Most embarrassing experience in your life?

Most embarrassing experience in your life?

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When I sucked a big black cock in the backseat of my car and came without touching myself, that was kind of embarassing

I remember when I was younger we only had the type of thermometer that works in your ass. Fuck, I hated that thing.

Had to get a testicular ultrasound

Super big semester project that I had to present to the class. Didn't do it at all. Every single stage of the project we had to talk to the class about how it was going. I never said anything coherent and kept changing what it was about. During the presentation I just rambled about drugs and mental illness. I was obviously projecting my own mental health crisis.

That was 9 years ago. I'm much better now. But the memory still hurts.

>in car with parents and sisters
>staring out of the window and not listening
>guy on radio talks about bucket list
>everybody in car laughs and smiles
>"user what would be the first thing on your bucket list"
>randomely say" dying probably" then start laughing
>car gets quiet
>look around
>nobody smiling
>uncomfortably awkward
>explain to them "isn't strange that nobody ever puts that as the first thing on the bucket list" laughing again to ease tension
>sister looks at me in a disgust kind of way
>"you do realize that they mean a birthday bucket list and not a death one right"
>just say "oh"
I got the silent treatment from everyone for the rest of the day.

>be apart of JW cult
>in tuesday meeting
>mother offers a piece of gum
>eventually gum loses its flavor
>spit gum in hand to put in knapkin
>gum gets stuck to my fingers
>sit for the meeting trying to get the gum to stop sticking to fingers
>look up people in the row ahead are looking
>parents are looking also
>father starts laughing
>get up and go to bathroom to wash gum off of hands
>come back and sit quietly
On the way home I got made fun of for the rest of the ride.

I have many more embarrassing memories that I hate to revisit. All of this has made me anxious about going out in public.

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>Be me
>Having sex wit my gf
>Missionary position for recreational purposes
>She grasbs my asschecks
>She gots carried away
>She spread my ass checks
>I feel the breeze going all the way up my throath
>Suddenly go limp
>She ask what happen
>Tell her
>She made fun of me for weeks
>She even grab my ass and made it talk like Ace Ventura
Fuck I miss her so much

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>Fuck I miss her so much
I don't mean to derail the thread but what happened user?

I got mercury poisoned and got a pretty bad depression, she didn't want to deal with my bs and left

>forgot my lines during a middle school play and started crying in front of the boy I liked, was berated by entire crew after the show
>went to sit down in auditorium and a boy I thought was my friend pulled the chair out from under me and I fell, everyone laughed, 5th grade
>wore fishnet armwarmers to school and the entire class gathered around my desk and laughed at me and I kept them on but cried
>one time in science class this filipino guy just started LAYING INTO ME for no reason, just sitting at my desk trying to dissect an owl pellet for an assignment and he was just standing in front of me berating me for like 10 straight minutes. The teacher was a navy reserves guy that hated me because I was an ugly quiet girl and he just watched and said nothing. Like, this kid was FUCKED, "fatass, ugly fat girl, why are you so fat? seriously?? why are you so fat? why don't you just stop eating? what's actually wrong with you? why do you even come to school? hey. HEY! stop looking out the window? what, you lookin at the bus? you know that's not a twinkie, right?" and all the girls and boys in class were laughing at me
>boys taking turns snapping my bra strap in the same class and throwing paper in my hair and the teacher said nothing as well
>when a girl I was best friends with lied to me about having cancer for a year straight and made me her personal lapdog and therapist and when I found out she told the entire school I was a lesbian and I had no friends and everyone mocked me. at my hs graduation ceremony I had no friends and cried so much my eyes were puffy in the photos. during the prep before we walked my cousin was hanging with her and all my old "friends" and they were pointing and laughing at me and doing that finger licking v thing where they mock dykes
I'm now a 25 year old neet with no friends

>be an asian-american manlet

that's it, my very existence is constant humiliation

It doesnt haunt me, but I had to get an enema after being constipated for a week. The nurse that did it was giggling the entire time.

that's fucked, I would've complained. I absolutely hate cunty nurses, why are there so many of them??

You know user, in order to answer that question I would have to dredge up some awful shit from the dark depths of my mind that I keep locked away. The question alone threatens to shatter that lock, and I think if I actively remember that shit again, I will become depressed. That is the level of embarrassing and dark shit I have been through. And you know what? They aren't even entertaining.

When an anger attack caused me to beat up a friend mostly unprovoked. Got therapy afterwards, then got diagnosed with DPDR.

What? That first greentext is more bizarre because of your family's reaction. And what the fuck is a birthday bucket list? It's called a bucket list in reference to kicking the bucket. Your family are fucking autists.

I dunno man but it sucks. Like, i want to think that the time she felt my ass was just part of the procedure but i was too busy being in pain to complain. From both being full of shit and the enema.

What? I can't tell what happened in this story

You should MeToo the bitch

This, lmao. There's no such thing as a "birthday bucket list". It's also incredibly autistic to say "die" in response to that question anyway since dying comes after the bucket list, not during.
You and your family are a bunch of autists and if getting chewing gum stuck to your fingers is seriously that embarrassing to you that you remember it years later, I think you just need to stop overthinking things.

Reminds me of my own family. It was only after I grew up more and started talking to people I realized it's not normal for your family to always be making fun of each other all the time and being so fucking negative. It's just toxic

Your gf pulled apart your buttcheeks so you went limp? What the fuck are you even talking about you absolute retard

She pulled them so apart she also spread my asshole

Came when the nurse pulled my foreskin back as a kid.

Ok? And? Feel like we're missing something here

idk. Ive been pretty isolated to the point where embarrassing moments never happened.

I found out that it was things that you do before your birthday.
I was making an edgy joke on the spot and realized that it was something that I shouldn't have said. I can agree however, we are autists.

You are really that insecure about your asshole? Did you not wash it or something?
Chad move.

I'll say it again- bucket list is about stuff to do before you die. Your response made no sense but neither did your family saying "birthday bucket list". That's not a thing. Also, it's hilarious what some people find edgy. I make racist jokes all day long with my parents and they don't bat an eyelid.

When i was like 16 and i got out of the shower with my towel wrapped around my waist and then i went to the backyard and started dancing and then i looked up and there was an old construction worker pervert looking at me

Had to bang my gf's mom before I could get approval to marry her. They're FOB Indian and weird, she wanted to ensure I could perform, like out of worry I was a fag or something or wouldn't be able to provide grandkids.

>>Having sex wit my gf
reeeeee normalfag!

That's the weirdest shit I've heard in a long time user. I'm not sure I can believe that.

This is not quite as bad but user's weird family reminds me of that water weight test thing

Here are examples

Well I wish it wasn't true, it was the most uncomfortable experience of my entire life, and anytime being around her mom afterward is embarrassing.

Yeah she smelled like pure curry and shit. Had a full bush it was gross i could barely get it up

People (rarely) colloquially referring to any sort of goals as bucket lists doesn't mean that is what a bucket list is

Does your gf/wife know? How does she feel about it

She watched so yeah, we don't bring it up anymore

my friend's mom caught me sniffing her sneakers after she got back from a 5 mile run.