date or how to initiate any physical contact at all. Going to go drink until I pass out now
I tried and everyone ended up either wanting to use or hurt me. People can be very nice if they want to use you for something.
Just hug her when you meet and when you say goodbye, if things seem good put your hand on her butt, no squeezing unless ur Chad. If her reaction seems fine then next date you will hopefully have more confidence to initiate more.
this is a lesson i learned when i was about 5 years old when i told my friends about my crush and they teased me for years about it and i think it fucked me up permanently
I had just the opposite experience. Everyone in my life seems to have no end of excuses and second chances for me. I guess that's one of the advantages to not being autistic, people actually want to be around you.
Always project. Always self validate. NEVER let yourself get fat again.
Nah man not touching her ass. A hug when I see her could be nice. How do you hug someone though? I legitimately don't know how. I'm not close to my parents, I have no friends and I've never been in a relationship
>that confusing feel when you starve yourself until you're skinny and you're happy because you're not fat anymore but now you have an eating disorder and can't stop starving yourself
It is pain no matter what you choose user. That is the true black pilll.
If you don't wanna touch her ass just go for the lower back it's just as sweet desu. You can just ask to hold her ass too.
It honestly goes well. Also ask to kiss just with a quick do you wanna kiss?
It's true that some people will try to use you, but that shouldn't stop you from making friends entirely.
I can't believe I'm asking advice from someone suggesting to touch a girls ass on the second date, but fuck it. It's not like I have anyone else. Is it bad to just ask her if I can kiss her?
You faggots complain so much about this but in the end you are the same faggots as the others don't forget that
I think it'd be better to lean in for a kiss slowly so she can say no if she doesn't want to kiss.
Asking for a kiss sounds kinda beta desu.
>Asking for a kiss sounds kinda beta desu.
Thanks for being honest
i needed to hear this.
thank you.
>so she can say no
lmao. i can only imagine the soul shattering pain this will cause. i must be a masochist or something
ok psyop get topped while smoking weed and being on meds for schizo also dilate and seethe tranny original comment you should go back.
Oof thats gonna be a yikes from me sweatie literally who hurt you?
I believe in you user
It's safest this way, but being alone hurts too.
What if I use you but am honest about it and try not to hurt you?
Using me is hurtful by definition. A person made friends with me and pretended to care about me, but actually I was just used as a bargaining chip with my previous "friends" who was abusive and attempted to dox me, so they could get info on a person they actually cared about.
thanks user, why didnt you say this one year ago ehhh
yes, fbi?
youre a faggot i know this because i share the same feelings
>everyone ended up wanting to hurt me
no what it is is that you're sensitive and wont consider the possibility that maybe you need to change.
also with all that anime reactions you have saved you're probably a massive (literally) faggot